Expand / Sources indicated that these proposals Socialists were for four years and have only been four months so do not consider it necessary to make any change on this program.
The Socialist Party does not intend to make changes in the electoral program developed for the general elections of 20-D and present the same in which case elections for next June 26 is called.
socialist sources indicated that these proposals were for four years and have only been four months without being able to start, so do not consider it necessary to make any changes on this program.
Indeed, they ensure that it will not touch the program, since the agreement that the PSOE and Citizens closed to try to implement a progressive and reformist government led by Pedro Sanchez is no reason to acomenter programmatic changes.
the agreement tinged some of the proposals that the PSOE leads in the electoral program but, according to sources, will remain as it took them socialists because this agreement was concluded with the aim of reaching a government and therefore lose force in the event of new elections.
In addition, they indicate that reaching the pact with the formation led by Albert Rivera made concessions to its proposals modifying the details in order to at least achieve maximum goals.
also in electoral key, these sources say socialist, like not going to change the candidate, even though a primary process will open, and will be Pedro Sanchez, the electoral program should not be subject to change.
Similarly, they suggest that will emphasize that the PSOE is the “real alternative” to the Popular Party in the election campaign and therefore their real enemy; and capacity for dialogue of the Socialists to reach agreements with other political formations
SPAIN. The PSOE will maintain its electoral program if the elections are repeated
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