Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Spanish city of Palma leaves “Mallorca”… again – Terra Colombia

The mediterranean city of Palma de Mallorca, situated in the tourist island of Mallorca, it will be called only Palm… again.

The regional parliament of the balearic islands approved the name change on Tuesday, indicating that it complies with the history of the regional capital, and that the added “Mallorca” is reminiscent of a past centralist in Spain.

most of The neighbors call the city of Palma and this is how the name appears in the driving directions. But the formula full Palma de Mallorca is that they see tourists arriving at the airport and which use the administrations official Spanish and many maps.

this Is the third name change in recent years, and might not be the last.

The socialist party left the name in Palma in 2008,

but the conservative Popular Party recovered the “de Mallorca” in 2012 and promised to do it again if he regains the regional power.


Posted by error data on investigations, anti-terrorism Europol – W Radio

The Hague, 30 Nov (EFE).- At least 700 pages on multiple investigations counter-terrorism of the European Police Office (Europol) were accessible to the public by mistake, as revealed today, the Dutch television “Zembla”, which is in the possession of those documents.

The data, mostly from the period between 2006 and 2008, containing information on 54 european research, including that relating to the attacks on trains in Madrid in 2004.

The European Police Office acknowledged the incident and accused a Dutch police, former officer of Europol, to step accidentally on the internet this information.

The former employee, now national police of the netherlands, violated the confidentiality clause and saved the files on a disk private to take them home.

it Is unknown the reasons that led to that agent to keep these documents.

“It’s a very, very serious incident,” said the deputy director of this agency, Wil van Gemert, who reported that there is already an official investigation in progress.

it Is more than 700 pages of files to police confidential information about terrorism, affecting at least eight european countries, according to the middle Dutch.

The documents contain multiple analyses of terrorist groups and hundreds of names and phone numbers of people linked to terrorism, and also have information about several attacks thwarted by planes with liquid


“Zembla” explained that he found the documents on a backup disk that had been connected to an insecure network, known as iOmega.

Europol, based in The Hague, said he is conducting the research necessary both to clarify what happened as to measure the consequences of this leakage of information.

The European Police assured that this incident will not affect the investigations that are currently underway, but do not rule out that, in addition to “Zembla”, there is someone more in possession of the files.

in order To not endanger the investigations of terrorism today, the tv channel has pledged to reveal only part of the content of the documents, and will not mention the names of the suspects. EFE


(More information on the European Union in


Minimum, the percentage of people with disabilities working in companies – Sexenio, Extraordinary Life

Would be necessary to make mandatory the rule that each company has at least 2 percent of people with disabilities.

November 30, 2016 by Fabiola Reynoso

the Minimum, the percentage of people with disabilities working in companies
Photo by: Esimagen

In Puebla, it is minimum the number of people with disability working on a company, in a formal way, so he informed Mary Andrea Escobar, a member of the network “Puebla for all”.

For this reason, in coordination with the Coparmex, llevarána out the first Day Inclusive for people with disabled, where there will be workshops, lectures, and various activities such as dances in wheelchairs, with the aim of bringing them closer with companies.

The day will take place next 3rd of December, in the Theatre of the City, just when we are celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disability.

in Addition, it revealed that those who work in the formality they do so as employees or

workers, where there are very few managerial positions or senior officers.

In both, the president of the Coparmex, José Antonio Quintana Gómez, said that the inclusion of people with disability in the workplace should be voluntary, not mandatory, but getting no results, it would be necessary to make mandatory the rule that every company have at least 2 per cent of people with disability in your return of workers.

remember that according to statistics, in Puebla, there are around 246 thousand people have one or more disability, 30 thousand of them are visually impaired.

finally, it was reported that for every 100 people with some disability, 4 of them acquire it by disease, 33 due to old age, and 11 percent for birth.


Puigdemont required to Rajoy dialogue ‘without conditions’ on Catalonia – Hispan TV (press Release)

Carles Puigdemont requires the president of the Spanish Government to stop its 'propaganda' and establish a dialogue 'without conditions' with Catalonia.

“We would very much like to establish a dialogue with the State with only one condition: no” conditions, has affirmed this Wednesday the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia in the Catalan Parliament.

