Saturday, July 25, 2015

Removed and placed in a cardboard box a bust of Juan Carlos I … – Clarí

In the midst of a scandal, a bust of King Juan Carlos I retired was removed from the room full of City of Barcelona . This measure complements others that are being met in the Catalan capital and other areas in the autonomous region for eradicate all forms of monarchical symbols .

But it was unexpected initiative that took place before starting full yesterday when several workers climbed a ladder and removed a bust of the previous monarch.

The images captured and retrasmitidas numerous times for broadcasters have a special dramatic quality. The bust of Don Juan Carlos is grasped by one of the workers that even helps to uninstall pulling the nose .

After the play came down to a modest box cardboard where lay on the floor . The photos of the real image in the box have aroused the anger of the Popular Party and the government to talk about a “total disrespect” and purpose of mocking the monarchy. Since more than two years the process of breaking sovereignty independence tempers are very fired in Catalonia, which is also considered aggrieved victim and an ongoing abuse by the state and many Spaniards who react angrily to what they consider deepened one attempt to “break the unity of Spain”.

We are talking about a conflict of centuries bloody armed clashes, the two Carlist wars and civil war that bloodied the country between 1936 and 1939. The separatist tensions Catalonia and the Basque Country were one of the root causes of conflict.

Both the Catalans and the Basques remained faithful to the Republic, which guaranteed a high degree of autonomy and respect for their nationalist demands. With the defeat came long years of repression and punishment of those separatists who went so far as to sanction that were expressed in their languages.

This confrontation has gained in intensity in últmos years and dabate is dyed increasingly irreconcilable positions. Catalan sovereignism independence has become.

The head of the popular bench Alberto Fernandez Diaz, attempted to replace the bust of a monarch emeritus quickly framed portrait of her son, the current King Philip VI . But there was no success in stand upright so that laid him in front of the plenary hall.

Without going to the fury of the popular socialist accompanied by citizens and leaders of the moderate Catalan nationalists criticized the removal of the image of Don Juan Carlos I.

This exasperated climate will worsen as the election date approaches, the 27 next September, you should choose a new parliament to be appointed to the next regional government.

But that does not stop the escalation of clashes between separatists and the government has come to fruition because Artur Mas, president of the Generalitat, the Catalan government, has promoted a successful initiative complicating the maximum.

The independence have agreed to unite in a single list which aims to force the secessionist process.

If you receive majority support, Convergence and Union, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya and the two main associations that have played a key role in large popular mobilizations, initiate an accelerated process to prepare the proclamation of a Constitution that open the way to The term Republic of Catalonia.

is very fast, from six to nine months between the results of the elections of September 27 and the configuration of institutions that allow the Catalan Republic.

The government has warned that this alternative is totally illegal as it is not provided for by the Constitution or the main laws of the Kingdom. Furthermore, in proceedings before the Constitutional Court other actions such as suspending Catalan autonomy being considered.

The warnings, exalted and increasingly dangerous, for both parties has created a dangerous climate and a difficult tension control.


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