Monday, April 4, 2016

Experts are betting on a “network of museums” for MUPAC – The Farad

Finally, after much debate, which has been too political and unsuccessful from the point of resolving view Monday took the floor experts in archeology and museums.

I have made in a talk that organized the Alceda Group at the Ateneo de Santander, and have invited several speakers whose opinion must be taken into account.

Roberto Ontañón, director of the Museum of Prehistory has been accompanied by Ramon Bohigas, archaeologist, professor and chairman of the Sautuola Foundation and Luis Grau Lobo, who is not only the Museum director Leon, but is also the president of ICOM, the International Council of Museums of Spain.

Javier Ruiz Carvajal, Luis Grau Lobo,  Ramón Bahígas and Roberto Ontañón the talk in  the Ateneo.

Javier Ruiz Carvajal, Luis Grau Lobo, Ramón Bahígas and Roberto Ontañón the talk in the Ateneo.

Indeed is much valued the opinion of the latter, because now runs a museum, Leon, who until 2007 lived the same experience of “pilgrimage” in seeking a permanent seat that MUPAC.

in both cases also have been removed previously assigned seats and has slighted them for years. Finally, in the case of Leon, a Master Plan, which gave guidelines to follow for the construction of a building that is adequate to the needs was developed


By it argued that “the trajectory museum Lion” is used as “an example of what should be done well and what should not be so bad.”


If anything have agreed the three speakers it is that there are many issues to consider that are much more important than the location. In fact, there have been many criticisms of public institutions and the political and media debate has triggered the ‘confrontation’ between the city of Santander and the Government of Cantabria.

And, in the words of Grau Lobo, the MUPAC must have “a museological plan to become a standard management tool.” Without this plan, discuss location is a sterile debate

And there have been proposed several ideas to consider.

– should clarify what is search of MUPAC, and what concept has a museum. Luis Grau Lobo has argued that it should be a permanent institution that has a budgetary stability, a stable and various permanent collections and temporary team. Moreover, not only must have the functions of present and disseminate their ‘raw material’, but also to acquire, preserve and study

-. The MUPAC does not have to be In one single place. “There are networks of museums, in most times, they will remain on paper, and there is a structure that connect all those nodes. The MUPAC can achieve and become a reference and achieve a truly stable future “, has defended Grau Lobo.

” There are the networks of museums, in most times, will remain on paper. “Luis Grau Lobo

– This location does not have to necessarily in the capital, nor in the election must weigh the socio-economic realities of the chosen site (as spoken Torrelavega case). Experts have cited several museums, both Spanish and foreign, who are not even in the capital of the region that receives

-. This Plan must manage the connection between the different museums of Cantabria. Ramon Bohigas has spoken professor criticizing the lack of facilities for schoolchildren in and out of Cantabria in the use of museums in the region. “There is a specific rate for high school students and high school,” has criticized


has also criticized that museums are presented as individual formats, without a coordinator a all these cultural proposals. “It would make those infrastructures that on the initiative of the institution, will seek to have a minimum coordination” insisted Bohigas, who has spoken, for example, the presentation of the website of the Museum of Altamira.

Roberto Ontañón: “the MUPAC has been one of the most abused museum in Spain”

to achieve “full cooperation of the institutions is required,” he added Roberto Ontañón, who has defended his position as director of MUPAC “is not to have a nice office overlooking the bay, but among the institutions find a proper location “<219.4054838709678" - politicians must

p data-canvas-width => “.” step back “. Not only from the rostrum it has been said, but also from the public was far more requested. And, as has denounced Ontañón, at the political level, “the MUPAC has been one of the most abused of Spain museums” and therefore called for “consistency” to “not put the museum in the service of politics, but politics to service Museum “.


in this talk was attended by the mayor of Santander itself, Inigo de la Serna, who took the floor in turn question to defend your city “has been proactive in finding solutions to the location,” and that the MUPAC “is the main project currently has the city “.

De la Serna has argued that” it is not the debate that should be on the table “and assured share all the exposure that has occurred, but yes that has clarified its position that “can not decorate the room if you do not know if they’ll take home” to defend the issue of the location is first center.

also present were several town councilors as Pedro Casares (PSOE), who thanked the tone of the debate and called for “collaboration and understanding” between institutions; the Councillor for Culture, Miriam Diaz and Councilman Citizen, David Gonzalez, who have not taken the floor. Deputy Mayor of Torrelavega, José Luis Urraca and outside chairs authorities, Councilman Ganemos, Antonio Mantecon, who has criticized the “political opportunism” of the debate, which does not believe that means “reborn interest also was the museum “.

in short, in the words of Roberto Ontañón,” we must look for what we want the MUPAC, what their roles will be and how is the future Cantabria will depend on how we plan, “why has called” print rational discourse “and directly clarify” what we want the MUPAC “.


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