In this sense, has criticized the Government of Mariano Rajoy by carrying out a “propaganda” in announcing that it wants to establish channels of communication on a bilateral basis with Catalonia, in the northeast of the country, to address the territorial conflict, but at no time has been put into practice.

We would very much like to establish a dialogue with the State with only one condition: that no conditions”, said the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont.

“The dialogue has been proclaimed but has not been produced, beyond the announcement, there has not been anything more, an announcement of a dialogue is not dialogue,” he complained Puigdemont.

The regional president has asked the central Government to dialogue with the Executive Catalan on a bilateral basis and without vetoing the referendum, since Catalonia has earned the right to be “treated bilaterally” by the State.

“We have won with justice, of the right to be recognized in a different way. If this is not part of here, there is no desire for dialogue, there is a willingness to dilute,” he said, then remember that the Catalan Parliament approved in October a resolution that urges him to negotiate a referendum agreed with the Executive.

the leader of The Popular Party (PP) in the Parliament, Xavier García Albiol, has

said for his part that the central Government wants to dialogue with Puigdemont, but has warned that “while the governing PP in Spain is not going to hold a referendum of independence as proposed by the Government.

Catalonia continues its path towards a hypothetical independence of the Spanish State, a road that the leaders catalans intended to carry on with all the judicial guarantees which are possible.

The project pro-independence Catalan gained momentum with a massive demonstration in Barcelona in September 2012 and reached its climax on the 9th of November of 2014, when Catalonia was a query not binding on the status of Catalonia with respect to Spain. About 80 percent of the participants voted in favor of independence, a result that outraged the Spanish authorities.

The Parliament of Catalonia challenged in July, the notices of the Constitutional Court (TC) and approved to adopt a unilateral mechanism to realize the "disconnect" of Spain, confirming thus their willingness to open a constituent process is not subordinate to the rest of the State.



Spanish authorities stopped two men for spreading propaganda jihadist – Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – authorities Spanish said Wednesday that they arrested two people for spreading propaganda, jihadist, and for its link with the Islamic State.

In a statement, the Interior Ministry said that the Guardia Civil arrested a moroccan national in Irun, in the north of the country, glorification of jihadism and jihadist group Islamic State, also known as DAESH.

“The detained (…) had led to an intense activity of glorification of the activities of the DAESH via the internet and would have even led recently to try to join that terrorist group,” said Inside.

The arrest is part of an investigation initiated in 2013 which led to two arrests in December of 2015 and in October of this year.

In a separate operation, the National Police arrested on Wednesday another man of moroccan nationality in the locality of madrid of Aranjuez by the propaganda of jihadist on the Internet.

“The detained (…) had been radicalized in the last few months showing an intense fanaticism and a constant consumption of visual content, by which autoadoctrinaba for the practice of actions of individual terrorists against the civilian population”, said the Ministry of the Interior in another press release.

The ministry reformulated the second detainee as a “lone actor” who posed a real threat and was very active within the structure of propaganda and indoctrination of the Islamic State, spreading messages with references to Osama Bin Laden or to the four islamists who sacrificed themselves in a flat near Madrid after the attacks of 2004 in the Spanish capital.

This second operation, which remains open, is coordinated by the office of the Prosecutor and the National Audience.

home affairs said that from 2015, when it raised the security alert after the attacks in Paris, security forces spain have arrested 170 people in connection with jihadism.

“They achieve these results because the Alert level to 4, which is the State, allows a leakage ongoing of detainees from

one or other nationality, with the common denominator of joining the terrorist organization DAESH,” said the minister of the Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido, in the halls of Congress.

“We are proceeding to the records appropriate in the presence of detainees,” added the minister. “They were preparing to join the ranks of the DAESH”.

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Arrest in Spain of a “lone wolf” linked to ISIS – CNNEspañ

(CNN Spanish) - The National Police in spain arrested this Wednesday in a locality of madrid to a man linked with ISIS calling it “dangerous lone actor”.

The detainee lived in Aranjuez and has the moroccan nationality. According to a press release of the Ministry of the Interior, “had been radicalized in the last few months showing an intense fanaticism and a constant consumption of visual content, by which autoadoctrinaba for the practice of actions of individual terrorists against the civilian population”.

