Friday, July 31, 2015

Spanish government says it will not allow independence of Catalonia – Reuters

31 July 2015 11:42 Madrid, July 31 (Prensa Latina) Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, today defined the separatist movement in Catalonia as one of the main challenges the country while reaffirmed its determination to prevent secession.

 In a meeting with journalists to four months to the general elections, in which he insisted that the country embarked on the path of economic improvement, Rajoy considered pro-independence positions a challenge to the breakdown of the European nation.

While admitting that on 27 September, the Catalan regional elections will be a very difficult point, refused to give these elections one plebiscitary character as claimed by the authorities of that region of northeastern Spain.

There will be no plebiscite elections because prohibited by law. You have to respect the law, the unity of Spain, national sovereignty and equality between all Spaniards, said in his opening remarks before giving space to questions.

Asked about it then, Rajoy insisted that elections are only regional, to choose a regional parliament, like other Spanish regions.

With regard to the economy, he said that is improving and should look to the future with optimism,

although considered the danger of contagion of the Greek situation to Spain.

The optimistic message Rajoy is included in a context of strong fall of his Popular Party (PP) in the polls, according to which intend to vote in favor of this group is only 25.6 percent, compared to 44.63 achieved in the previous ballot in 2011.

The economic crisis several corruption scandals involving add to PP officials and place that party at a long distance from the possibility of repeating the government, at least without the support of other political forces

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In Catalonia there will be no independence “in any way” Rajoy –

The president of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, made today the final balance of its legislature and, while highlighting that the country is not in crisis, he said that in Catalonia there will be no independence “no way” and the elections of 27 September in the region will not be plebiscitary elections “nor was there a referendum on 9 November.”

Rajoy did so referring to the informal consultation organized by the Catalan government and voting more than two millions of people who mostly got a “yes” to independence option “Yes to Catalonia State if Catalonia Independent State in Europe.”

He played and bragging mainly talk about the economic recovery so Rajoy one iota of the script is not out, but stressed that now “there are risks that do not come from the economy, but political uncertainty, referring to the plan for independence of Catalonia headed by its president Artur Mas.

“There will be elections to the Parliament of Catalonia, which is very important, but no plebiscite elections nor referendum was never a lot of propaganda that would make” made clear the Prime Minister insisting that his government will not allow ” are deprived “citizens of Catalonia of its” three conditions “of Catalan, Spanish and European.

Therefore, reiterated that” there will be independence of Catalonia “because it is something that” has sense “and” is not going to produce any means, “beyond people in government who, in his opinion,” have not acted responsibly and have not fallen short of the circumstances. “

Defender compliance with the law

In what was a summary of the press conferences throughout the year, Rajoy insisted that the government will do “what has always done, “to ensure compliance with the law and actively defend and safeguard the unity of Spain, national sovereignty and equality between all Spaniards. “Spain is a serious country in any serious country can pretend to violate the law or take any kind of political performance,” he said.

Rajoy said he would have liked that in Catalonia “had paid more attention the problems of the people “instead of focusing the debate on the sovereignty challenge. Especially at a time when Spain is part of a European Union in which “there is growing union.” “Pulling off of the single currency makes no sense and is not going to produce,” he said.

Rajoy avoided repeatedly to criticism about the government’s actions regarding Catalonia or grant if any action had been improved . “Everything the government does is debatable, but has been cautious, proportionate and has not yielded in nothing better than to give,” he said.

On other issues, President of Spain said that He finished the crisis

and highlighted some of the predictions of international bodies for the country. “It has been clearly confirmed economic recovery. The crisis is gone, “he said and quickly talk about the job, one of the major social problems of the country, where there are 5 million people out of work.

” Spain is the country of the OECD that employment will grow more intense, “he said. Rajoy wanted to endorse one of the keywords in the Spanish political scene and spoke of the “data to support change” or “change of indisputable situation.”

The Spanish president broke down the measures undertaken by his government, and was releasing its hold on economic governance -Correction deficit, prices, exports and employment-creating, bragging about the latest measures on wage increase of 1% for bureaucrats, pension increases 0.25 %, or a major Achilles heels of his government, the fight against corruption focused on improving the figure of seizure and Transparency Act.

On the issue of corruption, which cases involving almost daily on all politicians of his party, the Popular Party (PP), went on tiptoe and avoided addressing the issue in his speech.

“What the courts say and do is well done “and” act “without specifying how-if names appear PP involved. He settled all questions with “what matters is that we will work to ensure that these events are not repeated” in reference to the corrupt plot Punic starring businessmen and politicians of his political strength.

Just complete its intervention the reaction of the main opposition party, the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) was known. His secretary of Politics and Citizen Action, Patxi Lopez, said the political course and duration of its term of President Mariano Rajoy grants are summarized in the privileged and “abandonment of the majority”.

For the Socialists, this is the balance of the four years of the PP an absolute majority and, therefore, believe that will not do any good “electoral auction” is going to do now, with small increases to civil servants and pensioners, who are just ” sweets “(candy).


Rajoy: “Spain will grow more than the United States” – RT in Spanish – International News

The Prime Minister of Spain offers the ultimate balance of its management before the general election.

“In Spain we managed to overcome the most difficult moments of the crisis,” said the Prime Minister at a press conference. It also recalled that pensions will rise by 0.25% next year and expected a wage increase of 1%.

Mariano Rajoy has stressed “the obvious improvement in the economy” and “recovery economic “. The president has predicted that Spain will grow more than Britain and the United States: “Spain is the country of the big eurozone will grow And grow more than the UK or the US.”.

On the difficult economic situation in Greece, Rajoy has shown hopeful about the possibility of an agreement that clears all uncertainties. “I will work to ensure that nothing happens here similar to Greece,” he promised.

