Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Moreno Díaz requires “humility” and suggests that “if you want to be … – EntornoInteligente

Moreno Díaz requires "humility" and suggests that "if you want to be … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Wednesday, December 2014
31 Moreno Díaz requires “humility” <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> and suggests that “if you want to be president of Spain, begins to be in Andalusia”

This article has been read 30 times

The Information .com / Le proposes, “in this end of term trance” that “rests on the PP-A” for stability the Community


The leader of the Andalusian PP, Juanma Moreno, has again criticized the management by the top leader of the Board, Susana Diaz, who “in 14 months has not ruled” and has been missing from her “humility to admit mistakes.” Given this, has advised that “if you want to be president of Spain in the future, begin to be good president in Andalusia”.

In a press conference in Málaga on Wednesday to offer an assessment of the situation Andalusia during the past year and when asked if he thinks there could be an electoral breakthrough in the Community, has indicated that an image of “uncertainty and instability” would, but neither Diaz interested now do it on your ” personal ambition “, while” does not leave the accounts “.

It has also made clear that although” aims to win the regional elections “and be” the first president of the center in Andalucía ” while ruling Diaz, since “no ideas in this final trance legislature” has been willing to socialist “rests on the PP and together we can get Andalucía forward.”

In short, he has called him to be “high-mindedness and not seek its own interests and political ambitions of occupying Ferraz”, demanding that “no use Andalucía hostage to their ambitions and as large electoral platform for their goals, I think are nationals “.

Looking to 2015, Moreno has asked Diaz to” abandon the haughty and arrogant attitude, down four or five steps, stop levitate and people suffering approaches, the Real Andalucia and me “. At this point, has considered the possibility “of I approached her, I have no problem.”

For the president of the Andalusian People’s Party, “it is important that the two major political forces arrive at some points meeting on matters of concern to the Andalusians, “citing unemployment and corruption. Therefore, it has been alleged that does not accept their proposals and, further, that “has not been able to bring them no criticism or quote me to San Telmo to discuss them.”


In this regard, if the fact that there was no governance that give institutional stability, political and economic, ie “post-election tripartite between can, IU and PSOE, the covenant of give in the Andalusian Community trouble, I always would elevate the interests of Andalucía to the PP and be willing to find common ground. “

Yes, Moreno, who has insisted that” a pact with IU is not positive for Andalusia “Diaz has warned that he is not willing to give” a blank check, much less “because” management model is the opposite of my model. ” However, “if she left advise we could reach agreements”, citing those achieved in the Principality of Asturias.

“If to govern Andalusia and improve the economy, requires the PP give your support in certain specific points, here is the Popular Party, “he said. “I’m willing to go on a tandem bicycle –ha indicado–; we’ll see in

the elections who leads the handlebars, but I wonder if she is willing to fight for the Andalusians and be ahead or behind the national gateway” <. / p>

“Christmas Carol”

On New Year message Diaz Moreno has dismissed as “Christmas Carol, which has nothing to do with the reality of Andalusia, a reality that is raw and hard. ” At this point, he lamented “permanent staging, much marketing, advertising and large doses of propaganda”.

As for the fight against prominent corruption Diaz in his speech, the leader of the ‘popular’ Andalusian has said that “every week Andalucía has sadly been in the news in local, national and international news from the corruption of governments of the Board”.

“What makes Susana Díaz is to cover the corruption, “he stated, noting again that” there questioningly crossed the judge Mercedes Alaya “, in charge of the case records of employment regulation (ERE) allegedly fraudulent. “What do you fear, what to hide”, he asked.

At this, he urged collaborate with justice so that “the Andalusians know the truth” and “recover the money They have robbed us. ” “You can not assume cleaners or anti-corruption,” he asserted, recalling the statements of Minister of Justice, Emilio de Llera, after Alaya extend the investigation of the case of the ERE to all public companies of the Board and regretting that he has not disowned him. “That silence is becoming complicit” apostille Moreno.

According to the leader is popular, Diaz ended the year “without being able to reduce unemployment rates,” while governed communities by PP “have managed to reduce yes”, among which cited Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia. “Andalucía sagging of that recovery remains” he lamented

It has also rejected the idea that in Andalusia the quality public services are consolidated, or social or health or educational matters. “Nothing could be further of reality. ” “Susana Díaz is far removed from the problems of all Andalusians”, criticized Moreno.


Moreno has accused the Chief Executive Andalusian be “the biggest defaulter”, because “the bills keep piling up in drawers and hundreds of thousands of small and medium businesses close for unpaid Board”.