The Spanish authorities have highlighted that the detainee fits into the parameters that define an actor or lone wolf for “his little social circle and the reception of videos and publications, with references to suicidal actions of young people muyaidines, or his acceptance of the call of DAESH (another acronym for ISIS) to perform the ‘jihad of individual’ where they are encouraged to ‘move the war to the heart

of the homes of the west’”.

“As a key element and integrated into the apparatus of propaganda and the collection of DAESH maintained a daily action of reception and dissemination of content becoming more violent,” reads the press release.

From 2015, the year in which Spain rose to 4 the Level of Alert against Terrorism, the security forces arrested a total of 169 suspected terrorists jihadists.


The Spanish left asked to bring CETA to the Constitutional Court – Sputnik World


shortened URL

The text that will be discussed in the Congress called to “immediately seek the prior control of constitutionality of international treaties provided for in article 95 of the Spanish Constitution before the Constitutional Court to ensure that there is no contrast between the text of the CETA and the Spanish Constitution”.

The proposition of the parliamentary group of United we Can, which includes to We and the United Left, also requested “the opinion of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the compatibility of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with the European Treaties”.

last Wednesday, January 23, the European Parliament prevented, with the votes of conservatives and social democrats, that the agreement with Canada was brought to the Court of Justice of the European Union to review possible

compatibility problems.

The text recorded by the left-wing coalition also reminded the Government that until such time as three autonomous parliaments (Valencian Community, Catalonia and Extremadura) have asked the Executive to refrain from authorizing the signing of the agreement.

therefore, United we Can propose that the Government of Mariano Rajoy to reject the application of the agreement until you have consulted with the autonomous communities.

in Addition, the coalition requests that, if finally comes into force of the agreement, all decisions in the framework of mechanisms of cooperation regulatory are subject to the control of Parliament.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Temaikén will be a day inclusive for people with disabilities – Telam

The bioparque Temaikén be held on Saturday, December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with a special day where we will promote inclusion through special activities next to their animals.

Laura López Ojeda, of the Educational Department of the institution, said in dialogue with Telam Radio that the proposals and educational visits organised seeking to "generate a link between nature and people with a disability."

Interview with Laura López Ojeda

"Temaikén is an open space. The colors of the flowers, sounds of birds, smells of the plants, are thousands of sensory resources to help the stimulation of persons with disabilities", added the specialist in Occupational Therapy and psycho-educational Work.

Lopez Ojeda, highlighted the function of animals to increase the curiosity of people: "animals are one of our main resources. What better than being able to see them in front of one, feel, smell, listen to the sound as they communicate, or be able to approach and touch them, it is the best encouragement we can give," he explained.

For his part, Eric Sambón, Co-coordinator of proposals inclusive of Fundación Temaikén, said that during the day of Saturday activities will be undertaken to "invite to think about the issue of the inclusion and valuing diversity”.

Interview with Eric Sambón

activities will

include adapted sports, such as basketball in a wheelchair, workshops ecoladrillos, carpentry, sustainable and artistic activities related to environmental issues. "They are different proposals, which in many cases will be facilitated by people with disabilities, or by organizations working policies of inclusion," he said Sambón.

The people with blindness will be able to make visits "behind the scenes" along with carers, to be able to be in direct contact with the animals. "Through all these proposals that we have been generating for all these years, we have been able to see many benefits and actions that favour inclusion," noted López Ojeda.

The day starts at 10 am with the opening of the biopark, and to the 11 already there will be activities, until the 17 hs. Persons with disabilities may register prior, to be able to enter free of charge with two guests.


Prohibits the Netherlands the wearing of the islamic veil in some public places – The Voice (press Release) (Registration) (blog)

The lower chamber of the european country approved this Tuesday the controversial law.

Mexico.- The House of representatives of the Netherlands approved on Tuesday a controversial draft law that prohibits wearing the islamic veil in some places, such as schools, hospitals and public transport.

The president of the lower house of moroccan origin, Khadija Arib, announced that "the law has been voted" by 132 of the 150 members.

Presented last may by the Executive, the law provides for a fine of up to 405 euros who wear clothing that conceals the face in "educational facilities, healthcare and government, and in public transportation"; however, the measure will not apply in the street.

The idea behind the reform is to protect the population in "specific situations where it is essential that people can be" and, in accordance with the prime minister Mark Rutte does not have any "religious root".

In the past, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) gave its nod to this kind of law, to consider are not fought with religious freedom. Other countries such as Belgium, Bulgaria and France, have also adopted similar laws.




