. Pedro Echeverria V

1. For me great characters are not those who fight for a year or twenty years, but those who struggle all their lives facing the street, with weapons or on the barricades against capitalist exploitation and repression. Much less those who only know solidarity from coffee, cubicle or parliament to wash their sins. Therefore there are two that I admire in world history by radical leftist ideals and spend between 20 and 30 years -discontinuos, it is the important point in the jails of dictatorships.
2. Usually on the left, those who fall once a prison, no longer return to it because it down their activities and change of political line. Ricardo Flores Magon (1873-1922) and Arnaldo Otegi (1958), on reaching 58 years of age, entered the jail about 10 times because they never changed their political position and never failed to confront. Someone tell me that “Chapo has entered three times and has escaped.” . Yes, but for other reasons and most likely is that the same government sectors -mediando million pesos they let him escape
3. The Mexicans do not know Otegi, as very little Flores Magon. I’d like to know it. I followed Otegui at least since 1978, in the times of the outlawed Herri Batasuna (Popular Unity). He was spokesman in the Basque parliament for Euskal Herri Batasuna and Herritarrok, the three declared illegal in Spain in 2003 to be considered under the tutelage of the organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA). It is said that Otegi was also a member of the former military-political terrorist organization ETA
4. in 1977 fled to France accused of links with ETA. He was charged with the explosion of a gas station, vehicle theft, release of a member of ETA admitted to a hospital; to hide a kidnapped; He was arrested in France and handed over to Spanish authorities. He was sentenced to six years in prison, he served three and was released. In 1991 enters prison convicted of kidnapping. In the 1994 elections was presented in seventh place in the lists of Herri Batasuna (HB) by Guipúzcoa, in 1995 acceded to the Basque Parliament to replace the Arrondo deputy
5. Terrorist in Spain? But you can forget that in Mexico all radical organizations (which go to the root of the problems) and highlights its militants also called terrorists after to invent accusations of blockades, street riots, offense or resistance to authority, kidnappings and robberies ? Can you forget that Villa, Zapata, Flores Magon, were accused of robavacas, criminals, kidnappers, robbers, ragged, bandits, ponebombas? These are the same charges that have been made against Otegi in Spain and the globalized world
6. in November 1997 a Supreme Court sentenced to seven years in prison to members of the National Table of HB for attempting to disseminate a video of ETA in the advertising spot of his candidacy for the elections general 1996. because of the imminent jailing of members of the National Table, Joseba Permach and Otegi were elected members of the new interim leadership of HB
7. Flores Magon and Otegui were stubborn, rebellious, social activists relentlessly, without fear of repression and death. Only obeyed their deepest convictions to transform their countries. Otegi was sentenced to six and a half years in prison for belonging to a “terrorist” in the case Bateragune. Organization [.] In 2013, while in prison, was elected secretary general of Sortu. On March 1, 2016 was released after serving his full sentence
8. What is Sortu? (Born, arise or create in Basque) is a Spanish political party whose scope are the autonomous communities of the Basque Country and Navarre. It was created in 2011 in the current Basque nationalism known as nationalist left (Patriot) and since its introduction has been considered heir of the outlawed Batasuna. That was Flores Magon outlawed since 1899, persecuted, imprisoned several times to add 20 years and killed in prison in 1922 by the Mexican bourgeois revolution
9. you can forget characters who signed for freedom of Otegi? The Presidents José Mujica (Uruguay), Fernando Lugo (Paraguay) and Jose Manuel Zelaya (Honduras), the Nobel Peace Prize Mairead Maguire, Adolfo Perez Esquivel and Desmond Tutu, the philosopher Noam Chomsky, sociologist James Petras, winner Pulitzer Alice Walker, African-American activist Angela Davis, writer and filmmaker Tariq Ali, the Oscar-winning actor Haskell Wexler, General former prosecutor of USA William Ramsey Clark, politicians former leaders Julio Anguita (IU), Jesus Eguiguren (PSE) and Josep Lluis Award Carod Rovira (ERC), the secretary general of Podemos in Andalusia Teresa Rodriguez, the leader of Izquierda Castellana Doris Benegas, parliamentarians Joan Tardà (ERC) and David Fernandez (CUP) and many more.
10. Today Arnaldo Otegi is EH Bildu candidate; He has warned that his candidacy has been a decision taken “sovereignly” by the Basque sovereignist left and “will not be court or State or Civil Guard nor Spanish Army who will prevent” concurs as a candidate in elections autonomic of September 25 are not specific attacks against us, but it is a structural problem. The system itself is the problem, because its foundation is our dependence on Madrid ‘have remarked. (7 / VIII / 16)
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