“No management or leadership in the Government of Andalusia “he reiterated, noting that” I do not know if you do not know or do not want to manage because it has its head more interesting political objectives for it, “which is” usurping the chair Pedro Sánchez General –secretario PSOE – a good year for the Andalusians, “but not for the management of the Board, but by the Executive of Spain”

There was convinced that 2015 will be. ” , “whose efforts conducted jointly with society, begins to bear fruit,” which translates into “greater economic stability.” Therefore, Diaz has recommended that “acompase its passage to the Government of the Nation.”


Information The Information .com


The regional road network recorded 21 incidents, two … – EntornoInteligente

The regional road network recorded 21 incidents, two … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | posted on Wednesday, December 2014


The regional road network recorded 21 incidents, two ice and snow on the A-127 and HU-631

This article has been read 964 times

The Information .com / ZARAGOZA, 31 (IRIN)

The regional road network recorded 21 incidents Wednesday, two of them by the presence of snow and ice on the roads A-127, in the province of Zaragoza, and HU-631, in Aragon, has informed the Department of Public Works, Planning, Housing and Transport, Government of Aragon .

In the A-127, crossing the N-232 to Sangüesa (Navarra), caution is requested by ice kilometer 84.00 to 85.00 in the

port of Sos del Rey Catholic .

Also, the HU-631, between Sarvisé and Escalona, ​​Public Works urges caution in the presence of snow and ice kilometer 2.00 to 13.00, in the Canyon of Añisclo, the be a dead winter road maintenance.

Also, drive carefully in the highlands and shady in the province of Teruel by the possible formation of ice sheets is recommended.


Information The Information .com


SPAIN: Susana Díaz government looks impossible set of PP and … – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN: Susana Díaz government looks impossible set of PP and … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; policy | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
SPAIN <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!>: Susana Diaz looks impossible joint rule of PP and PSOE

World / & gt <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO!>; The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Susana Diaz, considered “impossible” for his party, the PSOE and the PP rule together, but argues that all political forces should be united in the reform of the Constitution.

A journalists’ questions in Malaga on the possibility of a pact between the PSOE and the PP after the next general election, Diaz has stated that these two parties have “two different ideas of economics and politics also” something that “is not supported within a government.”

“In the face is how to understand the austerity policy the Government of Spain and how Andalucía claims the policy of growth and economic stimulus, are two ideas and two different political and economic projects also “stressed.

Before attending the delivery of the X Malagueños Today Awards which granted the daily Málaga today, including actor Antonio Banderas, Andalusian president has stated that “not only PSOE and PP, but all parties” have to be “united in the reform of the Constitution.”

Otherwise, according to Diaz, “it would not be possible to renew the Constitution and do so with a project of coexistence and future for the next fifteen, twenty or thirty years in this country. “

Asked Case corruption on embezzlement training consortium Almonte (Huelva ) to the Three Kings, 2009, advanced information WORLD Andalusia, Diaz said that “everything that has not been properly

spent for the purpose for which it was granted, will be returned.”

Regarding the resignation of former mayor of the PSOE in Santa Fe (Granada) for a possible case of ‘cronyism’, the president said: “anything other than exemplary behavior does not fit within the accountability of public officials of the Socialist Party. “

It has been shown also convinced that Grenadians socialist” will see in the coming days or hours that we have acted with exemplary, not only according to law, I think we must also be exemplary and honest “. Referring to the resignation of socialist charge he noted that this will “better able to defend themselves outside their public responsibilities.”

There has sought to evaluate yet the statements of Minister of Justice, Emilio de Llera, regarding the documentation required by the judge Mercedes Alaya and has merely repeated: “I do not speak of writs,” although he has guaranteed its collaboration with justice. Faced with criticism of the president of the PP Andaluz, Juan Manuel Moreno, has said that his statements are sometimes contradictory and “rub almost irrelevant.” “What you should do is what I collaborate with justice and with Andalusia and day brings something I think that is contributing to Andalusia and another rooster would sing “”

Information World


Arrested three people accused of stealing 1,200 kilos of copper … – EntornoInteligente

Arrested three people accused of stealing 1,200 kilos of copper … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Wednesday, December 2014


<- AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO -> Arrested three people accused of theft 1,200 kilos of copper mining operations

The Information .com / VALENCIA, 31 (IRIN)

Agents of the Civil Guard have arrested three people on suspicion of involvement in the theft of nearly 1,200 kilos of copper mining operations in the Valencian town of Sale del Moro, as reported by the Civil Guard said in a statement.