The two Spains in the municipality of madrid – Infovaticana

The iniquity of the law of historical memory has no end. Yes, it continues to feed the andorga of the members of the committee formed in the city of Madrid gets 500 euros per wing, passing of the three hundred and above.

Have turned to cross to the patriarch of the Indies, don Leopoldo Eijo and Garay, bishop of madrid as a type of the franco regime, when he received the medal of the city in the

year 1948, after having worked with the republican authorities, who recognized his academic achievements and pastoral, and managed to save tens of thousands of citizens passing by the trail rides of the vile murders that gripped the capital of Spain in the hands of the slaughterers that we all know until he came to the mayor’s office known as the "angel red," which cut off the view of genocide from the root.

When, in addition, the reception of the medal of Madrid, became extinct with the death of the recipient, the bishop Eijo and Garay, in the year 1963.

But the case is moved back to the sewers of the two Spains, which has been translated in the time of voting the left block and the right as a whole.


Days for the inclusion of persons with disabilities – Without Clamp

The Ministry of Health of Santa Fe, through the secretariat for Inclusion of People with Disabilities, invites you to participate in the Provincial Day of Meeting and Exchange of experiences, which will be held this Wednesday simultaneously in the five regions santafesinas: Reconquista, Rafaela, Santa Fe, Rosario and Venado Tuerto.

The activity, in addition to becoming in a space of coexistence of people with and without disabilities, will serve as an act of commemoration of the first 10 years of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the Organization of the United Nations (UN).

This fact determined the international legal framework on the aspects that guarantee the right to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the areas of educational, occupational, labor, artistic expression, or entertainment.

Take part of the event, people with a disability who proposed the story of their own experiences, taking as axes, many of the articles stated in the convention with the aim of promoting the treatment integral to achieving a society more inclusive and accessible.


<< Region 1 Node Reconquista: lounge Neighborhood of Barrio Parque Industrial Missions (1126) 9 to 12 hours. Query:

<< Region 2 Node Rafaela: the head of the Node (Santa Fe 2771) 8:30 to 13 hours. Inquiries: (0342) 155353290 and

<< Region 3 Node Santa Fe: Festram (avenida Freyre 1635) from 8:30 to 16 hours. Query:

<< Region 4 Node Rosary: Centro Cultural Fontanarrosa (San Martín 1080 3rd floor) from 9 to 17 hours. Query: and

<< Region 5 Node Venado Tuerto: Civic Center Regional Venado Tuerto (July 9, 1765, at the corner of Route 8) from 9 to 15 hours. Query:


Ukraine inaugurates dome of security over nuclear power plant of Chernobyl – Terra Argentina

Ukraine inaugurated on Tuesday a metal dome built above the reactor accident victim of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to ensure the safety of the facilities during the next 100 years.

The metal frame, arc-shaped, weighs 25,000 tons (over 36,000 when it is equipped) and measures 108 meters tall and 162 feet long.

“This is equivalent to cover the Stadium of France or the Statue of Liberty”, explains in a statement Novarka, a company formed by the French groups Bouygues and Vinci, who conceived and built the dome.

With a life expectancy of at least 100 years, the structure will confine radioactive matter, protect workers on the site and isolate the sarcophagus already existing against the inclemency of the weather.

in Addition, you have equipment for future operations of dismantling of the reactor Nº4.

on April 26, 1986, to the 01H23, this reactor exploded during a safety test. During 10 days, the nuclear fuel burned, firing into the atmosphere radioactive elements that end up polluting, according to some estimates, up to three quarters of Europe, especially Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, at that time, soviet republics.

About 90,000 people worked during 206 days in the construction of a “sarcophagus”, a metal structure is 7,300 tons and consists of 400,000 cubic metres of concrete, under very difficult conditions, to isolate the reactor in the accident, explained to the AFP by Anna Korolevska, deputy director of the museum of Chernobyl in Kiev.

“This was done thanks to the superhuman efforts of thousands of ordinary people”, he explained.

“What were their means of protection? I worked with uniform ordinary construction workers!”, recalled Korolevska.

During the four years, about 600,000 soviet, known since then under the name of “liquidators”, were deployed in the place of the accident to extinguish the fire, building the concrete layer to isolate the reactor, rugged and clean up the territories of the surrounding area.