The Spanish prime minister also referred to the state budget 2016, stating that they ” a very difficult period for Spanish is

closed and a period of job creation opens “. “Ultimately I think Spain is much better than before,” he underlined.

On Catalonia, the Spanish Prime Minister has stressed that “there will be plebiscitary elections, as there was never a referendum”. “Spain is a serious country,” he stressed.


Rajoy reiterated: There will be no independence of Catalonia – The Universal

The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy reiterated that “there will be independence of Catalonia, under any means” and warned that the upcoming elections in that community are no plebiscite.

In conference after the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers, said that one can not say that the elections on 27 September in Catalonia, northeast of the country, will be to define independence or with respect to Spain.

Rajoy’s statements are when the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Artur Mas, drives a unitary list of candidates in favor of independence, and in case of a unilateral declaration would win secessionist.

“There will be no independence of Catalonia, under any means. That is now not possible, no sense, we are in a European Union that is increasingly Union and some countries want to enter EU and the euro, “he said.

” Breaking the bonding process most important years, will exit the euro and the European Central Bank does not make sense and is not going to produce, “he said.

said more, like

other responsible governments have a duty to enforce the law and prevent cohabitation break.

“The government will make compliance with the law, national unity, national sovereignty. It is wealth to be Catalan, Spanish and European at the same time, and is nonsense put out by the EU, “he explained

But will sign next week the decree calling the elections. whose campaign would be conducted from 14 to 25 September.



Four years for a tree to recover from drought – Radio Ñanduti

The trees needed an average of two to four years to recover their growth rates after severe droughts, increased period established by global models that relate climate and vegetation, and assume an almost immediate recovery.

The study, published in the journal Science, suggests, therefore, that forests as a result of the slow recovery after a drought, are able to store less carbon than it had calculated with models of climate and vegetation and this would imply that climate change can also be faster than previously thought.

These are among the findings of a team led by William RL article Anderegg, University of Utah (USA), and the Spanish side signing Julio Camarero Jesus, scientist of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza).

The forests play an important role in buffering of climate change caused by human activities paper. trees set much of the CO2 through photosynthesis and transformed and synthesized some of that stored carbon in wood

This regulation of the global carbon cycle is critical for the planet, stressed Efe Waiter, and the finding that drought stress slows tree growth over the years indicates that forests are able to store less carbon than calculated.

“If forests are not as good retaining carbon dioxide, this means that climate change could accelerate,” Anderegg said in a press release from the University of Utah.

In reaching these conclusions, the researchers analyzed a global database of tree growth (International Tree Ring Data Bank), a base constructed from measurements of growth rings provided by scientists around the world.

In particular, studied the recovery of trees over 1,300 non-tropical forests, including some Spaniards, after severe

droughts in the second half of the twentieth century, including 1994 and 1995 in Spain or 2003 Central Europe.

Dendrochronology is the science that studies the growth rings in tree trunks and through dendrochronological techniques researchers were able to reconstruct the growth after droughts and get an idea of ​​how forests convert carbon over time.

Once established trees took years to recover, the researchers compared the data with calculations of the theoretical models of climate and vegetation.

Thus, according to this study, the growth was about 9% lower than expected during the first year of recovery and 5% lower in the second year. The effects of the drought were most pronounced in families Pinaceae (pines and other conifers) and in semiarid areas.

“The findings of this study are very important to the Spanish forests, dominated by pines and subject frequent droughts, “said waiter

According Anderegg, the impact on CO2 storage capacity.” is not insignificant: for over a century, the carbon storage capacity of arid ecosystems would be reduced at about 1.6 gigatons, an amount greater than the total carbon emissions related to energy produced in the US in one year. “



SPAIN: The Socialist Party accused the government of ‘pride and arrogance’ in fixing the deficit of the autonomous communities – EntornoInteligente

<- AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO -> SPAIN: The Socialist Party accused the government of ‘pride and arrogance’ in fixing the deficit CCAA / World / Secretary of the PSOE, César Luena, said Thursday that the government is guilty of “arrogance and arrogance” to keep the 2016 deficit target for autonomy in the 0.3%, as for the state is 2.2% of GDP, although most regional executives asked soften.

Speaking to Cadena Ser, Luena said the Minister of Finance and Administration Cristobal Montoro, is “to defend like nobody insensitivity” and reacts this way, vetoing the change in the deficit, because after the 24-M socialist regional governments are you “changing step” and that “do not like” because anticipates what will happen in the fall in the general elections.

For the ‘number two’ of the PSOE, the new socialist government (7) are “changing” policies, making them more social, and not do what same that until now rushing regional executives led by the PP, based on the “cuts”, so act with “pride and arrogance” criteria imposed by the central government.

Extreme Right In this regard, said that changes in the leadership of the Popular Party are merely an “assembly” and “disguise” because the attitude of the Popular them positioned in place “more to the right of the entire legislature. “

In his view, this is reflected in the appointment of Javier Maroto as new Deputy Secretary General Sector and Xavier García Albiol as a popular candidate for President of the Government of Catalonia.

“I worry that in Spain the PP go both right, is almost touching the far right.” “How will you make new policy with these signings defending extremist positions?” He asked.

In this regard, branded as “grotesque” comments on “cleansing” and called for “clean in PP “after the known cases of corruption in the Punic and Gürtel frames because the Popular Party is” to the bars of corruption. “

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Trees need up to four years to recover from a drought – The Universe

The trees needed an average of two to four years to recover their growth rates after severe droughts, increased period established by global models that relate climate and vegetation, and assume an almost immediate recovery.