The detainees, of Spanish nationality, were surprised when two vehicles allegedly carrying large amount of copper wiring hose stolen from exploitation. The Civil Guard seized all the material that was delivered to its rightful owner.

The intervention took place last December 26 in the services established by the Civil Guard to prevent abduction copper and other metals in the province of Valencia.

The incident occurred when components because of Carr, before the

suspicions infused them a van and a vehicle traveling along an industrial estate in the town Quart de Poblet, identified the occupants and conducted a search.

Inside the van officers found lots of hoses copper wire alleged illicit origin. After the efforts they could see that copper had been stolen from a mine located in Venta del Moro.

Therefore, the Civil Guard proceeded to the arrest of three men aged between 23 and 48, all Spanish nationals, suspected of a crime of burglary. Investigations are still ongoing to fully clarify these facts. Proceedings have been available to the court of Instruction No. two of Torrent


Information The Information .com .


Juan Carlos I asked her daughter to renounce inheritance … – Caracol Radio

Juan Carlos I asked her daughter to renounce inheritance … – Caracol Radio

Madrid, December 30 (EFE) .- King Juan Carlos I asked three years ago her daughter Princess Cristina to renounce his inheritance because investigating a corruption case on her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, and which will take her to the dock, according to a book released today.

The journalist Fernando Ónega reveals in his book “Juan Carlos I, Man Who Would Be King” the intricacies of the abdication of the king his son King Philip VI and the “huge blow” that has meant attributing his daughter said corruption case.

“Leave it to me, his father,” was the advice, according Ónega recently made him King Juan Carlos to his son on the situation of the Infanta Cristina.

The sister of King Philip VI will be judged as cooperator alleged two tax offenses allegedly committed by her husband in the called “Nóos case”, in relation to a nonprofit foundation chaired by Urdangarin and supposedly 6.1 million euros (7.5 million dollars) of public funds between 2004 and 2007.

Thus, according to the journalist recounts three years ago King Juan Carlos, still head of state, sent to the United States, where his daughter lived then, two, one of them Fernando Almansa- emissaries to talk to the princess Cristina and ask him to renounce his succession rights to the Crown for the good of the institution.

The Infanta “took note” of that request, but so far there has been no response.

Ya near this Christmas, King Juan Carlos and his son spoke again on the criminal status of the infant and family assistance acts for the holidays.

During that conversation, King Juan Carlos recommended his son to leave him mediate with the Infanta, according to journalist

After that, Ónega says no evidence that King Juan Carlos has returned to discuss the matter with her daughter , although it has a lot of heavy its view that it is away from the royal family.

In the book, Ónega includes the first witness of the monarch after his abdication last June, a historic moment He lived with a

mixture of contradictory feelings.

The first, “the satisfaction of accomplishment” and “proud father” to see his new son king, but also the “pain of parting” after nearly four decades of rule.

The abdication began to take shape almost two years ago, although the decision was precipitated with speech Pascua Militar January 2014, in which the king gave a picture of tired and very poor health man.

Before that, there had been “humiliation” to apologize publicly for the bumpy ride to Bostsuana, and loss of image of the monarchy pointing all surveys, according to the book.

Juan Carlos I delivered his abdication speech on June 2 last and 19th of the same month his son was proclaimed king.

Onega says he sees now King Juan Carlos “relajadísimo” with the feeling that it has taken “a load off” and the satisfaction that the succession process “went well”.

In the interview with the reporter, Juan Carlos I would not discuss how to reign for not condition his son.

The King Juan Carlos I is now a man humming the songs of Maria Dolores Pradera, responding to all calls telephone and does not hesitate to stay up until the wee hours of the morning answering messages, says journalist.

In his residence Zarzuela Palace Ónega- adds “the house is quiet,” the relationship with Queen Letizia is “more friendly” than in the past where there was a “clash of cultures” and his dealings with his wife, Queen Sofia, is summarized in the kisses that were spent on the balcony of the Royal Palace last June 19, the day of the proclamation of Philip VI. EFE

edr / ess / pdp / sm


Two injured when a passenger ramming his patrol in a mossos … – EntornoInteligente

Two injured when a passenger ramming his patrol in a mossos … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Wednesday, December 2014


<- AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO -> Two mossos wounded to ram tourism his patrol car at a gas station

The Information .com / LLEIDA , 31 (IRIN)

Two Mossos d’Esquadra are injured, one in critical condition after being thrust his patrol parked at a gas station by another tourist, whose driver is also hurt.

