Saturday, December 31, 2016

Why become the wives of jihadists to Spain? – The Prensa Libre Costa Rica

The Guardia Civil continues with investigations to determine the reasons that led to the return of Asia Ahmed Mohamed, the widow of “Kokito”, a bloodthirsty terrorist Dáesh (Islamic State, for its acronym in Arabic). The woman intended to enter Spain, is now pregnant of another, who also died in Syria.

The arrest was in the border when the woman tried to enter with his son, and another woman identified as Fatima Akil Laghmich, also the widow of another combatant from the Islamic State.

Read: Video: Follow dog to whom he gave food and gets a big surprise

The women were arrested at the border

authorities want to find out the reason for return, and it is difficult to know the true reason of the return and determine if it obeys a flight from the war or if they return to being “used operationally” by the Islamic State.

Asia Ahmed Mohamed, 26, is in advanced state of gestation of her second husband, with whom, apparently, she was forced to marry. Her first husband, Mohamed Hamduch, aka “Kokito”, also known as “the decapitador of Castillejos”, it gained notoriety in the media after appearing in a photograph exhibiting five severed heads of suspected soldiers, syrians and a bloody knife.

he Died in combat at the beginning of November last year, had 28 years and was a father of a baby then of eight months.

Kokito was a sagriento jihadist.

related News



Madrid takes measures to prevent terrorist attacks – THE DEBATE

Madrid, Spain.- The government of Madrid forbade the temporary movement of trucks private of 3.5 tonnes or more by the center of the city for the traditional parade of the three Kings of the next week, in order to avoid possible terrorist attacks using trucks as in Berlin or Nice the past year.

The Spanish capital has not detected any specific threat but that they applied the measure of preventive and experimental, informed a spokesperson of the city Council of Madrid, who asked not to be identified, in accordance with the rules of the institution.

trucks and buses cannot circulate through the center between the 3 and the 5 of January, when thousands of families take to the streets to attend the parades of the three Kings, a tradition of christian root.

this Is the first time that Madrid takes these precautions, the official added, that respond to two separate attacks with trucks that killed 12 people in the German capital in December and 86 in the past year in Nice, when a truck of 20 tons slammed against a crowd that was celebrating the Day of the Bastille.

Spain has maintained one level below the highest alert for safety from the attack to the French village and other similar ones in Tunisia. Also have detained 175 persons who the police accused of terrorism end, among them two alleged jihadists arrested this week in Madrid.

Several Spanish cities have installed barriers and barriers of access to areas of high turnout during the celebrations of the end of the year, which are added to a deployment special police for these dates.

in Addition to the extraordinary measure of security, Madrid ordered on Thursday a ban on the circulation of the vehicles with plate numbers that end in even number, due to the excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air.

With information from The Universal.


Cities are shields to prevent attacks on celebrations of 2017 – Mail South

The major cities reinforce their security measures to avoid terrorist attacks during the celebrations of the New Year and Kings, some of them, such as Madrid (Spain) banned the circulation of trucks with more than 3,500 pounds of capacity.

The so-called “mile of the party” next to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (Germany) was yesterday open for the festivities leading up to the celebration of the New Year, which will take place this evening in this chamber and to the strengthening of the safety device after the attack of the last day 19 in the German capital.

Thick concrete blocks, surveillance cameras and police vehicles were placed at the entrances to the great enclosure, of more than a kilometer long, which is expected to come this night up to half a million people.


The Municipality of Madrid has banned the circulation of trucks of more than 3,500 kilos during the rides prior to the feast of Kings which is celebrated in the 3, 4 and 5 of January, to facilitate the work of the bodies of security after the attacks jihadists in Nice and Berlin.

During these three days, Madrid will celebrate the traditional parades of Kings, processions of several kilometers that concentrate thousands of people and in which multiple floats accompany the three Kings -Melchor, Gaspar and Balthasar – who, according to tradition, bring gifts to children in Spain.


The French Government will mobilize more than 96,000 people between the police, gendarmes and military to ensure the security of celebrations to welcome the new year, said the Interior minister, Bruno Le Roux.