The study, published in the journal Science, suggests, therefore, that forests as a result of the slow recovery after a drought, are able to store less carbon than had been calculated with models of climate and vegetation and this would imply that climate change can also be faster than previously thought.

These are among the findings of a team led by William RL article Anderegg, University of Utah (USA), and the Spanish side signing Julio Camarero Jesus, scientist of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza).

The forests play an important role in buffering of climate change caused by human activities paper. trees set much of the CO2 through photosynthesis and transformed and synthesized some of that stored carbon in wood

This regulation of the global carbon cycle is critical for the planet, stressed Efe Waiter, and the finding that drought stress slows tree growth over the years indicates that forests are able to store less carbon than calculated.

“If forests are not as good retaining carbon dioxide, this means that climate change could accelerate,” Anderegg said in a press release from the University of Utah.

In reaching these conclusions, the researchers analyzed a global database of tree growth (International Tree Ring Data Bank), a base constructed from measurements of growth rings provided by scientists around the world.

In particular, studied the recovery of trees over 1,300 non-tropical

forests, after severe droughts in the second half of the twentieth century, including 1994 and 1995 in Spain and 2003 in the center of Europe .

Study of tree rings

Dendrochronology is the science that studies the growth rings in tree trunks and through dendrochronological techniques researchers could rebuild growth after droughts and get an idea of ​​how forests convert carbon over time.

Once established the years it took the trees to recover, the researchers compared the data with calculation of the theoretical models of climate and vegetation.

Thus, according to this study, the growth was about 9% lower than expected during the first year of recovery and 5% lower in the second year. The effects of the drought were most pronounced in families Pinaceae (pines and other conifers) and in semiarid areas

According Anderegg, the impact on CO2 storage capacity “is not insignificant. For more a century, the carbon storage capacity of arid ecosystems would be reduced by about 1.6 gigatons, an amount greater than the total carbon emissions related to energy produced in the US in one year. ” (I)


Trees need up to four years to recover from a drought – Daily Mail

trees need an average of two to four years to recover their growth rates after severe droughts, set a longer period of by global models that relate climate and vegetation, and assume an almost immediate recovery.

The study, published in the Science , suggests, therefore, that the forests, as a result of the slow recovery after a drought, are can store less carbon than previously estimated with models of climate and vegetation and this would imply that the Climate Change can also be faster than previously thought.

These are among the findings of a team led by William RL article Anderegg, University of Utah (USA), and the Spanish side signing Julio Camarero Jesus, scientist of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza).

The forests play an important role in the damping of climate change caused by human activity: trees set much of the CO2 through

photosynthesis and transformed and synthesized some of that stored carbon in wood.

This regulation of the global carbon cycle is critical for the planet, stressed Efe Waiter, and the finding that drought stress slows tree growth over the years indicates that forests are able to store less carbon than calculated.

“If forests are not as good retaining carbon dioxide, this means that climate change could accelerate,” Anderegg said in a press release from the University of Utah.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

SPAIN: Felipe VI brand profile in Marivent – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO>: Felipe VI Marivent brand profile / World / The King of gestures has managed to mark profile and claim the use of his summer residence now discussed. In a particularly subtle wink agenda, the monarch has ruled the Almudaina Palace, the official residence of the Crown in the Balearic capital, and has called for the first time traditional audience to the authorities of the island in the very Marivent Palace .

The Almudaina is the Royal Palace Marivent what La Zarzuela. With a significant difference, which is that the Community of Baleares is coasting maintenance of the Palace on the island 1,549,421 euros budget for 2015, which is a transfer of the Council of Mallorca dating back to 1973.

We know that Marivent has become, since 24-M, a coveted goal of the newly formed Balearic Government, Republican court and left. Its president, Francina Armengol, made that clear after his own audience in Zarzuela, just a week ago.

The socialist advantage to expose the monarch as “the governance agreement” reached by his party, the PSOE PSIB- with coalition can and econacionalista month includes the ability to “find ways” to open to the public “part of the gardens of the Marivent”. He said that his government will send a concrete proposal to the King’s House to the study, reported Efe.

Far from opposing the decisions if adopted by elected bodies, and through the greater institutional friendliness, Philip VI has begun to open doors Marivent to the authorities of the islands from the first day. Today attend the Armengol own; the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Miquel Riutort Ensenyat; the president of the Balearic Parliament, Xelo Huertas Calatayud; and the Mayor of Palma, José Francisco Hila Vargas.

A Dating Dating complex of no little complexity. The fact that, next to the Marivent claim on some of those invited have staged gestures political disaffection towards the Crown is given. Xelo the case of Huertas, leader of Podemos, which withdrew the photograph of King hanging on the wall of his office. And the own-the socialist mayor of Palma Hila which, according to the covenant of local government, the nationalist happen between 2015-17 Més Antoni Noguera – is considering withdrawing, and by September, the bust of Philip VI of the plenary hall , just installed months ago. A much more direct than executed by the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, with the effigy of King Juan Carlos I emeritus gesture.

However, from the King’s House removes all meaning to the location of the hearings are reminded that they occurred in Marivent years ago, in times of Juan Carlos I, and the change is justified on mere

grounds of “operational”.

In recent years, either way, the Monarch received only Mariano Rajoy in his usual summer residence, where he invited to lunch. And so it seems to happen again the next day 7. Two days earlier, and pending official confirmation, the Kings will again offer, like last year, a reception for about 200 people in the Balearic civil society. It will be in the Almudaina, the Roman castle of Muslim origin, which hosted the Balearic kingdom, before moving on to the Crown of Aragon and then to Spain. Something that, in this case, does not seem concerned.

