Hundreds of farmers (600 according to the organization) have supported Monday the call to stop the primary sector of Cantabria has been carried out opposite the Parliament of Cantabria. He was called at three in the afternoon, one hour before the start of the parliamentary plenary, where they discussed a proposal on the issue.
Coming from across the region, demonstrators have received between whistles and boos parliamentarians and government members, who have been criticized for their inaction to solve the problems facing the sector,
“We are selling milk at 15 cents “denounced the president of the union ASAJA, Pedro Gomez, who has also stressed that are delaying aid for production. “We want solutions for a sector that is alive and is a source of economy for this region,” he claimed, remembering that farming occupies 80% of the productive land of Cantabria.
The farmers have warned that if solutions are not offered in August will perform a demonstration in Santander, opposite the Government building. They have recorded a manifesto in Parliament so that all parliamentary groups know what their demands are, and have delivered one in person to Miguel Angel Revilla, who summoned them to a meeting Thursday in Peña Grassy.
In their public representatives require them to “take the bull by the horns” to change the laws, especially to mark a minimum price for milk. “As much as we say we are in a free market have to make a minimum set” Gomez insisted. “The primary sector wants to live on his work and not handouts.”
One of the farmers, Fito Diego, from Soba, has told the media his situation to give an example of reality in which they live. The fee that has put this March is 1,700 liters, which has sold 28 cents per liter. Its surplus has had to collect it to 12 cents. “This is not enough for you or Social Security, or to light, even to eat,” he complained. “Where are the politicians in this country? This is a ruin “
Protesting farmers outside parliament.
Precisely the situation of farmers has begun the full Parliament on Monday. He has been through an interpellation presented by the Popular Party to urge the Government of Cantabria to run during the next 6 months payments of 2 million euros in livestock and agricultural subsidies that were left to deliver in 2009 and 2010.
Popular have refused to accept the amendment by we to allow these payments benefiting in the budgets for 2017. they claim that this proposal is made in good faith but it is “gullible” because they do not trust the counselor Jesus Oria, who have accused him of “cowardly” in its defense sector.
Neither we (who voted against ) and Citizens (who abstained) have supported their proposal and both parties have reproached the PP has had 4 years of absolute majority to implement such payments and the economic situation prevents carried out during the year, with the budgets prepared and adjusted in other subjects.
for its part, the PRC and the PSOE have accused the PP of “use for partisan” to farmers as “a weapon”. They have reminded the cuts in aid produced by the previous government and have stressed their commitment to implement payments during 2017.
THE GOVERNMENT regulate the prices of social housing
the full Parliament has brought forward a proposal Podemos in social matters. All parties except the PP abstained, have agreed to support the proposal that has been amended by the PRC, to urge the government to regulate the price of social rentals in Cantabria.
Since we believe that the measures presented by the Emergency Housing Law are unclear and in fact have accused Revilla of reneging on the agreement that he reached the government.
Revilla entering the Parliament amid protests.
This agreement investiture was very focused on social issues and based on the social Emergency Plan being carried out by the regional government through various ministries.
the part of the covenant that we think that is being breached is the one that corresponds to the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the agreement between GESIVAN and SAREB, which says that the minimum price of social rent is 150 euros, with a maximum of 400.
“You do not live in the real world,” complained José Ramón Blanco parliamentarians. In his opinion, 30% of family income are often below the minimum imposed by the Ministry. Therefore, rents are 30% of family income if they exceed the minimum wage, or 10% if they do not.
in addition, since we ask that the Cantabrians municipalities should be encouraged to apply those points to their municipal housing; and have appointed the case of Santander where some housing units are priced rental of more than 400 euros, outperforming other free market prices.
During the plenary, Citizens has asked the government on the situation in managing to “legalize” the salaries of public company SOGIESE, under the Ministry is of Economy and Finance.
Ruben Gomez has criticized the “inaction” of the government to resolve this irregularity. The problem dates that subscribers pay between 2012 and 2015 some workers might have violated the law to be above the current legal limit in the autonomous community since 2012.
If it really has been violated, as well seems to believe the Auditor General, these workers should reimburse the amount paid, which largely go to the European Union is funding 97% of the wages of the company.
the Minister of Economy, Juan Jose Sota, said that his government “will meet deadlines” when making a decision “on these discrepancies”, and has proposed “regularize” the situation before June.
in full, Sota stressed that SOGIESE has until May 21 to submit comments to the report issued by the General Intervention irregular wages.
About “legal discrepancies” of speaking Sota between Controller and SOGIESE, are that these salaries are paid by 97% by European funds, which have been agreed by participants in the Interreg program (Spain, France, Portugal and the United Kingdom) and only 3% by the regional government countries.
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