Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Rajoy is left without ministers – Second Focus

España.- The Prime Minister of Spain in office, Mariano Rajoy, is running out of ministers. Since the courts have dissolved, the Executive has already lost three leaders of ministries. In total, there are nine high free positions in the government, but this can make appointments due to their status as executive functions, which has limited its powers.

The last of the ministers was retiring Alfonso Alonso, who recently announced that he will be a candidate in the elections lendakari the Basque Country September 25 representative of Health. One option that is not compatible with the minister. President Rajoy will probably announce on Friday who will take office until you can form a new government.

But before him, who ceased to be ministers were Jose Manuel Soria, of industry and Energy, pursued by the scandal of his family companies in tax havens, and later the Minister of Development Ana Pastor, when she was named president of Congress. industry is being covered now by Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos and Development is responsible Justice Minister Rafael Catala.

Rajoy surrenders and is seeking the support of the PSOE to form a government.

of the twelve ministers who had on December 20, in addition to the vice President Sorava Saenz de Santamaria and President Mariano Rajoy, now only remaining nine , which means it has caused low for very different reasons 25 percent of the total in the last eight months.

also, are also pending to cover six other senior positions in the Executive , the undersecretary of the presidency , which was occupied by Federico Ramos, who resigned in January by their involvement in the Acuamed- case, the director General of Traffic, its last representative, Maria Segui, who also left the position two weeks ago for being involved in a controversy because the agency that ran had funded projects in which he has participated her husband.

also the general director of Disability Policy, which was Ignacio Tremiño, who has renounced presented in electorales- lists. the Directorate General of Services for Families and Children.


In all cases, the government can not make appointments to fill these positions that are free because its current condition is functioning government and therefore has no competence to do so.

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