The judgment of the Supreme Court, which has annulled the General Urban Plan of Santander in estimating the resource ARK, has focused part of the debate in the Parliament of Cantabria.
In the plenary debated and voted on the change in the land law of Cantabria to include the right to the relocation and return; which is precisely intended for short-term to remedy problems such as the Pylon.
José María Equal (PP) calls for the vote in favour of PSOE and the PRC.
The spokesperson of the PSOE, Silvia Abascal, has pointed out in the "unwelcomeness and innecesariedad" of this proposition of law, after the judgement of the Supreme that has advanced the digital VOZPOPULI.
"The Supreme court has upended the PGOU of Santander with its defects and its shortcomings," has nuanced Abascal, explained that the immediate consequence of this judgment would be the entry into force automatically from the previous PGOU of Santander, as has been highlighted, "yes guarantees realojos" and in which were included the areas of action of the Pylon and Prado San Roque.
Something that is not shared by the members of the parties have approved the law. From the PP, José María Equal has insisted that this "is a law that is autonomous, not for Santander, but for all of the municipalities of Cantabria". And said that "to change or not the PGOU of Santander, will be subject to this law if it is approved".
On the same line, Juan Ramón Carrancio, representative of Citizens, has wanted to insist that "we are not legislating to the letter" in this case. "Yes, there is a problem that is already on the table, it is true, and that’s why she was in a hurry to approve it," he qualified.
Since we Can, Verónica Ordóñez has acquired a tone boastful to take forward this proposal with 18 votes in favor (PP, we Can and Citizens) and 17 abstentions (corresponding to the PSOE and the PRC).
"Today wins the civil society, today we celebrate the victory commoner", has claimed responsibility for the mep, whose party presented next to Citizens amendments that were supported in the original text of the proposition submitted by the PP.
The neighbors and are affected by the urbanism in Santander have been present in the plenary, and have celebrated the approval of this act to applause. This Monday held a double good news for your problems.
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