The human balance of the disaster remains a source of debate. The scientific committee of the UN (UNSCEAR) only recognizes officially thirty dead among the operators and firefighters who were exposed to radiation immediately to the explosion, but according to some estimates, the balance could be thousands of deaths. .

– The sarcophagus could sink –

although at

first it was thought that the sarcophagus would last between 20 and 30 years old, his life ended up being shorter. In 1999 were the first works to strengthen it, and these were repeated in 2001, 2005 and 2006.

“Is a construction that is potentially dangerous, that poses a threat eventually to the environment and to the population”, she stated to the AFP Sergui Paskevitch, Institute of Problems of Safety of Nuclear power Plants of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Paskevitch said, for example, that environmental factors such as an earthquake could accelerate the collapse of the structure.

In contrast, the new dome should resist earthquakes with a maximum intensity of level 6 according to the scale of Mercalli (of 12 levels).

Against the risk of collapse of the old sarcophagus, which could lead to the escape of tons of magma highly radioactive, the international community committed itself to finance the construction of the new layer.

a fund Was established, managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the works began in 2012. According to the EBRD, the construction of the dome, amounted to 1,500 million euros, although the amount of the entire enclosure of confinement amounted to 2,100 million euros.

After installation, the dome will not be operational until the end of 2017, when you have installed all the necessary equipment.

“then work will begin to dismantle the shaky old building,” said Sergui Bojko, the head of the State inspection for nuclear regulation (the agency in charge of nuclear safety in Ukraine). Even so, the responsible qualified that still has not set any timetable to respect.


The house of the father of Castro, in Spain, a possible museum – LA NACION (Argentina)

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Fidel does a man of God? – MDZ Online

Died in Xunqueira of Ambia (Ourense), 12, 2, 1990. It was called Antonio Mª Silva Castro, and he was a cousin of the flesh of Fidel Castro. He was born in Láncara, Sarria (Lugo), as his cousin, and was the son of a sister of the father of Fidel.

The history is known. The father of Fidel went to the Cuban war as a soldier of Spain , and after being repatriated, after the defeat (1898), he returned to Cuba, because he loved his people and his land (like many other galicians), married and had some children, among them Fidel and Raul.

his sister was in Láncara, and also had a few children, among them Emilio and Antonio, who were mercenaries, intellectual, politically right-wing, but very different, one academic in Brazil (Emilio), the other mystical people (Antonio).Father Antonio spoke to me a lot of Fidel.

The testimony of a cousin mystic

I Met especially the father Antonio, he exercised his ministry for many years in Xunqueira. He was a man of faith and charity, the mystic visions, which spoke almost every day with the Virgin, who sent messages to politicians and people of influence, to “convert them” to the truth and justice… and that he exerted on the people and in their environment, carrying out a great work of charity, of hospitality, spiritual direction and social service.

I would like to recall two anecdotes of his, and after what I said of Fidel, his cousin. The first relates to my life, the second to his.

- The year 84-85, I spent several months in Verín, a stone’s throw from Xunqueira, preparing my “defense” for in nihil obstat from Rome. We used to meet up frequently for retreats and retreats and I always wondered How’s it going? I sought to clarify the issue and he responded:

don’t worry, filinho, be faithful to your conscience, that those things of dogma and theology is not understood by anyone, neither you nor those of Rome. Be faithful to your conscience, pray and do well, that is what it is… and if you left class again say always what you think with charity, that is what is best for the Church.

- The second anecdote relates to your life. I had Never gone to the doctor. He believed that life is a gift from God, that we are in his hands… and that a medicine is “aggressive” it goes against nature and God himself…And so he would not cataract surgery, because it was already an old man, and because I could continue to read, although with difficulty: it is what God wants, I have to get used to another light…!

well, shortly before his death, came the doctor and he said that he had to enter the hospital of Ourense. He nodded, but, after a while, he called to the cell of the higher (A. Leal) and

said to him: ‘we can Not go tomorrow to the hospital! I’ve talked with the Lady and has told to me, with all clarity, trust in God, that I am in your hands.

