Police said Sunday it arrested eight people dedicated to occupationally exploit dozens of Nicaraguans in Spain, including the leader of the network which forced some women to have sex with him to reduce its huge debts.
the band caught poor women in Nicaragua and moved to Spain to work as domestic servants, in exchange for a debt that month increased to month interest and payment of accommodation to become sometimes unpayable, according the statement of the National Police.
the ringleader offered to women having sex with him to reduce debt and recorded meetings without their consent, to use videos as blackmail. Police found in his residence images involving at least 19 victims.
The women received an initial loan of 4,500 euros for his transfer to Spain to what is generally left as collateral their house in Nicaragua, but then the weekly payment of 70 euros per room is added
in addition, the network also lent money to other Nicaraguans in Spain “advantage of the situation of need in which they lived, demanding high interest rates.” said the police.
in all, authorities have identified 44 women who were exploited occupationally and 75 victims of predatory lending, in an investigation that began with a confidential call to the number against trafficking in persons authorized by the police .
the eight members of the band, whose nationalities did not say the police, were arrested in Madrid and Murcia, a city in southeastern Spain where he had his residence the ringleader of the network.
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