governor Sergio Casas expressed his support and accompaniment to the national mobilization that will take place tomorrow around the country against gender-based violence and in which they will march again under the slogan "not one less". The representative of the provincial reiterated that the eradication of gender-based violence and the achievement of a real equality between men and women is achieved from a sincere commitment from all actors of the society.
After remember that it is one of the signatories of the commitment to real Equality between the genders, and No more violence towards women, led by the Network of Men for Equality, the governor considered that "this commitment must be multiplied in all the argentines, but it may not be in a formal act or of propaganda, but that should be reflected in the reality."
Pointed out that despite technological advances, "it seems we have involucionado manners, respect, hard facts to demonstrate the solidarity, the brotherhood, which makes us lose the vision and we end up believing in a world that is individual and not collective." "While it is important to the individual commitment is more productive and fruitful when it is a social commitment to all kinds of scourge," he said.
Homes, deplored the recent acts of gender-based violence that happened in different parts of the country and said that "these events we shocked all argentines".
Considered that if good progress was made in terms of laws and in many cases the justice acted with the full weight of the law, "there are still many things to do from the point of view of the law, the organization of the State and it is there where it is relevant to the daily commitment of all, in the various functions and roles that we occupy".
the governor Pointed out that it is necessary to apply this commitment as a State policy to stay at the time and felt that we need to learn that there should be differences between men and women. "We all have rights and obligations as citizens, as members of a world that is technologically advancing and also you have to move from the point of view of the human, being solidary, fraternal, comprendiéndonos, helping each other. Men and women, have to walk together to achieve what is best in our society and that way we will live in a better world".
The fly
it Is expected that tomorrow, Wednesday, to conduct the first national strike of women against gender-based violence and will be marching under the slogan "not one less".
The initiative came after him to know the brutal genocide of the young Lucía Pérez in a Sea of Silver, which occurred the same weekend as the who developed the 31° National Meeting of Women in Rosario.
because of the outcry generated by this femicide, together with the other committed in that same period of time, the group of women who organized the first march under the slogan "not one less", decided to repeat the mobilization and to be added to the novel mode of protest, a strike of women.
The stoppage will be tomorrow, from 13 to 14, with cessation of tasks and a "ruidazo". Then, from the 18, there will be marches all over the country with the proposal of wear mostly black clothes in a sign of mourning.Among the most important claims is the declaration of the public emergency gender-based violence, which has average sanction in the national Senate. The slogans of the march will be "Alive we want", and ""Enough of ‘femicide’
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