Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Congress is illuminated by the elimination of violence against women – Yucatan on hand








By the elimination of violence against women and contribution to the call of the United Nations (UN) to promote a collective awareness of gender, the State Congress lit facilities orange, in a ceremony led by president of the Board of Governors of the legislature, Celia Rivas Rodriguez.

There is no single reason, one foundation, that violence exists lawmaker said, in the presence of the director of the Institute for Equality between Women and Men, Alaine Lopez Briceño; the President of the Human Rights Commission of Yucatan (CODHEY), Jose Enrique Goff Ailloud, the President of the Commission for Gender Equality, Deputy Maria Esther Alonso Morales and federal deputy, Lucely Alpizar Carrillo.

Orange Day every month is performed as a call to governments, advocacy groups and the whole society to highlight issues and relevant actions in the prevention and eradication of violence.

the color is bright and optimistic, it represents a future free of gender violence for all mankind, which is why prevention strategies against violence to women and girls must be holistic, with the participation of all social levels, because only by acting together , women and men may aspire as a society to have long-term results to become permanent, said Rivas Rodriguez.

“the LXI Legislature is committed to work tirelessly against violence and for gender equality, “he said.

First of businessmen and representatives of civil associations, recalled that in this 2016, declared the Year of the Centenary of the First Feminist Congress, the legislature voted unanimously to Act equality between Men and Women of the State, modifying the Law on access of Women to a Life Free of Violence and the Law on the Human Rights Commission of the State.

the deputy urged to continue fighting not only for equality that women deserve but to eradicate violence that besets every day, because the abuse and injustice to the female gender does not respect time, neither day nor status “simply is and always has been.”

“As legislators and legislators, we are obliged to propose and promote proactive actions in the construction and consolidation of democracy regardless of gender,” determined.

the President of the Commission Gender equality, María Esther Alonzo Morales, said that violence against women remains a widespread problem throughout the world. Reason why the LXI Legislature assumes commitment and responsibility our share to work with determination to make this change in our social environment.

“It is the cruelest manifestation of discrimination and inequality, both in law and in daily life, is systematically suffering women worldwide. It occurs in all regions, countries and cultures and is independent of income, class, race or ethnicity, “said

Meanwhile., Alaine Lopez Briceno, director of the Institute for Equality women and Men, said that through the orange one remembers that day, with actions and complaints can contribute to a better environment.

“This is a year of celebration for the Yucatecan women, women who have always been pioneers. Is to recognize the work of the legislature to Yucatan is the first state to have an institute aimed at equality and empowerment of women, “he said.

The president CODHEY Jose Enrique Goff, recognized that this activity helps to visualize the problem of violence facing women today and to truly part of doing and what daily tasks in the public and private sectors, because from the body have been made observations and recommendations on the urgency to establish positive measures of prevention and protection for women in all areas.

“the issue of violence and discrimination against women, not only requires action by the state but of all society as a whole, its prevention and eradication is the task of each and everyone, “he said.

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