The Board asked Mendez de Vigo to halt the LOMCE and “flexibility” /
Expansion / Gutierrez advances formulas also ensure that 148 high school and FP routes following the annulment of the framework agreement are studied.
The Minister of Education and Employment, Esther Gutierrez has advanced Thursday move at a meeting with Minister of Education, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, the claim that the implementation schedule of the Lomce is paralyzed, and also it will claim the Education Sector on 13 August with most communities opposed to the standard.
Specifically, Extremadura minister has indicated that its intention is that the calendar is paralyzed “immediately” and that the minister “flexibility” to the regions so that it can adapt to the “reality” of each one of them.
Gutierrez has referred this matter to the output of a meeting with the president of the Regional Federation of Associations of Parents of Public Centers (Freapa), Joaquina Lopez Mancera, in addition to its concern about the implementation of the Lomce, which opposes, have also addressed other issues such as school transport, canteens, recovery of janitors in schools and the work involved in them.
Thus, Extremadura minister of education has stated that after the August 13 sectoral community will study the possibilities to “soften” the implementation of the LOMCE, a law ” there has been agreed “and about which he expressed his” total disagreement “.
So, has said he will “fight” to be the Ministry of Education itself the repeal Act “given to the various sectors, political parties and the educational community.” “Everyone is against this organic law,” he remarked.
However, Gutierrez reiterated that the course will start in September in Extremadura with the “normal” schedule established by the LOMCE for later, and depending on the “willingness to negotiate” showing the minister, study the ability to “soften” the course along with changes in each region.
With regard to the criticism on Wednesday by the PP, about a “contradiction” between the claims by the PSOE, which calls for the suspension of the LOMCE, and counseling itself, with respect to start the course with the timetable set by law, Gutierrez stressed that the “objective” of Extremadura Socialists is “the suspension of the law.”
However, he reiterated that the final decision rests with the Ministry of Education and, therefore, the Board seeks “realistic and immediate objectives”, while recalled that the aim of the communities that are disagree with the rule, and as the majority remarked, is the repeal of the Lomce.
Transport On the other hand, regarding the cancellation of the framework agreement busing ordered by the High Court of Extremadura (TSJEx), said that means that 148 new lines that were left out of the previous contest, and correspond to high school students and vocational training should leave the competition.
However, it noted that “there will be no problem” in which the service is supplied from the first day of the new school year, while recalled the intention to negotiate shown by the Regional Association School Transportation (ARTEX).
“We’ll see the formula,” he said the minister, who has even advanced the possibility of doing so through smaller contracts would be considered, but in any case ensured that the start of the school year starts with all routes.
In any case, he remarked that this new ruling “proves once again that there has been mismanagement in the past four years with the PP.” “This is the reality, and this is what we are finding,” he said about the previous government of Jose Antonio Monagas, “where everything was wonderland, and now we find that Justice is agreeing with those which they have thrown four years claiming what they believe their rights. ”
On this subject, said that the claims of ARTEX be taken into account when to convene the new school competition routes.
Concierges Moreover, Extremadura minister has considered “totally fair” Freapa claim regarding recovery of more than 300 places of janitors in schools.
However, it said that for now this is their “intention” because the new socialist government must study the economic situation of the regional administration to take a final decision. In addition, it has also picked up another claim of Freapa regarding quality catering served in some school cafeterias.
Agreed With regard to the criticism from the PP not to meet with representatives of education concerted Gutierrez noted that counseling “has requested a meeting to Concapa” and that it has not offered any date because they are “too busy” and did not know when they will be able, at his department has responded that it is this when the group has available to forward to close the appointment.
At the same time, it said that Concapa has not requested any meetings, as opposed to Freapa, with which met Wednesday. In this regard, he noted that “the first thing” that has made its counseling is “to initiate dialogue with all sectors of education”, since contacts with the unions began, and now with representatives of the parents of students.
Freapa For his part, the president of Freapa, Joaquina Lopez Mancera, has made a “positive” assessment of the meeting, in which the minister has moved to its “concerns” and that “a day today are concerned with the Extremadura families. ”
So, on the school bus he has expressed his satisfaction after the assurances given by the Board with respect to the normal service will be provided from the start of the course.
With regard to school canteens, he said that the group had “years and years” claiming that began with the start of the course, and also winding to a close, so it is “satisfactory “that this is going to be.
However, it has raised “some complaints” about the catering of some centers that “have not been answered in these four years” by the counseling or the entity responsible for this issue.
As for the concierges, celebrated having “started the commitment” to the counselor for the possibility of including this measure in future budgets be considered, given that this year, which are the for the beginning of next year, they are already closed. In this regard, he noted that the figure of the concierge is “important for the quality of education” to students.
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