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Spaniards and Colombians arrested for laundering drug money – Telemetro

Spanish security forces arrested 23 people of Spanish nationality and Colombian members of a Latin American drug ring and more two million euros were seized (about 2.19 million dollars to change) .

As reported by the delegate of the central government in Madrid, Concepción Dancausa, the organization’s mission was to provide infrastructure to distribute cocaine in Spain and then send the money from their sales to other countries .

The detainees were charged with crimes of money laundering, membership of a criminal organization, illegal possession of firearms, forgery, usurpation of civil status, fraud and ultimate crime against public health .

In addition, the agents relate to the band with the participation of 4,000 kilos of cocaine recovered in recent months, most notably a game of 2.25 tons was recovered in the inside of a sailboat sailing in French waters.

During the investigation more than 20,000 money orders sent from the parlors of two of the detainees were analyzed, and that the organization used to send the economic benefits from the sale of drugs.

They were arrested on 21 and 23 July and the housing

registrations in Madrid (center) and Plasencia ( midwest) jewelery were seized eight luxury cars worth 250,000 euros, two shotguns, a revolver, and 25 authentic Spanish identity documents listed as stolen, among other effects.

The core of the organization in Spain was made by a family who did not play any recognized labor activity, however, acquired by lawyers acting as figureheads, property worth more than 600,000 euros.

Responsible for the operation have shown that these properties were then “donated” to family members who were minors, with the aim of hindering the investigation of the agents.


Spanish Justice lowered the bail Infanta Cristina –

    Thursday July 30, 2015


It is imputed by corruption

 The Infanta Cristina and her husband Inaki Urdangarin

The Spanish Justice Thursday agreed to significantly reduce the bail imposed on the Infanta Cristina, sister of King Philip VI, the corruption case in which he is charged with her husband.

The bond initially 2.7 million, was reduced to 449,525 euros, according to settled the Second Section of the Court Palma de Mallorca, which partially accepted an appeal by the defense, he considered “disproportionate”. The anti-corruption prosecutor had acceded to the request.

The court thus overturned an earlier decision of the court that the case instructed that the bond calculated on the maximum attributable to the crimes alleged against him grief, ie necessary cooperator of tax fraud committed by her husband, Inaki Urdangarin.

The money from the livestock bail is to ensure payment to the State of the fine if the sister of the king is considered guilty of the crimes alleged against him.

Therefore, the resolution of the Court makes clear that the infant can not be allocated to that end the 587,412.58 euros already deposited the court as security for liability.

In early June, the princess and her husband sold for 6.9 million

euros the palace of Pedralbes in Barcelona, ​​which for years was his residence, in order to gain money to pay finance corruption case Nóos Institute, which both are accused.

For Urdangarín have to face a bail request for 13.5 million euros .

The Infanta Cristina, 50, will become the first member of the Spanish royal family to sit before a court-still no date for trial-within the framework of a cause of corruption in the history of democracy.

The investigating judge in the case, Jose Castro, believes that there is sufficient evidence to judge, at least, as a necessary cooperator of tax crimes of her husband.

Especially, after the princess of the money spent conjugal Aizoon company, a ‘screen society “created by Urdangarín to divert public funds misappropriated using its political influence.

When he told the investigating judge, the princess proclaimed his innocence, claiming that “trusted her husband” when signing documents he had and that involved in his criminal dealings.

The corruption scandal was Nóos He joined other tackles that hit the Spanish monarchy and would have been one of the triggers of the abdication of King Juan Carlos in favor of his son Philip in June 2014



Aurelio Martinez, president of the Port of Valencia – EntornoInteligente

Aurelio Martinez, president of the Port of Valencia / Expansion / The full Valencian Consell is expected to approve tomorrow, among others, the appointment of economist and former president of ICO Aurelio Martinez as president of the Port Authority of Valencia in place of Rafael Aznar, as confirmed to Efe sources of the Generalitat.

In November 2014, the Valencian government, then ruled by the PP, was studying whether deposed Aznar or kept in his post after being accused of alleged irregularities in the management of the port.

Finally, the Consell took no decision, so Aznar continued in his post, whereas they approved the cessation of Jose Joaquin Ripoll, also accused, as president of the port of Alicante.

Aurelio Martinez ( Zaragoza, 1947) is Professor of Applied Economics. In 1989 he was appointed Director General for Economic and Financial Policy of the Generalitat Valenciana and two years later, director of the Economics Department of the Office of the President. In 1995 he was appointed Minister of Finance and President of the Valencian Institute of Finance, and from 1995 to 1999, councilor of the Socialist group in the city of Valencia.

In 2003 he was appointed director of the Department of Economic Structure of the University of Valencia and between 2004 and 2009 he held the presidency of the Official Credit Institute (ICO).

In July 2009 he was appointed president of Navantia and in 2011, chosen by the Ministry of Finance to chair the future operator of State Lotteries.

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SPAIN: Four arrested after Greenpeace activists climb a building Industry to protest … – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO>: arrested four Greenpeace activists after climbing a building of Industry to protest the ‘tax to sun ‘ / World /

Live Action / climbers are 4 activists arrested in action today #NoalImpuestoalSol dvrIZeEThO

“Greenpeace Spain (greenpeace_esp) July 30, 2015

Four NGO Greenpeace activists were arrested after climbing a building next to the Ministry of Industry to display a banner in protest against the draft Royal Decree regulating the electricity consumption, which could be approved Friday by the Council of Ministers.

A total of eight activists have protested Thursday outside the Ministry of Industry, four of them from the top of a tower attached to the Ministry’s headquarters and belonging to the same and four others against the door, as they have indicated to Europa Press Greenpeace.