According to informed sources in the regional police to Europa Press, the accident occurred at 2.40 hours on the road

C-33, The Fuliola (Lleida) where tourism has rammed the point Static in which the agents were.

The critical injured has been admitted to the Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona.


With Information The Information .com


More than 150 immigrants breached through the Spanish border Melilla … – Terra Colombia

More than 150 immigrants breached through the Spanish border Melilla … – Terra Colombia


December 31, 2014 • 9:13

<-! - // // Updated 06/13/2014 at> <- // NAO & Eacute; BBC - INI // -> <- // Author Home // -> <- Author fim // // -> <- // NAO & Eacute!!!; BBC - FIM // ->

About fifty Wednesday immigrants got to cross the border fence that separates the Spanish enclave of Melilla in Morocco, bringing to 156 clandestine arrivals to the city in less than 24 hours, the government delegation reported.

“From 22H00 (21H00 GMT) yesterday (Tuesday), more than 800 immigrants, divided into several groups, well organized, have been trying to reach the border fence that separates Morocco from Melilla “wrote the delegation of the Spanish government in a statement defining” an intense night of extreme migratory pressure. “

Early in morning, about 0500 GMT, “54 sub-Saharan have overcome the entire device” forces deployed by Moroccan and Spanish security to prevent entrance to the city, and protected by a triple fence with a dense mesh difficult to climb.

On Tuesday, 102 other African immigrants managed to enter Spain jumping the fence of this Spanish enclave, the only land border between Europe and Africa together with the other Spanish

city in northern Morocco, Ceuta.

“We can not admit that massive assaults and strength are constantly on the southern border of Europe,” the government delegate in Melilla, Abdelmalik El Barkani, said in the statement.

“It’s not an immigration model that we should or can resign,” he said.

The conflict in Syria, Iraq, Sudan and Mali resulted in recent months increased attempts to penetrate the Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta, the only land border between Africa and Europe.

The Spanish Ministry of Interior on 16 November censused in almost 4,700 the number of clandestine immigrants who had come to Melilla since early this year, when around 2013 were just over 3,000.

Some, like Tuesday and Wednesday, throw in a group to jump the border fence while others, with false documents, try mingle with many Moroccans who cross the border daily.

According to authorities, 30,000 Moroccans, traders and porters, come daily to Ceuta and Melilla, two enclaves historically claimed by Rabat.


The PPC sees “cynical” Mas accuse the government of breaking the … – EntornoInteligente

The PPC sees "cynical" Mas accuse the government of breaking the … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
The PPC sees “cynical” that More accuse the government of breaking the constitutional consensus

This article has been read 689 times

The Information .com / Barcelona, ​​December 29 (EFE) .- PPC spokesman in Parliament, Enric Millo, sees a “monumental cynical” the Catalan President, Artur But accuse the government of breaking the constitutional consensus and invites you to learn from the “errors” of “failed” Ibarretxe Plan for Catalonia to no end “stagnant” and “siding” with his sovereignist process.

The Basque, Iñigo Urkullu, and the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, agreed yesterday to work together to “deal” to “growing” process “recentralization” of the Central Government, in view of the two leaders, unilaterally breaks the political consensus and constitutional three decades

In statements to Efe, Millo has appreciated a “monumental cynicism” in the perception of the president of the constitutional consensus, which also sees “unacceptable.”: “Those who do everything possible to load the consensus are those who accuse that guarantee” which are the government and the PP.

In this sense, Millo has defended the legitimacy of seeking “formulas “allowing renew or reform the

political consensus if all parties agree, instead of trying to break in a” unilateral “with the Catalan sovereignty process driven by the Govern, CiU and ERC.

Millo believes his visit to the Basque Country, Catalan president seeks “shelter” and “understanding” with his independence challenge, but stressed that Urkullu y Mas “nor are the same person or the same proposals or act the same way to the law, “referring to the participatory process of November 9 suspended as a precautionary measure by the Constitutional Court.

” Maybe someone is interested to appear as the same thing, but they are not “added .

So, PPC spokesman in Parliament reminded But in the Basque Country “noted the failure” Ibarretxe Plan, which led them to “rectify” and urged President of the Government to “not forget” and “learn from past mistakes.”

Millo, for this reason, has called on the Catalan president “course correction” that Catalonia does not end “stuck” or “dead end”.

