Monday, July 27, 2015

In reality InternacionalEl leading his contestants to the war in Syria – Confidential Colombia (press release)

From famous, with anonymous, on a deserted island in the middle of the field, or on a farm surrounded by every possible luxury. The theme of the realities seemed to have addressed all the possibilities until the Australian program ‘Go Back To Where You Came’ -’Regresa to your place of origen’- has opened a new door to experience the feeling of being in a real shooting Syria.

The controversial television format was born in 2011 in response to public awareness about the arrival of refugees. ‘Go Back To Where You Back’ put in relation to people with different points of view regarding this problem and shows them the hard daily life of the refugees: detention, raids, detention and so that added experience crossfire between jihadists and Kurdish militiamen.

“They were shooting at ISIS trying to take the town. They said they did not know our position, but did not understand the seriousness of the situaciónen which we were, “recalled Nicole Judge participant in an interview picked up by the middle She decided to join the realitydespués have worked voluntarily at a facility Manus Island where he knew first hand the situation of refugees. Since then knew he wanted to denounce the situation, and the program was a great way to do it.

“I did not realize until days later that there are people dying and we were engaged in a war against ISIS, “he said Nicole aware of his dangerous experience just after. While the shooting took place, he claims to have been too afraid: “We had to leave because they were shooting. So we decided, foolishly, that would approach us. ” She also remembered for the average Australian quoted the Kurds warned of gunfire asking them to get down to avoid the bullets. This time, luck was on his side, but according to Judge itself acknowledges, may have died.


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