full Speech of Cristina Kirchner in September 2015 before the Meeting of World Leaders for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women: A Commitment to Action:
a Very good morning to all and to all.
Gentlemen, Heads of State, lord president of the people’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping: our recognition and gratitude to his country and to his person, if in the decision of which and will would have been more than difficult to make this Gathering of Women.
In principle, we have argued historically that there are three elements, or axes to truly achieve gender equality. The economic autonomy, political autonomy, and personal autonomy and social.
Now, the development of these three axes can only arise in a society, in a country where there is a process of social inclusion to global development and economic growth. Dream of gender equality in a country inequitable treatment, in a country with large social gaps, it is simply rhetoric or an illusion.
that’s why, in the Argentine Republic, we have developed a strong process of social inclusion that has resulted also obviously the greater opportunity of equality for women; programmes and active policies such as the Universal Allocation per Child, the Universal Allocation by Pregnancy, the promotion each time more intense, by the free and public education from the initial level up to the university, has allowed to gradually along with laws of gender identity protection of the woman, a sharp decrease in the inequality gap.
however, even in the more developed societies there is still a gender inequality that is the access to the systems of political decision-making of a country.
For example, in my country tuition academic university it is very important that the presence of women. On the day of Friday, in a ceremony before coming here, in the Faculty of Dentistry of the City of Buenos Aires, the enrollment of women odontólogas of free college is 85 percent.
Also exceeds the participation in the Parliament, established by the laws. A woman is re-elected President of my country, but however, the discrimination still remains, because outside of political discrimination, economic and social persists strongly in all societies a cultural discrimination towards women.
Is more, even those that occupy a high grade in the first magistrature of the country, many times the criticism that we are not critical of policy, but are critical sexist because it is still occupying the highest courts, make a difference.
so, I think that in addition to the economic development, the need for protection it is necessary to break cultural borders that have considered the woman for centuries an inferior being or less intelligent than men.
that’s why I think that policies should also be aimed at the culture, that it is precisely to empower the woman, is not only a question of obligation by sign conventions or accession to international treaties, but that is the deep conviction in the hearts of men and even of women themselves that many times we discriminate among ourselves very unjustly.
that is why, mr. President, ladies and gentlemen presidents, I want to make a strong appeal to the hearts and minds to break down taboos and prejudices about us and the reviews we receive are exactly of the same tenor that you receive the men, that have nothing to do with our sex, that have nothing to do with our gender. That is, finally, the great calling that we want to do.
We have reached in Argentina, a high degree of equality. Equality must also extend to the young people and all sectors of society. Because we find not only the discrimination on women, we also find it in the elderly, the poor, whatever their sex.
For that, that should be the fight. And we women must envisage its consequences with greater force, because it is our children and our grandchildren.
And in regard, finally, to finish, mr. President, mr. Secretary General, Prime Minister of Denmark: not to feel mortified by the error that he had addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, may have been a premonition of who should be Secretary-General of the United Nations for the next season and give samples here at the United Nations, that discrimination has ended.
Many thanks to all and to all.
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