(EFE Verde)

Information The Information .com


Over a hundred immigrants enter Spain through the border fence … – Terra Colombia

Over a hundred immigrants enter Spain through the border fence … – Terra Colombia


December 30, 2014 • 7:33

<-! - // // Updated 06/13/2014 at> <- // NAO & Eacute; BBC - INI // -> <- // Author Home // -> <- Author fim // // -> <- // NAO & Eacute!!!; BBC - FIM // ->

More than a hundred immigrants managed to penetrate Tuesday in the Spanish enclave of Melilla while another forty of them have perched several hours a triple border fence separating it from Morocco, announced the government delegation.

“A total of 102 immigrants have gotten through to Melilla and are being treated at the Centre for temporary immigrant” He explained the government delegation of this enclave in a statement.

One of them suffered “an open fracture of the left tibia and fibula” so it was transferred by ambulance to the Red Cross to a hospital where will he underwent surgery, added


The assault it staged over two hundred immigrants around 0600 GMT tried to cross the triple border fence of the city, about six feet high and equipped with a dense mesh to prevent the climb.

More than four hours later,

half of them had already passed Spain, about forty African immigrants were perched on the fence guarded by Spanish civil guards who came to intercept, as the government delegation.

The conflict in Syria, Iraq, Sudan and Mali in recent months caused an increase in attempts to penetrate the Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta, the only land border between Africa and Europe.

The Spanish Ministry of Interior censused on November 16 in nearly 4,700 the number of immigrants who had secretly come to Melilla since early this year, when around 2013 were just over 3,000.

Some, like Tuesday, throw in a group to jump the border fence while others, with false documentation, try to mingle with many Moroccans, especially merchants, who cross the border daily.

According to authorities, 30,000 Moroccans, traders and porters, come daily to Ceuta and Melilla, two enclaves historically claimed by Rabat


A leap into the European territory – (Argentina)

A leap into the European territory – (Argentina)


MADRID (AFP) .- In what was the largest entry of undocumented immigrants through Melilla so far this year, 102 immigrants managed to penetrate yesterday in the Spanish enclave in northern Africa and were treated at the Center Temporary Stay, informed the delegation of the Spanish government. Immigrants, mostly sub-Saharan Africans, were

part of a larger group of about 200 people who have tried to cross the border in the area known as Chinatown. That area of ​​the autonomous city has many nearby buildings to border perimeter and also has a pedestrian border crossing, making it difficult to control by Moroccan security forces. According to the Spanish Interior Ministry, this year almost 4700 immigrants came illegally to Melilla.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Officials recovered the Christmas bonus in Catalonia – Blasting News

Officials recovered the Christmas bonus in Catalonia – Blasting News

The Minister Francesc Homs announced at the press conference that was held at the end of the Governing Council which was held on Tuesday, the last in 2014, which has approved a decree law that will enable public workers can get their extra pay, which take three years without receiving. This will be a temporary measure to ensure no pay while overall budgets for next year 2015 be approved.

This decree was approved today also includes the restoration of 15% of working hours and wages received by the agency staff. It has chosen to “less demanding and more generosity” to get to positive agreements.

It has asked the spokesman of the Government on the possible eventual agreement on the plebiscitary elections, to which replied that until after the holidays, at least after January 6, do not expect any kind of agreement, and in this sense has called for more generosity contribution by all instead of demanding issues concrete to reach agreements that allow performed with minimal cracks elections towards Catalan independence.

With this phrase referred to what he said Artur Mas, the president of the Generalitat, during today’s meeting, in which he explained that if

we ignore all the requirements to get a little will for each of the parties may reach agreements. With this message Mas, alluded to the head of the opposition in the Catalan Parlament, Oriol Junqueras, who recently said should focus on elections and leave it for later negotiating budgets Catalonia, considering that catching up to do accounts is now passing the will of the Catalan citizens “by tube Montoro imposed.”

With the approval of this decree law will be many public workers who will resurrect Figure of the bonus at this time in which the costs increase considerably and are a great relief to the pockets of workers, especially if they have aged children do the Letter to the Magi. Now need to know how long this concept of “provisional” shall mean and whether it will return to suspend the collection of such holiday pay.


But no clears the unknown but assumed decisions – Terra Peru

But no clears the unknown but assumed decisions – Terra Peru


December 30, 2014 • 15:29

<-! - // // Updated 06/13/2014 at> <- // NAO & Eacute; BBC - INI // -> <- // Author Home // -> <- Author fim // // -> <- // NAO & Eacute!!!; BBC - FIM // ->

The Catalan President, Artur Mas, has laid off 2014 without disclosing whether there will be early elections in Catalonia, although it has been assumed that soon should take “not without risk” decisions as did the 9N, appealing to the “unity” of sovereignism against a State, he said, “we want to split.”