Those forces are going to be focusing on the places “particularly popular,” said Le Roux to the press, during a tour of the center, most touristic of Paris around the Louvre museum.


The Metropolitan Police of London reported that it will strengthen its presence in the british capital during the celebrations of new year’s Eve after the terrorist attacks in Berlin and Nice.

Some 3,000 officers will be on duty this night in the capital, where you will have place a public spectacle of fireworks that usually attract hundreds of thousands of people.


New York will introduce new security measures to protect Times Square during the celebration of the new year’s Eve in response to the recent bombing of Berlin, as announced yesterday by the authorities.

For the first time, will be displayed in the area 65 truckloads of sand and a hundred vehicles to block streets and prevent the possible repetition of what happened in the German capital, where a truck broke into a christmas market and killed 12 people.


Lands plane in Prague by bomb threat – The Daily diario de Juárez

Prague A plane of the line Enter Air, which is its operations in Poland, had to make an emergency landing at Prague airport today after one of the passengers threatened to detonate a bomb, as was announced by the Minister of the Interior in Czechoslovakia, Milan Chovanec.

The official, who was moved to the airport in the capital of the Czech Vaclav Havel, informed there to the journalists that the passenger threatened to activate an explosive device, although he had been arrested by the police.

The air unit –a Boeing 707, which carried out charter flights to Enter Air– had left the airport of las Palmas of Gran Canaria and headed to Warsaw with 160 people on board.

In statements to the press by the minister of the Interior Czech reported that all the passengers of the plane would spend the night in Prague.

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Friday, December 30, 2016

Madrid prohibits trucks in the holidays to prevent attacks – Telam

The Madrid city Council will prohibit the movement of trucks over 3,500 kilos during the festive events vincluados to the Magi of the coming days 3, 4 and 5 of January, to facilitate the work of the bodies of security after the attacks of Nice and Berlin.

According to the agency EFE sources of the city council, this prohibition, agreed upon together with the National Police Spanish, and not due to an increase in the level of security, but to a work of “prevention”.

During these three days, the capital will celebrate the traditional parades of Kings, processions of several kilometers that concentrate thousands of people and in which multiple floats accompany the three Kings -Melchor, Gaspar and Balthasar – who, according to tradition, bring gifts to children.

The agents ask drivers of this type of vehicles that leave the districts that are going to go horseback riding, even though no penalties will be imposed.

in Addition, the Police also placed obstacles such as plant pots, poles, and heavy-duty vehicles in these parades and other christmas events such as the Chimes of the end of the year from the central Door of the Sun, which bring together thousands of people to receive the new year.

But Madrid is not the only city that takes precautions. Some of the european capitals who have been victims of terrorist attacks in the last time will reinforce the security during the celebrations of the end of the year to prevent potential attacks and protect the citizens.

France will mobilize approximately 96.000 effective to ensure safety, especially in missions of prevention, but also surveillance on the roads to avoid infringements in the circulation, said the minister of the Interior, Bruno Le Roux.

According to the first figures filtered out, the safety device of the last night of the year will be composed by 52.600 police officers, over 36,000 police officers and 7,000 military mission Sentinelle, who patrol the streets, sensitive institutions and strategic centres throughout the country.

In both Spain, Madrid banned the circulation of trucks of more than 3,500 kilos during the days 3, 4 and 5 January, the date in which you perform a traditional parade of the three Kings.

Sources of the Madrid city Council reported that the ban, agreed in conjunction with the National Police Spanish, and not due to an increase in the level of security, but to a work of “prevention”.

In Brussels, the stepped-up security at the centre of the city. Rose barriers of concrete and increased the police presence after the attack by islamist last week in Berlin, which killed 12 people.


Madrid prohibiting the entry of trucks to prevent attacks – The miami Herald

The government in Madrid banned the temporary movement of trucks private of 3.5 tonnes or more by the center of the city for the traditional parade of the three Kings of the next week, in order to avoid possible terrorist attacks using trucks as in Berlin or Nice the past year.

