VALENCIA 27 ABR. (AVAN) .- The Diocesan Schools San Vicente Martir ?? ?? Foundation, which currently includes a total of 68 dependent schools of the Archdiocese of Valencia, today expressed concern ??, upset and worry ?? of these schools by the planned abolition of classrooms in private education decided by the Ministry of Education.
According to the manager of the Foundation, Miguel Angel Coello, ?? is a general feeling of malaise in the concerted education sector ?? since the proposed reduction concerted ?? units is very high for charter schools ??.
Specifically, in the case of diocesan schools, they are 9 centers which were proposed reduction ?? units and we are concerned not so much the fact of suppressing units where, by circumstances, there were no students, but the criteria by which aims to reduce ??, has expressed.
So many ?? proposals ?? is to eliminate classrooms in schools where circumstances ?? for a course has been a small decrease of students and considers that this decline will occur ?? forever.
In addition, we are ?? at a time when we have not yet begun the process of admitting students ?? and even there is already a school in Catarroja, who have proposed will remove a unit three years as at present has 18 students enrolled.
According to the manager of the Foundation Diocesan College, ?? what makes no sense is that units created in public when really what you’re looking for is a transfer of students from private schools concerted public education, completely against the Constitution ??.
in this issue, notes Miguel Angel Coello, ?? the first thing that surprised us was when the administration spoke of a school under jointly for public education and private education and creating high units in public schools? ?.
?? We defend the freedom of choice of centers of families, we do not debate about whether public education or private education, because we believe that both networks are complementary ??, he said.
According to Coello, ?? we are now fulfilling the established procedure to file relevant claims with legal arguments, and defenses ?? ?? because what we want is to be able to meet the demand of families ??.
affected diocesan schools
Diocesan schools affected by the abolition of classes determined by the Consell are Claret School, Xàtiva; San Antonio de Padua, Catarroja; San Juan Bosco, of Valencia; El Salvador, Alcoi; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Chella; ?? ?? The Barony of Gilet; San Antonio Abad, Canals; Nuestra Señora del Socorro, Benetússer; and John XXIII, Burjassot. (AVAN)
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