In the institutional New Year message, broadcast from the Palau de la Generalitat, the “president” wanted to move to a Catalan “brief reflections” on the “decisive” moment and “transcendent” that, in his view, live Catalonia, with “significant” economic, political and transparency level.

changes in the middle of negotiations with ERC ahead of the convening of elections and plebiscites raised as to whether or not a single sovereignty candidacy, Mas has not resolved the mystery of whether ultimately advance or Catalan elections, but said that in the “coming weeks will have to take further complicated decisions and not without risk. “

Stating that the 9N was” bumpy “to those who” did not hesitate to take personal decisions he thought most appropriate, “he Mas underlined that “so will the next step we have to do as a country.”

“It is my responsibility as president, not escape decisions, however difficult that may be. As long as the trust you have bestowed me with your votes, so I will. And be just your vows, when the time comes, those implying future scenarios that must continue to guide the reins of our country, “he said.

The Catalan president has appealed to the “unity” of the sovereignist, which in his opinion is what “most feared” a state that “we want to split (…) know that we are so weak and vulnerable. We should be well aware, take note and act accordingly. “

In this regard, recalled that the

setting unit to November 9″ gave us strength as a country “thanks he said, the involvement of civil society, volunteers, political parties and the Government, despite the “ban and all the institutional machinery of the state against” the sovereignty query.

“The sum unit, makes us stronger and allows us to move forward more solid way. The unit allows you to better understand what we as a country and as a society, and gives us moral victory “argued in defense of the sovereignty unit.

has also criticized the Government an “exercise of democracy” as the participatory process of November 9, should be the “normal, not the exception,” finished in quarrels, instead of inviting to dialogue and negotiation.

Another outstanding chapters of institutional message Mas has been the transparency and best practices in management and, although without citing the Catalan president Jordi Pujol nor any corruption case in particular, has called for ” combat “irregularities, to demand” responsibilities “when committing a ruler or public servant and manage public resources” with the same care as if they were our own. “

The president of the Government pointed out that this year has passed in the Parliament Act Transparency and good management practices, which in his opinion places the Generalitat as a pioneer in the field.

The economy has been one of the main hubs of the message area that has seen a growth since the beginning of the crisis seven years ago, accompanied by a decline in unemployment.

However, the president has recognized that social inequalities “have not reduced” and that poverty “undiminished” despite this slight economic growth.

“The’re beating ( the crisis), we are turning to effort and energy of many. But some way to go and therefore can not lower our guard one iota, “he warned


The three died in a fire in Cehegín are three members of … – EntornoInteligente

The three died in a fire in Cehegín are three members of … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2014
The three died in the fire <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> cehegín are three members of one family

The Information .com / MURCIA, 30 (IRIN)

The three died in a fire at a house in Cehegín (Murcia) are members of one family in the municipality known as the ‘Poli’. Specifically, it is a child, a man of middle age and elderly, according to Europa Press the member of Civil Protection of the town, Jose Molla.

Currently, firefighters have been unable to remove the bodies, and continue the work of extinction, venting housing, according to sources Coordination Center Emergency consulted by Europa Press.

Three people died Tuesday after being trapped by fire inside a house on fire, located on the portal number 8 Pottery Street Cehegín (Murcia), along the garden of the convent of the town.

The event took place at 11.40, when multiple calls to the single

emergency telephone number ’1-1-2′ indicated that a house was burning in low and inside were trapped three people.

Immediately place to have moved troops Cehegín Local Police, Civil Protection Cehegín, fire Consortium for Fire Fighting and Rescue (CEIS) Park Caravaca de la Cruz, an ambulance from the Emergency Department of Cehegín and a Mobile Emergency 061.

Fire Consortium and the optional EMU confirmed that three people trapped inside the house affected by the fire have died. Nothing personal data of the deceased and the possible cause of the fire is unknown, and continue working on extinction.


Information Information .com


The Catalan government restores the 14 payments to officials despite … – EntornoInteligente

The Catalan government restores the 14 payments to officials despite … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2014
The Catalan government restores the 14 payments officials despite budgetary extension

This article has been read 811 times

The Information .com / remarks that it is necessary to approve the accounts to provide more guarantees to this measure


The Catalan Government has approved on Tuesday a Decree-Law of urgent measures in personnel enabling Government officials recovered the 14 payments and ends with reduced hours of temporary staff despite the extension of the budgets of the Generalitat 2015.