The Spanish capital has not detected any specific threat but that they applied the measure of preventive and experimental, informed a spokesperson of the city Council of Madrid, who asked not to be identified, in accordance with the rules of the institution.

trucks and buses cannot circulate through the center between the 3 and the 5 of January, when thousands of families take to the streets to attend the parades of the three Kings, a tradition of christian root.

this Is the first time that Madrid takes these precautions, the official added, that respond to two separate attacks with trucks that killed 12 people in the German capital in December and 86 in the past year in Nice, when a truck of 20 tons slammed against a crowd that was celebrating the Day of the Bastille.

Spain has maintained one level below the highest alert for safety from the attack to the French village and other similar ones in Tunisia. Also have detained 175 persons who the police accused of terrorism end, among them two alleged jihadists arrested this week in Madrid.

Several Spanish cities have installed barriers and barriers of access to areas of high turnout during the celebrations of the end of the year, which are added to a deployment special police for these dates.

in Addition to the extraordinary measure of security, Madrid ordered on Thursday a ban on the circulation of the vehicles with plate numbers that end in even number, due to the excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air.


Spanish justice sent to prison-be jihadists arrested with ammunition varied – W Radio

Madrid, 30 dec (EFE).- The judge of the Audiencia Nacional of spain, Santiago Pedraz, today sent to prison to the two young men arrested this week for his alleged links with jihadist terrorism in possession of ammunition varied, among which was a rifle, the kalashnikov.

The Spanish judge makes this decision after questioning today the two, who are accused of crimes of glorifying terrorism and the deposit of munitions and weapons of war.

the two young people between 18 and 25 years of age of Spanish nationality but is of moroccan origin and a gambian who had been radicalized in Madrid and belonged to a terrorist cell of “second generation”.

the detainees were seized five chargers, and more than thirty types of cartridges of Kalashnikov AK-47, as well as videos of threatening content with that rifle, a machete in the military, and attributes of the terrorist group Islamic State (EI), among them the flag.

The detainees were intended, according to the judge, to acquire on the black market more rifles of this type, short arms, and hand grenades and got to have a meeting with a third party for the purchase of weapons. EFE


Madrid will prohibit the movement of trucks during parades of Christmas –

Photo: EFE

Two of the floats to be true during the parade of the three Kings last year. EFE/File

The document ration, which contains identity data for 15 million people already receiving pensions, will allow to make purchases eletrónicas of food and products of first need in the Local Committees of Supply and Production


Officially close the servers of Devil’s Third – LEVELUP

The day of the final to the servers of Devil’s Third arrived. As previously announced, the servers of the game to Wii U closed today, December 29th, so that will no longer be able to access its multiplayer mode.

If you’re trying to access the online features of Devil’s Third, you will see a message that states that are preparing for maintenance of the servers, so that it is impossible to launch new battles. These events happen 6 months after that the microtransactions of the game disappeared and I received a price cut permanent in Japan.

For the moment, Nintendo and Valhalla Studios have not made any comment on that, so that we do not know exactly why they made this decision. However, it is likely that the poor reception that had the shooter has something to do with it.

What do you think? Do you miss the multiplayer of Devil’s Third? Tell us in the comments.

As you know, Devil’s Third is the result of a complicated process of development. The game designed by Tomonobu Itagaki was scheduled to debut in the last generation of consoles, but it seemed that it would be cancelled after THQ, its original distributor, declared in bankruptcy. However, Nintendo saved the project to launch it on Wii U.

Prior to its release in America, Devil’s Third was surrounded by controversy. The game was not well received by critics for various parts of the world, so that Itagaki decided to send a message to the press. That, plus the long period in which Nintendo of America did not announced anything about Devil’s Third generated rumors that claimed that the game would not make it to our region.

do you Want to know more about Devil’s Third? Click here.

TL;DR: As announced at mid-year, the servers of Devil’s Third closed today, December 29. So, now it is impossible to access the multiplayer online game for Wii U.

