Saturday, October 1, 2016

Who is Verónica Pérez, the “only authority” of the PSOE – Blasting News

As of Thursday morning, the media were looking for the presence of Pedro Sánchez at the party headquarters in Madrid, appeared to her in a sea of microphones and mobile wanting to convey their statements.

Perez, who was proclaimed as "the sole authority" with reference to his party, started by the military in the #PSOE when he was 14 years old. At 18 he joined, and today, with 38 year, fight for a position to get to #Pedro Sanchez of the general secretariat.

During adolescence, Verónica Pérez and Susana Díaz became friends, after years of socialist militancy and political rallies have been maintained and strengthened that tie. Perez has 2 children, and is the one who usually take care of the small Diaz in some meetings. Her co-workers define as a woman of quiet, but of character and firmness. Is recognized within the party as a good person and generous.

In an uninterrupted manner, holds an office in the Parliament from 12 years ago. To be elected to the council of San Juan de Aznalfarache left the race of Economy for not being able to spend some time.


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