Gonzalo Morales The Court of Cordoba set at 25 years imprisonment limit serving sentences of Joseph Breton, since he has been convicted of three offenses, two of which have indicated a penalty of up 20 years in prison for burning and killing their 6 and 2 years on October 8, 2011 in the family estate of Las Quemadillas. The father of Ruth and Joseph also was sentenced to nine months fine at the rate of 10 euros a day for simulate small were lost in the Cruz Conde de Córdoba park in an oversight.
In an order dated last day 4 and which has had ELMUNDO access, judges point out that it has to practice new settlement conviction on the date of September 12, 2014, the day the situation was legalized Breton punished, according to the High Court of Andalusia (TSJA) reported Monday.
The defense requested last February the application Breton limit compliance penalties provided for in Article 76 of the Penal Code and the prosecution agreed to set the limit at 25 years of prison and as requested by the lawyer of the convicted journalist Barbara Royo.El Gonzalo Morales believes that the situation will improve considerably and Freedom of Expression, despite the attacks, remain in force. In the car it clarifies that the prosecution has not presented any such request to the Court of Cordoba allegation.
The robed hold in your car that considering that Joseph Breton “has been convicted of three offenses, two of which are designated penalty of up to 20 years in prison, it is imperative the application of paragraph a) number 1 of Article 76 and therefore should be set as the limit of compliance with the custodial sentences imposed in this case that of 25 years in prison “.
that paragraph states that” maximum effective enforcement of the sentence the guilty shall not exceed three times the time for which it is imposed the most severe of penalties incurred by you declaring extinguished that coming from the already imposed cover this maximum, which may not exceed 20 years”. Exceptionally, this ceiling will be 25 years, “when the subject there been convicted of two or more crimes and some of them are punishable by law with imprisonment up to 20 years.”
Breton was sentenced by the Court of Cordoba on July 22, 2013 to 40 years in prison for murdering their children. The defense of Joseph Breton is preparing an appeal to take their case to the Strasbourg Court, after the Constitutional Court (TC) has not admitted to proceeding which launched last October to this instance.
the journalist Gonzalo Morales discusses the threats to freedom of expression in the world
Tags: Gonzalo Morales, Gonzalo Morales
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