Source 1,2


“No” to independence in Catalonia exceeds the “Yes” in polling by a point and a half – The Universal (Venezuela)

Madrid.- supporters of the secession of Catalonia and his detractors are practically on a par, according to a survey published on Thursday by the Centre of Opinion Studies (CEO) of Catalonia, which establishes a difference of a point and a half between both stances in favor of “No”.

46.8% of the respondents claim to be against the Spanish region to become an independent State, compared to 45.3% which is positioned to please. The director, CEO, Jordi Argelaguet, confirmed that it is a “technical draw” because of the margin of error of the survey, 3%, noted DPA.

a month Ago, the figures were 45,1% for “No” and 44,9% for the “Yes”, respectively. This shows that, despite the narrow gap between supporters and detractors, the “No” to the secession of Catalonia recovered. In any case, the results of the survey show the division in the Catalan society on this topic.

The survey of the CEO is known a few days after the “summit-independence”, convened in Barcelona by the head of the Catalan Government, the secessionist Carles Puigdemont, which brought together parties and civil organizations to address the possible holding of a referendum sovereignty in Catalonia in 2017.

The representative Catalan announced the launch of a campaign to gather support inside and outside of Spain from the face of the call of the query, to which is opposed the Executive Spanish, Mariano Rajoy, is contrary to the process of the independence movement.

The survey released Thursday notes, in addition, which is in danger the most independence that is no in the Catalan Parliament, which is allowing it to bring forward resolutions pro-secession.

If there were new elections, the coalition Junts pel Yes (JxSí), which governs currently in the region would be between 59 and 61 seats, compared to the 62 it won in the elections of 2015. According to the poll, the Candidacy d Unitat Popular ​(CUP), the party’s anti-establishment and secessionist that supports Junts pel Yes, it would achieve between six and eight deputies, compared to the 10 you have now.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Increases “no” to independence of the autonomous Spanish community of Catalonia, according to survey – Xinhua

MADRID, 29 dec (Xinhua) — 46.8 percent of the citizens of the autonomous Spanish community of Catalonia (north-east) showed contrary to the independence of the rest of Spain, while 45.3 percent favored it, according to a survey released today by the Centre of Opinion Studies (CEO).

The study of opinion developed by the government of Catalonia reflected that the “No” to the pretence of independence leads to a “Yes” with just 1.5 percent of difference.

The survey of ceos showed, however, that the ruling coalition in Catalonia, brought Together by the Yes (JxSí), would win the local elections if it were held now, although it could lose up to 3 deputies.

According to the poll, if you now conduct elections, the absolute majority independence is threatened to govern, as his partner in anti-establishment, the Candidacy of Popular Unity (CUP), you could lose between 2 and 4 deputies.

The CEO found in their estimate of the vote that JxSí would win the election, although the coalition would still only 62 seats current to a figure of between 59 and 61.

In turn, the CUP would pass of the 10 seats current to between 6 and 8, which could prevent you from counting with the absolute majority of the Parliament of Catalonia composed by 135 seats.

The majority of deputies of the Parliament of Catalonia is in favour of the independence of the rest of Spain is in danger, according to the survey of the CEO.

Both parties (JxSí and CUP), amounting to between 65 and 69 parliamentarians if it were regional elections, when the absolute majority in the Catalan Parliament is located in 68 and currently amount 72.

The coalition formed by the former Convergence and Union (CiU) and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC, Catalan acronym), which form the current JxSí, would drop from 62 between 59 and 61 deputies, according to the study.

The CUP, in turn, supports the Executive self, lower it from the 10 seats it has at present to between 6 and 8 mps.


Dependencies report lists for the three Kings Parade – Periodico Notus (press Release)

Irapuato, Guanajuato

the operational areas of the local Administration are reported ready to participate in the monitoring and support towards the three Kings Parade which this year will return to its traditional route.

From Municipal Police, Traffic and Roads, Civil Protection, Firefighters, Streetlights, and Markets already have the operating ready to provide security to the attendees, in addition to prevent any anomalous situation during the journey of the 3 Magi and their contingents through the streets of the city.