It was the first protest action Greenpeace carried out since the entry into force of the Public Safety Act, also known as the Gag Law, so from now will see the consequences of this standard is to the organization.

Activists They have scaled the building carrying placards with the message ‘NO Tax sun’, although larger is broken due to the wind. Meanwhile, the other four have been submitted to the Ministry doors with photovoltaic panel wrapped in a red ribbon for Minister Jose Manuel Soria “to set an example of support for renewable and solar energy feed itself.”

However, Soria “did not want” the solar panel and have even closed their outer gate. Then the police has arrived and has stopped half of the activists, which currently remain in police custody

Action / Activists put up on the facade of the Ministry saying #NoalImpuestoalSol http. // T .co / gUKh1wO45J

“Greenpeace Spain (greenpeace_esp) July 30, 2015

Greenpeace points out that, if approved this draft Royal Decree” will force consumers to produce their own energy and are connected to the network to pay a “tax in the sun ‘by the energy produced for own consumption.”

The head of the campaign Energy Greenpeace, Marina Bevacqua, said “the consumption is a key tool for energy efficiency, reducing emissions, creating jobs and reducing energy dependence Spain has the outside.” He also criticized this tax has been established based on the “interests of big power”.

They also warn that the new law “prevent you from using this resource to alleviate the major problem of energy poverty suffered more than seven million Spaniards. ” “It’s a real outrage”, say from Greenpeace.

Therefore, the NGO claims the

Ministry of Industry to discard the draft Royal Decree and to create a law “really conducive to the development of consumption have into account environmental, social and economic benefits of this technology and to guarantee a transition to a model based on renewable energy. ” Meanwhile, according to claim from the NGO, they will continue taking action against this project.

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Spanish government again ruled independence of Catalonia – Pueblo online

Spanish & gt; & gt; World

UPDATED: 30/07/2015 – 14:49

Words Key:

MADRID, July 29 (Xinhua) – The Spanish government reiterated today that “independence did not fit into the Spanish model of coexistence and that all legal means will be used to stop” in the case of Catalonia.

In a rally in Castilla y León (north), the Justice Minister Rafael Catala said the Spanish Constitution is a model of collaboration and participation in which there to continue working to consolidate it and make it more effective.

he said of the sovereignty process that has opened in Catalonia, which each administration has its powers and the problem arises when either or public power “goes beyond its scope competence and tries to legislate and make decisions that do not belong, “referring to the president of that community, Artur Mas.

And stressed that if that happened in any community, in this case in Catalonia, if would raise an electoral process beyond normal normal government elections in their

obligation to comply with and enforce the law, “would have to resort to the judiciary or constitutional”.

He stressed that the elections September 27 are regional, and nothing else.

Finally, “governments are all subject to the law and the right, we are to solve problems of citizens and not to create artificial and unnecessary debates, not to talk about what does not fit into our model of coexistence, “the Minister of Justice

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The Minister of Education expedite the transfer of funds pending centers – EntornoInteligente

The Minister of Education expedite the transfer of outstanding centers / Expansion / As stated in declarations to the media, before meeting with the directors of the institutes of Zaragoza.

The Minister of Education, Government of Aragon, Mayte Perez has pledged to speed up the transfer of outstanding centers of the Community budget funds as needed to meet 30 percent of them, “and even there is a part that is not even budgeted. “

The Minister said” we know the situation they are going through the centers “and” unjustifiable who have not received “one hundred percent of the funds transferring them to the Department each year, since they have few needs and even “amounts already committed.”

On the other hand, it has referred to the period of enrollment in secondary and high schools, after having completed the suspend the government this month approved by the previous government in implementing the Organic Law of Educational Quality Improvement (LOMCE) curriculum.

Perez recalled that has already met with the directors of Huesca and Teruel “We have not been aware” that there have been problems for change, while Wednesday will know the status of Zaragoza.

The minister recalled that the objective is “altering as little as possible the start of the course, that as much like the old one. ” However, he stressed that “what from the Department we have been wrong, we have no problem to rectify because that’s why we come” and, if necessary, issues that will improve the procedure will be incorporated.

SURPRISE The minister has expressed regarding the LOMCE, surprise at the assertion that PP of Aragon according to a report in the area of ​​High Inspection of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports there are flaws in the regional order in which paralyzes LOMCE the Community, a document that neither the Department nor the government knows.

“I do not think that’s a good way to start the path between the ministry” and the regional government, has opined Educational responsible.

In addition, Perez has considered “serious” that a political group “have known information that the government” and that the PP “continue to defend in opposition to the ministry before the powers and autonomy of Aragon, something that it did when it was in government, “he remembered.

Sector Board The Minister has announced that this Friday, July 31, the Sectoral Commission on Education, which undertook to convene this month will meet, in order to “restore, restore all working conditions that have enabled them to develop their work in terms of quality even before the previous legislature, to benefit the


Mayte Perez stressed that its purpose is recovering “gradually everything has been lost these past four years” by the educational community, after a PP government.

Regarding the meeting on Wednesday with managers, he has emphasized he wants to “take the pulse of teachers, their feelings, problems and needs” to “try to incorporate them into educational policy action.”

According to estimated, teachers are “key players” and has stressed their interest in working with them to design the government’s performance in this area.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pablo Casado attacks and ensures that Catalonia can never be independent – Blasting News

Paul Casado is a character who is fashionable and yet is very controversial is nothing new, and that the PP spokesman hatred of a large sector of the left won after a not very lucky statements.
“If it is to be left is old-fashioned, are a boring, all the while thinking about the historical memory and in pits ” such statements will launched to popularity, and even more when he said that the Most young people in Spain were the PP, but they did not know yet. If anything characterizes the PP spokesman is the clarity with which speech clarity that for certain sectors of the left may seem insulting, even disrespectful.

