Tuesday, April 12, 2016

World Felipe VI convened a third round of consultations to avoid elections – Telam

The decision of the monarch was communicated to the president of the Congress of Deputies, Socialist Patxi Lopez, he said the Royal House said in a statement.

On February 2, Sanchez, secretary general of the Socialist Party (PSOE), second force most voted in the elections on 20 December politics, accepted the offer of Philip VI of trying to form a government, but after more than two months of negotiations failed to add enough support to lead the executive.

Although he had time to last until midnight on May 2 to reach an agreement, the hopes of Sanchez to become the president of a “cross” government of change were dashed with the latest refusal of the party we left to join the pact signed between the socialist and liberal Citizens.

The leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, announced last Friday that between 14 and 16 April submit to query the party base antiajuste the possibility of supporting this agreement, which seems unlikely since It would mean rejecting the position that until now kept the purple leaders.

However, if this initiative goes ahead, the view militants can be known before further consultations king, which still have time to make a change of direction and change the course of Spain, which is directed almost inescapably to a repeat election.

In the first round of consultations, the president of the government in office and winner in the elections of December 20, Mariano Rajoy, declined the offer of the monarch to form a government by not having more support than his Popular Party (PP), which in four years went from being an absolute majority at first minority.

Taking a step back, the Conservative leader wanted to gain time to wait Sanchez failed in his attempt to form a government and then retake the initiative, anticipating the difficulties would the Socialists to agree with Podemos, mainly due to the condition posed by the third force to hold a secessionist referendum in Catalonia the PSOE rejected.

However, in these months Rajoy failed to even come close to those who were considered natural partners, the new party Citizens, as he broke new cases of corruption in his party.

By contrast, liberals, fourth political force, forged an agreement with the PSOE, that although he fell short in number of votes to allow Sanchez to get to La Moncloa, served to show the ability dialogue and negotiation of the leaders of these two parties in the future electoral scenario.

The PSOE candidate seeking to negotiate his investiture based on a reform program supported by both citizens as we can, then reach an agreement open to both government forces.

But the incompatibility declared between the two emerging parties, and we plan to impose socialist “government left” which needs the explicit and implicit support of Basque nationalists and secessionists Catalans, made so far it has been impossible.

With this third round of contacts, Felipe VI will make a final survey to see if you can propose another candidate for president with support in Congress or, on the contrary, must proceed to the dissolution of parliament general (both chambers) and call new general elections.

According to the statement of the Palacio de la Zarzuela, on April 21, the Congress president will forward the king a list with representatives of the political groups who will attend consultations and that day , dates and times will be received will be reported.

Lopez explained that King Philip VI wanted to hold a “final round” to see whether there had been any developments in the situation of political deadlock in which is Spain, but has no obligation to propose another candidate.

If you do, you have until April 27, as it takes 48 hours to summon the full investiture, beginning on 29 with a first ballot on 30 and, if that the applicant does not get the required absolute majority, there will be a second ballot on May 2, to be overcome by a simple majority, said Lopez.

The other option, more likely if there is no change in the positions of the parties, is that on May 3 the decree of dissolution of Parliament and new elections on June 26 is published, according to the previously agreed legislative deadlines.

The PSOE closed Monday door to make a new offer can then say that Iglesias “untrustworthy”, while again rejected the possibility of negotiating a “grand coalition” with the PP and Citizens, even rejecting the possibility shuffled by some media that Sanchez may be the vice president Rajoy.

Before the king’s decision, Sanchez again asked citizens and can they “abandon their vetoes” and “red lines” to allow “parliamentary cross government representative, exemplary and”.

“My hand is still stretched, I do not give up,” said socialist leader before his parliamentary group, socialists which focused largely on urging the leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, to give “a chance to change” to end the “government of shame” of Mariano Rajoy.

Inigo Errejón, number two of Podemos, insisted that the PSOE is “the key to change part” and that if there was not yet agreement is for its policy problem definition “.


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