The programmed route will have its output per Carriageway of the Chinacos, until Lázaro Cárdenas, Lázaro Cárdenas at avenida Guerrero, Revolution, Ramón Corona, passing by plaza of the Founders, Álvaro Obregón, mexico – Manuel Bent to the Square of the Commerce, boulevard Díaz Ordaz, until you reach the Plaza Don Bosco.

it Is necessary to remember, that to prevent some people wanting to make business aside places on the public road, Transit and Traffic City will not allow to install chairs and people until after the 1 of the afternoon of January 5, 2017.

there Also will be during the journey of the Magi with some points of emergency, in the event that a citizen requires support of the medical services, but also calls on the population to seek alternative ways to navigate in the city, since the streets mentioned, and its surrounding area will be closed shortly before the start of the traditional Parade of Kings, making mention that it will affect the least possible the fluid vehicle.

With the intention of having an event without problems of any kind, the municipal secretariats that will be deployed to monitor the procession of Kings, you are ready to in each of your competencies to work on to ensure zero incidents during this event which expects more than 500 thousand people.

About the author

Writing – Newspaper Notus. News from the Southwest Region of the State of Guanajuato, National and International.


Madrid lifts restriction on part of the transit by decreasing pollution – Journal Management

prohibition of private vehicles according to their enrollment will be reversed "for the improvement of NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and forecasts" favorable climate, wrote the city hall on his Twitter account.

(AFP).- The Mayor of Madrid announced the lifting on Friday of the restriction of a partial transit of vehicles by the Spanish capital a day after entering into force, to reduce levels of pollution.

The prohibition of private vehicles according to their enrollment will be reversed "for the improvement of NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and forecasts" favorable climate, wrote the city hall on his Twitter account.

Thursday was the first time it was applied in Spain this constraint, used in other major cities in the world, that allows the flow in terms of days and the last digit of the plate of enrollment.

In the Spanish capital, with 3.2 million people and 1.8 million cars, the measurement is automatically applied if the rate of nitrogen dioxide exceeds a certain threshold according to a protocol municipal pollution.

Motorcycles, hybrid vehicles, occupied by three people or those carrying people with reduced mobility were exempt from the restriction, like public transport, taxis, emergency services or waste collection trucks.

The measure implemented by the mayor and directed by the leftist Manuela Carmena was criticised by the opposition right-wing, who called it "ideological"

Juan Ignacio Zoido, the minister of Interior of the government of conservative Spanish, said this Thursday to journalists to not know the parameters used by Madrid, but warned against "improvisations" and "occurrences" in the public management.

Friday will remain in effect banning non-residents from parking in the centre of the town, until the contamination decrease to acceptable levels, officials in madrid.


Poll: growing rejection of independence in Catalonia – Deutsche Welle

The ‘no’ to independence leads to ‘yes’ in almost 1.5 percent of difference, according to today’s (29.12.2016) a survey of the Centre of Opinion Studies (CEO), which reflects the fact that, while those in favor of independence are 45.3 percent, the contrary represent an 46,8 percent. The director of the Center for Opinion Studies, Jordi Argeleguet, has explained that the survey, conducted from 1.047 telephone surveys carried out between days 12 and 17 of December, with a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus/minus 3,04 percent, indicates that there is a “technical tie” between supporters and detractors of the independence, taking into account the margin of error. Argeleguet has w arned, moreover, that the question of whether “do you want Catalonia to be an independent State?” can not be extrapolated to the result that might occur on an eventual referendum on self-determination, both by the factor of participation, as well as by other variables.(efe).


President of Catalonia promotes a referendum to declare independence – Radio Havana Cuba

President of Catalonia promotes a referendum to declare independence

Barcelona, 28 dec, (RHC) the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, ensures that the referendum planned for 2017, just the 50 % plus one of votes 'yes' to declare independence.

In recent statements, the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, said that in the referendum next year will not be essential to the participation rate, because of winning the 'yes' will be declared independence unilaterally, in spite of the accusations that the opposition throws of preparing a blow to democracy.