With the issue of independence of Catalonia as a voice of the day, last July 19, Pablo Casado did not miss the opportunity to say everything I thought on the subject, is that the PP spokesman said that while the PP were not separate Catalonia from Spain, since it had to defend the national unity and his party was the only one fight to keep it.

Artur Mas abandon all hope, because there will be no secession process “PP spokesman said during the closing ceremony of the Summer School of New Generations in El Escorial. In these statements also he wanted to make clear that Catalonia has never been independent

and that the Popular Party would monitor all follow the same , since according to him, his party is the only one who defends the unity of Spain.

Not only had words for Catalan independence in his speech also said that the PSOE now was the crutch to the nationalists and the extreme left , since, according to him, make alliances with those who do not condemn terrorism, making clear reference is to the formation led by Pablo Iglesias, We can.

Finally also had words for we “ Van new but support dictatorships Cuba and Venezuela “Implying so the only sensible option was to vote the Popular Party.


Rajoy advocates a xenophobic former mayor – Times


Barcelona <- - End pub!> |

The exalcade Badalona, ​​Xavier García Albiol, known for its xenophobic positions, will be the candidate of the right-wing Popular Party (PP) of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy for regional elections in Catalonia on September 27.

The decision was taken by the Catalan PP with the approval of Rajoy, who before the poor election forecasts that predict the polls for his party opted for the hard line to face the sovereignty challenge the Catalan President Artur Mas , presented as a plebiscite for independence of the northern region, according to the agency Telam.

García Albiol replaced as head of the list to the leader of the Catalan PP, Alicia Sanchez Camacho, who is worn for the last years of fighting with Mas, while the

“number two” will go a young rising star, Andrea Levy, recently named deputy secretary Stadium and programs of the rightist force.
Spain is experiencing a climate of uncertainty for the elections.

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Spanish government again ruled independence of Catalonia – Internet Information Center of China

  • Editor
  • 30/07/2015 00:19:26 / agency Xinhua CHILD government espa; ol Reiter & oacute; today that “independence does not fit the model of Spain YEAR coexistence ol and & aacute be used; n all legal means to prevent it,” in the case of Catalonia LITTLE GIRL 30/07/2015 00:. 19: 26.0 Spain LITTLE GIRL, Pol RIVER policy / Catalonia LITTLE GIRL agency xinhua10067066794Noticias/enpproperty–>

The Spanish government reiterated today that “independence did not fit into the Spanish model of coexistence and that all legal means will be used to stop” in the case of Catalonia


In a rally in Castilla y León (north), the Justice Minister Rafael Catala said the Spanish Constitution is a model of collaboration and participation in which we must continue working to consolidate it and make it more effective.

said of the sovereignty process that has opened in Catalonia, which each administration has its powers and the problem arises when either or public power “goes beyond their jurisdiction and tries to legislate and make decisions that will not correspond “referring to the

president of that community, Artur Mas.

And stressed that if that happened in any community, in this case in Catalonia, would raise the electoral process if beyond normal processes normal election the government in its obligation to comply with and enforce the law, “would have to resort to the judiciary or constitutional”.

He stressed that the elections of September 27 are regional, and nothing else.

Finally, “governments are all subject to the law and the right, are to solve problems of citizens and not to create artificial and unnecessary debates, not to talk about what does not fit in our model coexistence, “the Minister of Justice. F

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A real estate project with much controversy – Daily Online

Spanish & gt; & gt; World

UPDATED: 07/28/2015 – 13:49

Words Key: property, Wanda, Madrid, building, controversy

The building Spain, acquired by Dalian Wanda in June 2014, is an icon of the city of Madrid, located in the heart comercialde the capital. [CARLOS DELGADO / CHINA DAILY]

Madrid, 07/28/2015 (The People’s Daily Online) – The Chinese real estate giant Dalian Wanda is on the point of public and political look in Spain for its plans to demolish a landmark building in Madrid.

In June last year, the group acquired the building Spain for 265 million euros (297 million dollars) from the banking corporation Grupo Santander.

The building Spain, which occupies an entire city block, is an icon of Madrid is located in the commercial heart of the capital.

The building is vacant since 2006 due to its bad state and high maintenance costs. Since then, it has rapidly deteriorated and now needs urgent renovation.

“Wanda Group plan for the building includes a luxury hotel, a shopping center and the construction of exclusive residential homes,” said the group at the time of the acquisition.

The company, along with other Spanish private companies will also participate in improving Spain’s Square in front of the building. The new architectural design, with a planned investment of 80 million euros, will reduce vehicle traffic, expand green areas and pedestrian zones increase. The project will also include 100 underground parking spaces.

The plan Wanda was initially well received by local authorities as proposed revitalize the area and create 3,400 jobs in

the construction sector.

However, things have changed for Wanda since announcing that should bring down the entire building for safety reasons and then rebuild the facade brick by brick.

Executives Wanda said that given the poor state the building, down the inside and left standing only the facade and the side walls could be very dangerous

Cristina Guardia, a Spanish architect who work in a study of Barcelona, ​​said. “It is a project very complicated you need a very thorough structural analysis. Personally I do not think a complete demolition is required. An internal restructuring could be sufficient to maintain the facade. “

The project is also facing stricter conditions new group’s governing council.

The new mayor of Madrid, former Judge Manuela Carmena, has launched a campaign to analyze the situation of large construction projects approved under the previous government.

Local media reported that Michael Qiao, the Wanda Group, requested a private meeting with the new city officials to discuss the construction project.

After the meeting, it was announced that Wanda and business executives Department officials urban development will establish a special commission to discuss the architectural details of the project.

