Died in Xunqueira of Ambia (Ourense), 12, 2, 1990. It was called Antonio Mª Silva Castro, and he was a cousin of the flesh of Fidel Castro. He was born in Láncara, Sarria (Lugo), as his cousin, and was the son of a sister of the father of Fidel.
The history is known. The father of Fidel went to the Cuban war as a soldier of Spain , and after being repatriated, after the defeat (1898), he returned to Cuba, because he loved his people and his land (like many other galicians), married and had some children, among them Fidel and Raul.
his sister was in Láncara, and also had a few children, among them Emilio and Antonio, who were mercenaries, intellectual, politically right-wing, but very different, one academic in Brazil (Emilio), the other mystical people (Antonio).Father Antonio spoke to me a lot of Fidel.
The testimony of a cousin mystic
I Met especially the father Antonio, he exercised his ministry for many years in Xunqueira. He was a man of faith and charity, the mystic visions, which spoke almost every day with the Virgin, who sent messages to politicians and people of influence, to “convert them” to the truth and justice… and that he exerted on the people and in their environment, carrying out a great work of charity, of hospitality, spiritual direction and social service.
I would like to recall two anecdotes of his, and after what I said of Fidel, his cousin. The first relates to my life, the second to his.
- The year 84-85, I spent several months in Verín, a stone’s throw from Xunqueira, preparing my “defense” for in nihil obstat from Rome. We used to meet up frequently for retreats and retreats and I always wondered How’s it going? I sought to clarify the issue and he responded:
don’t worry, filinho, be faithful to your conscience, that those things of dogma and theology is not understood by anyone, neither you nor those of Rome. Be faithful to your conscience, pray and do well, that is what it is… and if you left class again say always what you think with charity, that is what is best for the Church.
- The second anecdote relates to your life. I had Never gone to the doctor. He believed that life is a gift from God, that we are in his hands… and that a medicine is “aggressive” it goes against nature and God himself…And so he would not cataract surgery, because it was already an old man, and because I could continue to read, although with difficulty: it is what God wants, I have to get used to another light…!
well, shortly before his death, came the doctor and he said that he had to enter the hospital of Ourense. He nodded, but, after a while, he called to the cell of the higher (A. Leal) and
said to him: ‘we can Not go tomorrow to the hospital!
I’ve talked with the Lady and has told to me, with all clarity, trust in God, that I am in your hands.
But the P. Leal, who was another galician fine, replied: it seems to Me very well, but tell the Lady that I say to myself, this very night, and well of course, otherwise we are going tomorrow to the Hospital. And, of course, went to the hospital, and he so happy, because to obey the superior, with the peace of the community, it was before that all the visions (in spite of all it did not help the hospital, he died very soon, with great faith in life and in men, after hundreds of visions that walk, written in some papers.
And now comes what of his cousin Fidel
Many times we talked about him… and, although the P. Antonio S. Castro was, in principle, very right-wing, as I said, we defendia because, in his judgment, before which all policy direction (and even that all religion) was the right and the bread of the poor.
I dared to take the hair: But Fidel is a communist and doesn’t believe in God…! It may not be good. In addition to say that has taken away land to the rich… and that leaves no freedom…And he would always say (a bit like cousin, a little as galician… and a lot of as a man of justice….): Has removed land from the rich to give to the poor, as is justice… and leaves no freedom to the capitalists that they want to become owners of all, that is, to the americans.
I kept insisting: it Pro does not believe in God! And he answered… (with his humor and mystical and crafty):
I See that you don’t ride well in that of theology, for something you will be judging in Rome, Why believe in God? And also do you as you know that Fidel does not believe? And in addition what matters is not that Fidel created, but God believes in him, and in all of us. And that we do good. And Fidel, despite of all the problems of the policy, it is doing good to many poor people of Cuba. At that site, in Cuba, with the americans sending in all, there was a lot of injustice, and Fidel has always sought justice, loved to do good to the poor, is a man of God
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