At a press conference after the Consell Executiu, Executive spokesman Catalan, Francesc Homs, explained that this decree will allow the purposes of January 1, 2015 public employees are guaranteed Collecting your full salary, but remarked that the best way to implement this measure is approved by the Budget in Parliament.

He has argued that the approval of accounts provides more legal guarantees for payment the full salary would remain an expenditure commitment of the Government which also should be among the first to be addressed personnel expenditures among priority by the payment of debts.

Homs has considered This is an exceptional measure that serves as “indicator some very modest improvement in the overall situation in the country”, and pointed out that the decree must be validated by the Parliament soon, which, trust, pass smoothly because no believes that no party can oppose.

According to the government

spokesman, the decree allows “walk with assurances” from the beginning of the year until the approval of the budget planned for early February, an approval now is not guaranteed as –principal partner Govern– ERC has tabled amendments to all sections and calls for the immediate convening of elections.


Homs has ensured which, not being able to approve the accounts for 2015, the commitment of the Government is to enforce “equally” this restablecimiernto of 14 payments and the journey of about 15,000 temporary, but has insisted that are not covered in the accounts affects how they impact the payment order.

“The commitment is to go to all to ensure it can be. But we have to explain things as they are because the vicissitudes of 2015 can be many and various “remarked, and has ruled that you can pay the pay cut in previous years –the 2014 was conditioned to collect compensation from the state the tax on bank deposits -.

The decree, which must be validated by the Parliament, annulling the measures provided for in the Budget of the Government of 2014 which provided for the reduction of a bonus to officials, as well as the reduction of 15% on the day of the temporary staff of the Generalitat.


Information The Information .com


Abortions figures descend on Spain – HOWEVER

Abortions figures descend on Spain – HOWEVER

Madrid, December 30 (dpa) – The number of abortions declined in Spain for three percent in 2013, to 108,690, according to figures made public today, the Spanish government.

In total, there were 3,700 abortions unless this is the second consecutive decline since it came into force in 2012. Call deadlines law adopted by the socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in 2010, which allows women to abort up to 14 weeks without giving any reason.

In nearly 90 percent of the cases, abortion was performed at the request of the woman. In 7 percent, the reason was a serious risk to the health of pregnant and 3 percent for serious fetal abnormality.

The 2013 data are known three months after the Executive Current Spanish, led by the conservative Mariano Rajoy, decided to withdraw an amendment of the existing law proposing

a hardening of women’s right to abortion.

The new rule, which Rajoy instructed the then Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, had generated strong criticism not only in the Spanish society, but between members of the Popular Party itself (PP) Rajoy

typified the abortion as a crime and decriminalized only in two cases:. rape and physical or psychological risk to the mother.

The withdrawal of the bill, at the gates of a key election year PP in Spain, involved the immediate resignation of Ruiz-Gallardón.


Homs asks ERC “predisposition” to reach agreements and … – EntornoInteligente

Homs asks ERC "predisposition" to reach agreements and … – EntornoInteligente

ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / To say goodbye to 2014 and welcome the New Year, Film & amp; Arts will present on Wednesday evening December 31 marathon 5 captive programs.
 At 03:00 pm we will see the amazing Cirque du Soleil: Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour. Then the signal give way to the emotional interpretation of Swan Lake, followed by three musical batches: Three Superstars in Berlin, Rod Stewart: One Night Only and BB King: Live at the Royal Albert Hall.
 A special program to enjoy the emotions of the hours before a new year.
 Wednesday December at 03:00 pm 31.
 Cirque du Soleil: Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour
 Michael Jackson – The Immortal World Tour shows the creation of this new touring show of Cirque du Soleil and has more than 20 direct minutes of the show. Meet some of the members of the development team IMMORTAL who were part of the inner circle of the King of Pop and helped imagine this unique and electrifying production that combines music and choreography of Michael Jackson. Lots of files Michael Jackson, never before seen, first family photos and videos, interviews with Michael’s family and the show musicians, dancers, choreographers and costume designers. All this material is interwoven with extracts of memorable music videos of Michael Jackson and his iconic live theater.
 Wednesday, December, 31 at 05:00 pm.
 The Swan Lake ?? Mariinsky Theatre
 This huge production is led by Yekaterina Kondaurova, principal dancer of the Mariinsky in a captivating performance of a timeless classic. Located in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Mariinsky is one of the greatest ballet companies in the world that has produced dance legends like Rudolf Nureyev and Anna Pavlova. It is a captivating performance of a timeless classic and a must for any fan of ballet.
 Wednesday December, 31 at 07:00 pm.
 Three Superstars in Berlin: Netrebko, Kaufman, Schrott
 Anna Netrebko excites and captivates fans of classical music from around the world. The same goes for Jonas Kaufmann, who “need only a few notes to show that there is currently no better than he tenor” (Der Tagesspiegel). And last but not least, the native of Uruguay Erwin Schrott, who with an emotionally powerful voice to the public brand of classical music gained, A vocal giants summit singers, recorded in the spectacular outdoor stage Waldbühne in Berlin, the three singers