The local government will also consult citizens and environmental groups over plans to demolish the building Wanda.

The building of Spain is not the only project of Wanda in Madrid. The company is examining other real estate megaproject in the capital that could attract more investment.


The Board asked Mendez de Vigo to halt the LOMCE and “flexibility” – EntornoInteligente

The Board asked Mendez de Vigo to halt the LOMCE and “flexibility” / Expansion / Gutierrez advances formulas also ensure that 148 high school and FP routes following the annulment of the framework agreement are studied.

The Minister of Education and Employment, Esther Gutierrez has advanced Thursday move at a meeting with Minister of Education, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, the claim that the implementation schedule of the Lomce is paralyzed, and also it will claim the Education Sector on 13 August with most communities opposed to the standard.

Specifically, Extremadura minister has indicated that its intention is that the calendar is paralyzed “immediately” and that the minister “flexibility” to the regions so that it can adapt to the “reality” of each one of them.

Gutierrez has referred this matter to the output of a meeting with the president of the Regional Federation of Associations of Parents of Public Centers (Freapa), Joaquina Lopez Mancera, in addition to its concern about the implementation of the Lomce, which opposes, have also addressed other issues such as school transport, canteens, recovery of janitors in schools and the work involved in them.

Thus, Extremadura minister of education has stated that after the August 13 sectoral community will study the possibilities to “soften” the implementation of the LOMCE, a law ” there has been agreed “and about which he expressed his” total disagreement “.

So, has said he will “fight” to be the Ministry of Education itself the repeal Act “given to the various sectors, political parties and the educational community.” “Everyone is against this organic law,” he remarked.

However, Gutierrez reiterated that the course will start in September in Extremadura with the “normal” schedule established by the LOMCE for later, and depending on the “willingness to negotiate” showing the minister, study the ability to “soften” the course along with changes in each region.

With regard to the criticism on Wednesday by the PP, about a “contradiction” between the claims by the PSOE, which calls for the suspension of the LOMCE, and counseling itself, with respect to start the course with the timetable set by law, Gutierrez stressed that the “objective” of Extremadura Socialists is “the suspension of the law.”

However, he reiterated that the final decision rests with the Ministry of Education and, therefore, the Board seeks “realistic and immediate objectives”, while recalled that the aim of the communities that are disagree with the rule, and as the majority remarked, is the repeal of the Lomce.

Transport On the other hand, regarding the cancellation of the framework agreement busing ordered by the High Court of Extremadura (TSJEx), said that means that 148 new lines that were left out of the previous contest, and correspond to high school students and vocational training should leave the competition.

However, it noted that “there will be no problem” in which the service is supplied from the first day of the new school year, while recalled the intention to negotiate shown by the Regional Association School Transportation (ARTEX).

“We’ll see the formula,” he said the minister, who has even advanced the possibility of doing so through smaller contracts would be considered, but in any case ensured that the start of the school year starts with all routes.

In any case, he remarked that this new ruling “proves once again that there has been mismanagement in the past four years with the PP.” “This is the reality, and this is what we are finding,” he said about the previous government of Jose Antonio Monagas, “where everything was wonderland, and now we find that Justice is agreeing with those which they have thrown four years claiming what they believe their rights. ”

On this subject, said that the claims of ARTEX be taken into account when to convene the new school competition routes.

Concierges Moreover, Extremadura minister has considered “totally fair” Freapa claim regarding recovery of more than 300 places of janitors in schools.

However, it said that for now this is their “intention” because the new socialist government must study the economic situation of the regional administration to take a final decision. In addition, it has also picked up

another claim of Freapa regarding quality catering served in some school cafeterias.

Agreed With regard to the criticism from the PP not to meet with representatives of education concerted Gutierrez noted that counseling “has requested a meeting to Concapa” and that it has not offered any date because they are “too busy” and did not know when they will be able, at his department has responded that it is this when the group has available to forward to close the appointment.

At the same time, it said that Concapa has not requested any meetings, as opposed to Freapa, with which met Wednesday. In this regard, he noted that “the first thing” that has made its counseling is “to initiate dialogue with all sectors of education”, since contacts with the unions began, and now with representatives of the parents of students.

Freapa For his part, the president of Freapa, Joaquina Lopez Mancera, has made a “positive” assessment of the meeting, in which the minister has moved to its “concerns” and that “a day today are concerned with the Extremadura families. ”

So, on the school bus he has expressed his satisfaction after the assurances given by the Board with respect to the normal service will be provided from the start of the course.

With regard to school canteens, he said that the group had “years and years” claiming that began with the start of the course, and also winding to a close, so it is “satisfactory “that this is going to be.

However, it has raised “some complaints” about the catering of some centers that “have not been answered in these four years” by the counseling or the entity responsible for this issue.

As for the concierges, celebrated having “started the commitment” to the counselor for the possibility of including this measure in future budgets be considered, given that this year, which are the for the beginning of next year, they are already closed. In this regard, he noted that the figure of the concierge is “important for the quality of education” to students.

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SPAIN: The mother who threw away her baby delivered another unknown two years ago – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO>: The mother who threw her baby away to strangers delivered another two years / World / Al fifth son threw it away and gave it to the fourth parents in a park. Catalina, Colombian women aged 37, arrested for throwing her newborn to a container in Mejorada (Madrid), has now confessed in prison that had a daughter in February 2013 to just outside the hospital gave a couple He did not know.

The case of Catherine finished no surprises in store. After his arrest and imprisonment for throwing her baby on July 16 away in Mejorada del Campo, now the woman has confessed that he gave his fourth son, who gave birth in 2013 to a couple. It was a girl who was born, like the fifth, at the Hospital del Henares Coslada in February 2013.

