Saturday, October 1, 2016

Catalonia: towards the independence burying the franco –

MEXICO CITY (apro).- The president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, has taken a further step in the process independence of the nation historical. At the end of last week the Catalan press released the first act of the process of disconnection with Spain will be the annulment of all judgments of franco, and Wednesday, 28, in his parliamentary intervention, Puigdemont verbalizó his plan: "Referendum or referendum".

The proposal includes dates: until June 2017 to come in for a consultation agreed with Madrid. In the event that this does not happen, the Catalan people will vote unilaterally on his stay in Spain during the second fortnight of September of the same year.

In the meantime, will continue with a package of initiatives that seek to break with the status quo. The first of them, the "Law of legal redress for the victims of the dictatorship", implies a rupture with the current Spanish law, an heir (successor) of the fascist dictatorship. All the crimes committed during 40 years by the winning side of the civil war against the republicans take another 40 years to go unpunished thanks to the Amnesty law 77, ley de punto final start of the democratic transition.

Catalonia will be the first autonomy of the Kingdom of Spain to annul the rulings in force on the combatants republicans and political prisoners of the dictatorship. For an example, in democratic Spain has not yet revoked his summary trial and subsequent execution of Lluís Companys, president of the Catalan government during the Second Spanish Republic, captured by the nazis in France and executed in Barcelona by the government of the dictator Francisco Franco.

beyond statements about the president’s plan Catalan, will have to wait for the approval of the law to game the institutional structure. The ball is in the court of the Constitutional Court, the ultimate guarantor of the lattice legislative Spanish, that will with the dilemma of whether to suspend a law deeply just or prevent the adoption of the first legislative initiative in the process of disconnection of Catalonia. Very likely will declare it unconstitutional.

The declaration of sovereignty is the first step, according to the international legislation, in order for a region to self-govern and, if it considers so, to declare independence. The Kingdom of Spain is not used to respect the international legislation. Remember that it is the second country in number of missing persons in mass graves after the Cambodia of the khmer rouge and who has consistently ignored the recommendations of the UN in this regard.

The social base of the pro-independence

The support for independence is a majority, but not definitive. According to the most recent public opinion studies of the Catalan government, more than 40% of the population supports the creation of an independent State, 20% want Catalonia to become a federal state, with Spain, about 25% wants to continue being an autonomous community, less than 5% want to lose autonomy and 7% did not know or did not answer. These numbers have remained without too many variations in the last four years.

Catalonia, like Spain, has a parliamentary system in which it is necessary to have the majority in the Chamber of Deputies to elect a new president and government. Governs Junts pel If (Together for the Yes), the grouping election of the former Convergence i Unió (centre-right), and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (centre-left), with the support of the Candidatures d Unitat Popular party (through assemblies and anti-capitalist). All are forces clearly pro-independence, although with social positions are very different. Have 72 of 135 deputies, and obtained 47.8% of the votes in elections with a spirit of plebiscite. If the sum of both parties would have exceeded 50%, the process of independence today would be on a stage very different.

Where there is a broad consensus in Catalan society is with regard to the so-called right to decide, which basically means that the majority wants to do a referendum to decide whether they want to continue or not within Spain. To date thousand 653 entities, civil, civic, citizen, cultural, economic, trade-union and business have joined the National Pact for the Right to Decide, among them is the town Hall of Barcelona, the sections of Catalan trade unions Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and General Union of Workers (UGT), the chambers of commerce and employers based in Catalonia, spain and even the Football Club Barcelona.

In the space on the right to decide is we Can, which in Catalonia is presented in partnership with the party of Ada Colau, and to a lesser extent, the Catalan section of the Socialist Party, which calls for a referendum agreed with the State. The people’s Party and Citizens oppose frontally to the referendum, the right to decide and of course to the independence of Catalonia. The big question is how to propose a referendum that is recognized by the international community and, in the event you win the yes to the independence, allowed for the creation of the Republic of catalonia.

The disconnection Catalan view from Spain

The domes of the two parties, traditionally the majority in Spain, Popular Party (PP) and Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE), are contrary to the holding of the referendum. This is one of the causes of the current institutional stalemate that lives in the iberian country, as during 25 years, the parties catalans have served to consolidate a parliamentary majority and thus be able to form a government. The two parties catalans with representation in the Spanish Parliament, Socialist Demòcrta Català –heir of Convergence i Unió– and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, are presented separately and put as a condition to any agreement with the holding of the referendum.

The people’s Party is the one who is more comfortable with the current situation of acting. In the general election of December 2015 had a smaller drop than expected, rose in the June elections of 2016 and has achieved good results in the regional elections in Galicia and the Basque Country last Sunday 25. Its president, Mariano Rajoy, is not facing a choice which does not govern: or form a coalition with Citizens and expected a abstention-suicide of the PSOE, or is going to be a third election on the 25th of December next on which it expects to have a majority thanks to an important increase of the abstention of the left. Will always remain in against the referendum, its results in Catalonia are always very poor and based much of his strategy in stoking the animosity to the catalans.

The PSOE is in a fratricidal struggle with a side that is clearly opt-out to rule the PP with one abstention and another as survival mode you opt for agree with we Can and seek the support of groups catalans. The first one supports the group of leaders and historical, with Felipe González at the head, and the second, much less cohesive, it is composed of a base dispersed with the current general secretary, Pedro Sánchez, struggling not to be beheaded.

right Now the only option referendum agreed upon is that Peter Sanchez will be able to withstand the attacks of his fellow party members, get, to agree with we Can, and secure its parliamentary majority, and subsequent government, with the Catalan members of parliament. If Rajoy gets the government, whether by abstention socialist or a repeat election, it will be impossible to arrange a referendum. It seems that this hand is the last of the game.

*Catalan Journalist resident in Mexico and a columnist, political media Catalan was Born Digital and El Periódico de Catalunya


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