But the P. Leal, who was another galician fine, replied: it seems to Me very well, but tell the Lady that I say to myself, this very night, and well of course, otherwise we are going tomorrow to the Hospital. And, of course, went to the hospital, and he so happy, because to obey the superior, with the peace of the community, it was before that all the visions (in spite of all it did not help the hospital, he died very soon, with great faith in life and in men, after hundreds of visions that walk, written in some papers.

And now comes what of his cousin Fidel

Many times we talked about him… and, although the P. Antonio S. Castro was, in principle, very right-wing, as I said, we defendia because, in his judgment, before which all policy direction (and even that all religion) was the right and the bread of the poor.

I dared to take the hair: But Fidel is a communist and doesn’t believe in God…! It may not be good. In addition to say that has taken away land to the rich… and that leaves no freedom…And he would always say (a bit like cousin, a little as galician… and a lot of as a man of justice….): Has removed land from the rich to give to the poor, as is justice… and leaves no freedom to the capitalists that they want to become owners of all, that is, to the americans.

I kept insisting: it Pro does not believe in God! And he answered… (with his humor and mystical and crafty):

I See that you don’t ride well in that of theology, for something you will be judging in Rome, Why believe in God? And also do you as you know that Fidel does not believe? And in addition what matters is not that Fidel created, but God believes in him, and in all of us. And that we do good. And Fidel, despite of all the problems of the policy, it is doing good to many poor people of Cuba. At that site, in Cuba, with the americans sending in all, there was a lot of injustice, and Fidel has always sought justice, loved to do good to the poor, is a man of God

(*) To read other articles by the author, click here.


Castro and anticastristas faced with the Cuban embassy in Madrid – Cubanet


MADRID, Spain.- Castro and anticastristas have met today at the embassy of Cuba in Madrid during the concentration of a and others who have converged on The waterfront of Havana, the capital with the occasion of the death of Fidel Castro.

The Police has had at some point in time that separate people from one side to the other when they came even to the hands, during a concentration that has lasted more than three hours under the rain and in which they have uttered insults both to opponents of the castro regime who live in Spain, as related to the government of the island.

Various have been the attempts of confrontation and "riot" have been used extensively to convince more aggressive to keep the calm so that the concentration outside is peaceful.

The cuban flag from the embassy flies at half-mast at the embassy, where they have displaced numerous means of communication to collect the testimony of the concentrates, most of them procastristas, about 150 compared to just a dozen opponents.

Police Officers have been separated to two groups and have requisitioned the president of Cuba Democracy Already, Yuniel Jacomino, bottles

of champagne with which it wanted to offer "not for the death of Fidel, the God to forgive us", but because today "begins a new stage for the cuban people".

"Cuba, Fidel and Che," "The revolution lives", "By a Madrid more healthy, you die the worms" or "The revolution ” palante palante' and not like that stamina" are some of the slogans they have chanted the concentrates.

While in the most numerous group some concentrated catered to the journalists and praised the social progress in education and health of the castro regime, on the other hand, agolpados next to a canopy of a bus, deemed the "dictatorship" of the Government of Raúl Castro, and criticized the Spanish that support this government because "they care only go to the island to enjoy," according to one.

Among those who attended were Luis Perez, the president of the organization the bay of Pigs invasion that brings together cuban residents in Spain, who, wrapped in a flag of his country, has insisted that thanks to Fidel Castro, there is "literacy and health".

Yuniel Jacomino has not shared at all of this opinion and, as a spokesperson for your association, welcomed the disappearance of Fidel because "today are saved I do not know how many opponents".

The first to leave have been those opposed to the regime, so much so that his "rivals" have been on both sides of the street to the ambassador and other members of the legation have gone out to the patio, have greeted and have picked up two bouquets of flowers with the colors of the cuban flag.



The son of Rod produced the book his father with 98 hours of recording to the protagonists of the policy extremadura – EntornoInteligente

Expansion / Guillermo Fernández Martínez has taken four years to gather the ins and outs of the previous legislature in extremadura in spain, a project that he hid from his father, until now.

98 hours of recording “and the other 98, at least, listening to him or her,” This is a time -most about their experiences first-hand during more than four years – that has taken the son of Guillermo Fernández Vara in developing ‘The Challenge of Change: a Portrait of a politician and the father of the family’ . That, and their nearest source -you never knew who was developing the book, his own father.