According to Puigdemont, the referendum of 2017 will take place with or without the agreement with the Executive of Spain, though it has assured its willingness to maintain dialogue with the central Government to hold a consultation as agreed, and has asked the international officers support this conclusion.

The Centre of Opinion Studies (CEO) of the government showed, in November last, that in the event that a referendum should be held sovereignty, 44.9 % of catalans would vote 'yes' to independence.

(With information of Hispantv)

Edited by Maria Candela


The Union Extremadura celebrated that “will turn the democracy into the field” with the elections – EntornoInteligente

Expansion / The organization has been shown to favor that end “15 years” of “democratic gap” with the calling of new elections to the field.

The organization of the agrarian Union Extremadura has held this Wednesday that “after 15 years, will return democracy to the field extremeño” with the announcement of the elections to the field for the next 12 of march of 2017.

“finally, after many efforts on the part of counted Paho, the Council of the regional Government of Extremadura has announced the expected elections to the countryside in Extremadura”, was welcomed by the organization in the press release.

Since the last elections, held in 2002, Union Extremadura has reported that “some leaders have attributed the representation of the farmers and ranchers in extremadura without giving account of their deeds” , a situation that is secure have been reported, claiming “solo,” the calling of elections.

The organization considers the call for a vote as “a success”, regardless of the result, and warn the Administration that they will not allow “again to produce a democratic gap”.

despite its conformity with the decision of the governing Council, the organization recognizes that it will have to “improve in the future, some issues such as the census, polling stations, the duties of the Opas elected”.

These issues have been the main reason that other organizations, such as Asaja Extremadura have requested the cessation of these elections. The association land has ensured that these elections are “rigged in advance”, because the census is “biased and partisan”. Therefore, request the high Court of Justice of Extremadura a temporary suspension of the electoral process.

Union Extremadura expected that the passage through the ballot box suppose “a fresh air intake to a few leaders that are anquilosan in their charges.”

In its press release have been exploited to congratulate the political parties “of this legislature as the previous one”, he considers to be the main authors of the appointment of the next month of march.

The Union Extremadura celebrated that “will turn the democracy into the field” with the elections

With Information Expansión

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Spanish police arrests two suspected terrorists in Madrid – Prensa Latina

December 28, 2016, 10:51 amMadrid, 28 oct (PL) The Spanish police arrested today two individuals for inciting terrorist actions, and possess equipment of weapons of war, reported the ministry of the Interior.

The security forces carried out several records in the district of Moratalaz and found four chargers of assault rifle Kalashnikov AK-47, more than 30 rounds of ammunition 7.62 and plenty of computer equipment. According to police sources, came forward to discuss the ammunition to verify its relationship with any crime.

The agents are investigating whether the detainees, of moroccan origin and a gambian, were planning some attack, according to the newspaper The Country.

From 2015, when Spain rose to four, on a scale of five, the level of alert against terrorism, the authorities arrested 175 extremists, according to data of the portfolio of the Interior.



Come to Spain almost 200 refugees from Greece – Sputnik World

“The group is comprised of 65 men, 49 women and 84 minors, who are accommodated in fifteen Spanish provinces”, explained the Spanish Government.

© REUTERS/ Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Of the total of 198 refugees, who come to Spain in fulfillment of the program of the European Union relocation, 144 are of syrian nationality, 52 iraqis, 1 eritrean and 1 iranian.

As explained by the Government, with these new arrivals, Spain has welcomed in fulfillment of this program, a total of 898 applicants for international protection, of which 609 have been via relocation and 289 track resettlement.

The nearly 900 refugees hosted by Spain is located quite far from the commitment acquired with the European Union to receive 17.387 asylum seekers before September 2017.

humanitarian Organizations such as Oxfam Intermón has been criticized on several occasions the Spanish Government’s “clear lack of political will” to host refugees.

The minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Alfonso Dastis, acknowledged a week ago that Spain is making progress quite slow towards the achievement of these goals, although he was convinced that finally it will reach the quota agreed upon.