The mother maintains he did not do the same with the last child. On that occasion, he said, he left the hospital with her newborn daughter on his way home and stopped in a park of Mejorada. Ensures that gave it to two middle-aged in his 30s, who did not know, told them he could not keep it and asked them to look after. He added that he does not know who they are and who left crying immediately.

The agents did not believe his version and suspect that fell off the baby The case is still under a gag and the woman could face two counts of attempted murder to get rid of his last two stems.

In this fourth child is not recorded in any register once left the hospital in the arms of his mother. The Civil Guard has not found the slightest indication he’s still alive, despite the testimony of the woman who gave it to the couple.

Last month, on July 15, Catherine was arrested by the Civil Guard accused of throwing hours before his son was born on June 30 to an underground waste container. That morning a neighbor walking his dog heard the baby crying from inside the dust-bin and alerted the Civil Guard, who rescued him with the help of cleaning workers.

Inside a backpack The boy was in a backpack and a bag beside him and a bottle nipple which led the agents to the place where he was born: the delHenares Coslada Hospital.

The woman, who has three other children aged 4, 5 and 11 years, denied the facts first, but later admitted that he had thrown the container and acquitted her husband.

It later emerged that he had hidden the pregnancy at work (she was employed as a waitress in a bar in San Fernando) and her husband, Edison. He confirmed that he knew nothing the guards and he learned of the birth of the baby when she went to Hospital del Henares thinking that his wife had entered the center for disease. The researchers said the woman kept secret because her husband did not want any more children and that the relationship had worsened in recent days when Catherine took the baby home at the beginning of July.

The case was about to be closed, but 10 days ago in the Hospital del Henares was discovered that she had a fourth child. Physicians were those who warned and warned that the Guardia Civil. As with the fifth child, nor anyone Catalina told him to pregnancy and did not come during the nine months of pregnancy to any medical consultation.

According to research, the fourth child of Catherine was born without any problems

in 2013. The mother spent three days in hospital and was discharged. According to the Civil Guard, the woman did not show up to the office where he had been summoned to give birth outcome doctors took the baby nor any rvevisión. It was also fruitless search for the girl of 2013 in computer and health records of the Community of Madrid last week. We did not find anything or the surname of the mother or the father. Nor interchangeably. The Civil Guard did not know how to locate the alleged couple because Catalina has produced no evidence of both.

The father said last Friday that he knew nothing of that fourth pregnancy and the subsequent birth. He explained that his wife suffers from an ailment and knee problems and was not surprised when he said he was going to the hospital to pass a. The judge weighs maintain a confrontation between the parents to see if they tell the truth. Edison, for now, has called the baby back.

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MSF comes to serving victims of violence – The Morning Reynosa

AGREEMENT Authorities jurisdiction & # XF3;. n Health No. IV held a meeting & # XF3; n with representatives of M & # XE9;. Physicians Without Borders

AGREEMENT. Authorities of the Sanitary District No. IV held a meeting with representatives of Doctors Without Borders.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) will participate in a program of psychological support for victims of violence , according to preliminary agreement held between representatives of this global non-profit organization and the Sanitary District No. IV.

Andrés Vera (Venezuela) and Nancy Villegas (Mexico), members of Doctors Without Borders met Juan Noé López Soto, head of the jurisdiction; Elisa Maria Alva Niño, head of mental health; Brenda Elena and San Miguel Solis, director of the Urban Health Center Rector.

During the meeting it became clear the interest of MSF to work in coordination with the authorities of the health sector to assist in the mental aspect, victims of any kind of violence, including the kind of family, bullying and organized crime.

For his part, Juan Noé López Soto said that while there is a program of detection of cases of violence still do not have an exact protocol applicable to support those who are experiencing this kind of situation, hence

the support of Doctors Without Borders welcome.

The delegation visited the health centers in the colonies Curve and Aquiles Serdan, where they discussed with the heads of the same and exposed orally goals Doctors Without Borders worldwide, and the program in which they wish to work particularly in Reynosa to help those who were or are victims of violence.

Later also visited the Center for Attention to Youth (CAJ) where cases of family disintegration and substance abuse are addressed.

This visit MSF serves as a prelude to the receiving a large party of the same organism in the month of August, when there will be the signing of an agreement between MSF and the Sanitary District No. IV

Sin borders. MSN works in almost all countries where there is conflict victims high magnitude.


Spanish judges denounce government interference in the judicial system – Reuters

July 29, 2015, 5:57 Madrid, July 29 (PL) Organizations of Spanish judges and civil rights activists today asked the UN to send a mission official to the country to investigate what they consider serious government interference in judicial independence.

 The complaint is contained in a letter to the special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers of the United Nations, signed by Judges for Democracy, Independent Judicial Forum and the civil rights organization Rights International Spain.

The report states that the Government erode the separation of powers with irregularities as the appointment of the chairman of the Board of Administrative Litigation of the Supreme Court and law reforms of the judiciary and criminal procedure.

With regard to the appointment of the President of the Third Chamber of the Supreme, Luis Díez, consider that the non-renewal of José Sieira a milestone because for the first time in history a president that level is not renewed for a second term.

This happens he adds, in a context of signs of government interference in order to avoid judicial decisions as the annulment of the pardon

granted to a kamikaze driver.

Also critical reforms to the Organic Law of the Judiciary to introduce consider amendments undermine the collegiate nature and independence, without consulting civil society and hear opinions of legal operators.

According to the spokesman of Judges for Democracy, Joaquim Bosch, the pressures of political power to control the judiciary reached levels unprecedented in the democratic era and erode the credibility of the judicial institutions

rc / ml.