Guillermo Fernández Martínez is 22 years old and studying the last course of Journalism at the CEU university of Madrid. The prologue is of Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba in a book that covers the ins and outs of the previous legislature in Extremadura, right from election night, may 2011 where for the first time, the PSOE lost a few regional elections in Extremadura and went on to rule the PP, with Guillermo Fernández Vara in the opposition after deciding, not without doubt, continue in politics and not to return to his profession of forensic.

The author has presented today the book in a hotel of Merida – has indicated that “the three hardest, most delicate” of the book to his trial have been “the defeat” of his father in the autonomous community in 2011, the motion of

censure brought against the ‘popular’ José Antonio Monago in the region, and the “post-victory” in 2015.

The defeat of 2011 led to “a loneliness, and a lack of motivation” in the political Fernández Vara

The son of Rod produced the book his father with 98 hours of recording to the protagonists of the policy extremadura

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SPAIN: the Son of dominican is killed in a fight between bands –

MADRID.- A fight between Latin bands in the town of Alcobendas left as balance the death of a young dominican man of 18 years identified as Enrique M. A.

The young man was shot in the chest after a brawl between some eight or ten members of two rival groups.

Sources of the Headquarters Superior of Police of Madrid indicated that the young man, of a Spanish father and dominican mother, he belonged to the gang Dominican Don t Play, while the researchers try to determine to what group they belong to the young people that caused the confrontation.

According to the same sources, in total it has been a dozen young people have faced in the calle Navarra to the village, where Enrique M. A., who had been arrested on one occasion, he was shot in the chest.

The incident occurred at 14:30 hours, during a scuffle in which the victim pulled out a knife type, butterfly, and others of those involved pulled out a gun and shot him, leaving him badly wounded.

When the paramedics from the Summa arrived, they found the victim in the shooting,

which would have affected organs or vessels vital, as they suffered a massive loss of blood and went into a cardiac arrest.

The doctors were able to revive him, but then suffered another as he was being transferred to La Paz hospital and died.

The place was presented to the Local Police, Alcobendas and the National Police, which is investigating the event.

For the moment, there are no detainees.



Neighbors of Cacique Tiuna, held the Day of Persons with Disabilities – correo del Orinoco

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Neighbors of Cacique Tiuna, held the Day of Persons with Disabilities

28 November 2016 | comment

Participants were of the view that the 3 of December, the day decreed by the UN to commemorate this sector of the world’s population, is an auspicious date in order to sensitize the people about their needs and potentialities,

folk dances formed part of the activity

neighbors of the urban Cacique Tiuna, held this Sunday in advance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. A group of neighbors, in conjunction with representatives of State institutions and social movements, gathered to remember to the participants, "that every day you should work to make this world inclusive and accessible to those who submit to any diminution of their physical or intellectual capacities".

the organization of The party was in charge of Mary Mayorga, spokeswoman of the Community advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities that works on urban development located in the parish of La Rinconada. Mother of a young man "with a high degree of dependency", it considers the 3 of December, the day established by the United Nations Organization to encourage , at the global scale, the respect and inclusion of people with disabilities, is an auspicious date to sensitize the population about the needs and potentialities of this sector of the venezuelan society.

"it Is a way to motivate people to be more participatory, know about the topic and also to share with neighbors who have disabilities," said Mayorga.


This neighbour of the urbanism built by the Great Housing Mission Venezuela considers that the Commander Hugo Chavez "was an exceptional being who always cared about making this sector of the society". And although he appreciated the work currently performed by the Government and the revolutionary State, argued that the institutions linked to the subject matter "must be closer to this population to

provide a timely response and efficient to their needs."

"After the arrival of Chavez has done a lot for this sector, but in some cases the State gives no answer, in part because of lack of knowledge. The day that the State feels with us, the mothers of children with disabilities, and their family members, that day they are going to learn more about the needs of persons with disabilities and will provide a response at the appropriate time," he said.

According to the spokesperson, the various requirements of people with disabilities have served as a stimulus to many family members and friends for the development of ingenious mechanisms designed with the aim of raising the quality of life of their loved ones. In the case of the hospital bed designed by Mayorga for his son, built with the support of the Commander Chavez.


The festival was divided into cultural activities, recreational and informational in charge of children, young people and adults, in their majority, with some intellectual disability and motor. Three awnings were installed on one of the streets of the first stage of the urban planning. A sound equipment amplified music and the voices of the participants. And in front of a pallet of no more than 15 centimeters high, that was unnecessary, there were dances enthusiastically executed the protagonists of the celebration.