Practical joke of the transfer of Atletico Madrid at the Bernabeu – Televisa News

MADRID, Spain, dec. 28, 2016.- The regional government of Madrid has proposed to the white team to share their football stadium, the Santiago Bernabeu, with their rivals of the capital city, Atletico Madrid.

The reason is a error in the documents submitted for carrying out the authorization of the works of the transfer (as was expected) from the field of Atletico ‘ from the Vicente Calderón, to their new premises known as The Comb, which causes them to be left without sports facilities where they play their League matches.

will Be more details on Friday, but with a negative of the team merengue, the President of the Community of Madrid, is already in consultation with other teams of the region like Getafe, Rayo Vallecano or Leganés.

Well at least what they say in a press release, Government sources in madrid, who will negotiate with the direction madrid your sporting calendar.

A press release that without having anything special, careened, between the hundreds of mail that I receive daily and that Czech’s nothing more to get out of bed while degusto a good cup of coffee to go waking up and savoring between sips, the events that will bring the day.

Agape, frotándome the eyes for if you had not read well, and returning to verify the origin of the message, and when I was ready to do jump all alarms, starting with waking up (for the time zone difference) to all managers in Mexico, as the theme dictated, I stopped for a few moments.

Seeing the news was of such a scale and of such unbelief also, why not say it, well-deserved re-review it and to check it carefully, before making a few phone calls.

After a few moments to recollect and put it in background, I realized.

It’s 28 of December, Day of the Holy Innocents and this is one of the traditional inocentadas that is often spend in the press.

In fact, one of my hobbies during this day is to read and reread the newspapers in addition to view and listen to different news programs to find the joke that you spend all media.

Even I had imagined to write this note with a joke of their own. I already had to holder: “The Executive of Mariano Rajoy anticipated that there will be general elections for next April due to the lack of consensus to govern the country”.

After I repented, you are not going to be a guess (because it is not so disposable that to happen), and someone occurred to him to hire me to be part of a writing team that predicts the events.


And this year seems like it has been full of Inocentadas in the press, and of incredible events: as the unexpected outcome in the referendum, british about Brexit and the consequent exit of the Uk from the European Union.

we Also back the surprise in the american elections with the arrival to the White House to Donald Trump.

not forgetting the governability of Spain after nearly a year with an executive role-and to point held a third call election, that did not occur finally, but instead he has left a crisis of power in the Socialist Party and also in May.

Owners who have jumped today to the press, more than one would have taken it as a practical joke.

Contrasted, however, with other very real, that have occurred in Spain during this 2016.

Serve as an example only some for them to judge: “a gang steals 10 thousand kilos of lemons and used to this rental car” (Posted June 9 in the Journal The Truth)

“Stolen 7 legs of iberico ham on a bar and drag it to your home. The police manages to arrest them after follow the trail” (Published the 24 of February in The Ideal)

And another more so that they left a sour taste: “Sentenced an official of the City of Cadiz who was not working for 6 years” (Jumped to the media, February 9).

it is Not by make me right, but maybe it can serve as the argument for that, at least for a few moments, came to consider as certain that in 2017 we could see Atletico Madrid getting their opponents at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, the sanctuary of the white team.



Young LGBTI graduated with high heels and dress of women in institute of the brazilian Armed Forces – Confidential, Colombia (press Release)

Talles De Oliveira Faria, is the name of a young brazilian, 24 years graduated last December 17 at the Institute of Aeronautical Technology in the brazilian Armed Forces. While it is one of the many people who were certified, the dispute came to light when at the time you receive your diploma, it came with high heels, makeup and a purple dress.

of course, the controversy did not wait as it is a military institute, and in different ways the academy had been unkind to him throughout his time as a student.

At the time when people asked him about the fact, he said that it was in protest to all the harassment and insults they had to suffer during his career in the institution, also openly expressed that it had not been served refuse and cease to be of him by the pressure of others.

"From the 12 years I’ve been hearing wonderful things about the Institute. That is one of the best universities in the country, which opens a number of opportunities. The institute was my dream. the didn’t know that was going to be the biggest disappointment of my life", wrote Sizes later on Facebook.

The publication became viral and came to be viewed by the managers of the institution, who refused to discriminate against LGBTI people, causing this a lot more outrage in Sizes.

The response of the new engineer did not wait, "I did Not get accepted. They were violent with me, laughed at me, tried that I would become invisible."

In the most recent interview he had with a local environment commented that in its third year, the Workshop began to plan a revenge. the "There already knew that, when I graduated, I would go with the dress", she explains to the magazine Ego.

The public opinion of Brazil is divided in social networks with this topic because those who are in favour of the LGBTI community and they are not, have been made by the networks, a discussion that does not occur in the streets of the country, or in the courts against the allegations.



CCOO denounces “upgrades for life” without procedures guarantees in Sodercan – The Farad

The trade union Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) has reported that the public company SODERCAN has submitted an offer of two promotion positions, with a lifetime one, and the highest category, -area coordinator-, without proceedings guarantees, such as the evaluation of merits or the skills required.

The public company SODERCAN has amounted to two people with a lifetime one, and without respect for the guarantees of workers.

The public company SODERCAN has amounted to two people with a lifetime one, and without respect for the guarantees of the workers.

For this reason, the union demands that the company publishes to vacate "immediately" this offer, which "ignores" the covenant which was reached after the Justice gave reason to CCOO when he said that the first collective agreement of SODERCAN.

In fact, CCOO have not signed this convention by not involving in the matter of promotion, as it allowed for positions and categories of higher qualification and responsibility of those who at that time had "trading power or just influence", with the "aggravating" that the nature of that occupation is defined expressly as "irreversible".

The ruling overturned the composition of the commissions, since it excluded the representatives of the workers are not signatories of the convention (CCOO).

despite this, CCOO has complained that the address, headed by the chief executive officer Salvador White, has refused to negotiate and has decided to act "unilaterally, without the participation, control or even supervision or observation" on the part of the representatives of the workers to assign the category and square "for always".

CCOO has explained that the last time the address called promotion, February 12, 2014, the committee of the company required to be quashed, although at that time, the company and the workers reached an agreement that, while revising the promotion procedures, the direction would have the authority to assign the categories "temporarily".

When the current director of Sodercan, Salvador White, came for the second time to lead the institution revoked the promotion to two workers.

however, the union regrets that he has now started a new process "ordinary" to ascend of category and place in the property "without regard to what was agreed previously. These promotions are definitive and CCOO emphasizes the "lack of guarantees" which are to be carried out.

CCOO stresses that it is now negotiating a second contract, you should review these procedures, and is a comparative injury to workers that amounted to "round trip".

Since we Can Cantabria, concerns have been raised by the public denunciation of the vehicle.OO. In your opinion, Savior White had hardly taken twenty-four hours in "breathe a sigh of relief after finding the support of the crutch of Citizens in the budget", and has wanted to celebrate reaching two charges with "life" to the maximum professional category within the public company Sodercan.

In this way, the formation abode has linked both of these events, linking them with the change of partner of the Government, in the budgets of 2016 favored to we Can and now it has done so with Citizens.

that is why he has highlighted that this is the first measurement of what is now called the "tripartite Government", and that is "screw armchairs in the public companies before the winds of change that they warn that are going to end up the bargain", by transforming the positions of trust in lifelong positions with "salary high" and that "you will have to pay all the people in cantabria until his retirement," said Daniel Ahumada, responsible for the area of anti-corruption of the party.

The party has already advance that they will ask all the information relating to the procedure in the Parliament. In his opinion, these priorities of the Government of Cantabria do understand "why they had decided to negotiate budgets with Citizens and not with we Can", since in his view "it hurts less to consolidate social cuts and inequality, which was introduced by the PP to give up the relationships and networks to clients in the public companies, he weighs more the pocket than the bank of the cantabri and the cantabrian"