The activity was led by the journalist Juan Carlos Mora. Participants included representatives of the Council of the Libertador Municipality, students from the Bolivarian University and Venezuela and social movements as the defence of Human Rights.

The act counted with the participation of journalist Juan Carlos Mora

T/ Romer Viera
F/ Jonathan Manzano



The president Tabaré Vázquez made this Sunday a private visit to the Spanish city of Segovia, where he saw one of his most well known monuments, the roman Aqueduct, which is a world Heritage site, and had lunch roasted suckling pig, a typical dish of the province.

During the official visit of six days to Spain and before the meeting Monday with the president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, Vázquez was dedicated to sightseeing in the Spanish city, located some 90 kilometres from Madrid, as reported by local agencies.

At the foot of the Aqueduct (II century), which, like the historic center of the city, has the declaration of Patrimony of Humanity of Unesco, Vázquez was received by the mayor of Segovia Clara Luquero, and the subdelegada of the Government in the region, Pilar Sanz.

No formal acts fulfilled by being a private visit, the uruguayan president, his wife and their companions made a tour of the center, where they visited the

Cathedral and the Alcazar, which was the seat of the kings of Castile in the medieval period, and the Royal College of Artillery, founded by Carlos III.

The walk concluded with a lunch at the famous restaurant that bears the name of "Candide", who was an Innkeeper Greater of Castile, to taste roast suckling pig and other products of the earth.


Arrested in Spain to 4 suspected of links with Daesh – teleSUR TV

Spain’s Civil Guard arrested on Monday four men suspected of being linked with a member of the command of the atodenomidano Islamic State (Daesh in Arabic) sent to Europe to commit attacks in 2015 in Paris.

As reported in Ministry of Internal affairs of that country, the arrest of two of the suspects took place in “Arteixo and Tufions-Vimianzo (north), while the other two were captured in Almería (south).

>>terrorist Attacks bloodiest of the last years in Europe

According to research by the National court, specialized in issues of terrorism, the detainees “would have been in contact, both before and after the attacks, with at least one of the terrorists arrested in Salzburg”, Austria.

The 13 November 2015, Paris was the scene of a series of terrorist attacks that had as balance 130 dead and 200 wounded. The shooting in the theater Bataclán and explosions in the immediate vicinity of the Stadium of France left the majority of the victims.

The 10 December of that same year, the investigation into the attacks most bloody which are registered in the French capital led to the arrest in Salzburg of the algerian Adel Haddadi and pakistani Mohammad Usman, who

had arrived with false papers with a group of immigrants in October of 2015 the Greek island of Lesbos, next to the two kamikaze iraqis the stade de France.

>>Captured Salah Abdeslam, the terrorist most wanted by the attacks in Paris

The two iraqis were able to continue their journey, but the algerian and pakistani were arrested. Of these last it is suspected that they were part of a fourth command that could not operate in the wake of attacks in Paris.

According to the Spanish authorities, arrested on Monday, have links with the network that organized the arrival of the jihadists.


Stopped in Spain to 4 people linked to ISIS – CNNEspañ

(CNN Spanish) - The Guardia Civil arrested on Monday four people linked to a network of irregular immigration that could have been used by ISIS, reported the Interior Ministry in a statement.

Two people were arrested in the province of A Coruña, in the northwest, and the other two in Almería, in the south of the country.

According to the release, the network that would have maintained contact detainees would operate in the so-called “route of the syrian refugees” between Turkey and eastern Europe, and it would be of the same fabric used in October of 2015, by various members of ISIS to enter Europe, together with the authors of the attacks in Paris in November of last year.

According to the investigations, the detainees would have been in contact, both before and after the attacks, with at least one of the terrorists arrested in Austria a month later. The specialists at the Information Service of the Guardia Civil try to

determine if these contacts are linked with the terrorist plot, or if proceedings arising from its own network of irregular immigration.

This network was responsible for the landing of almost 200 immigrants on the Greek island of Leros on the 3rd of October 2015.

From 2015, the year in which the Ministry of the Interior rose to 4 the Level of Alert against Terrorism, the Security Forces have arrested a total of 168 jihadists.