captivate the audience with a program ranging from famous arias forgotten jewels.
 Wednesday December at 09:00 pm 31.
 Rod Stewart: One Night Only
 Rod Stewart is one of the most successful artists of all time. Film & amp; Arts presents this special entertaining full of excitement where the legendary rocker performs a selection of his best known songs along with songs from his album Top Ten ‘Soulbook’ in front of a specially invited audience of fans.
 Wednesday December at 10.30 pm 31.
 B.B.King: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
 In this recording of the concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, BB King interprets topics including: Rock Me Baby, The Thrill is Gone and All Over Again. Joining the king of blues on stage: the virtuoso guitarist Derek Trucks ?? songbird extraordinaire ‘, Susan Tedeschi, Ronnie Wood, Mick Hucknall (Simply Red) and Slash (Guns ?? N’ Roses). List of themes: I Need You So, Key To The Highway, See That My Grave Is Kept Clean, All Over Again, Rock Me Baby, You Are My Sunshine, BB Guests With Jams, The Thrill Is Gone, Guess Who, When The Saints Go Marching In.
 Wednesday December 31
 03:00 pm: Cirque du Soleil: Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour
 05.00 pm: The Swan Lake ?? Mariinsky Theatre
 07.00 pm: Three Superstars in Berlin: Netrebko, Kaufman, Schrott
 09.00 pm: Rod Stewart: One Night Only
 10.30 pm: B.B.King: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
 Film & amp; Arts frequency shown in Cablevision 67; Digital Cable TV 457; 746 of DIRECTV and the largest cable operators in Latin America.


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Firefighters extinguished the fire of housing in Cehegín in the … – EntornoInteligente

Firefighters extinguished the fire of housing in Cehegín in the … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Firefighters extinguished the fire in the house Cehegín in which they have died a minor, his uncle and grandmother

The Information .com / MURCIA, 30 (IRIN)

Firefighters have controlled and extinguished the fire at a house in Cehegín, which have died a minor, his uncle and grandmother . The fire has affected the whole house, except at the top where there was a room only.

The three died in a fire at a house in Cehegín (Murcia) are members of one family in the municipality known as ‘Poli’, according to Europa Press the member of Civil Protection of the town, Jose Molla.

The origin of the fire could have been a brazier of housing, according to the same sources close which indicate that a relative of the deceased would have tried to access housing, but could not get given the magnitude of the fire in the house that apparently had bars on the windows.

Councillor Citizen of the City of Cehegín, María Dolores Carrasco, security has told Europa Press that the identity of the deceased neighbors are still unknown, as firefighters Consortium for Fire Fighting and Rescue are still securing the structure to securely access.

Also in place are effective judicial police, according to the councilor, who expressed his dismay at the facts. “It is a great misfortune,” has expressed Carrasco, who

explains that still officially unknown trigger the fire.

About 12:32 pm, firefighters Consortium reported that the fire is controlled and have proceeded to ventilate the distressed housing. Later, about 12.54 hours, the Red Cross has activated its psychological support team to meet the relatives of the deceased.

Currently, firefighters were unable to remove the bodies, and continue the work extinction, venting housing, sources of Emergency Coordination Centre consulted by Europa Press.

The event took place at 11.40 am, when multiple calls to single emergency telephone number ’1-1- 2 ‘indicating that a house was burning in low and inside were trapped three people.

Immediately place to have moved troops Cehegín Local Police, Civil Protection Cehegín, fire Consortium Firefighting and Rescue (CEIS) Park Caravaca de la Cruz, an ambulance from the Emergency Department of Cehegín and a Mobile Emergency 061.

Fire Consortium and the optional EMU subsequently confirmed that three people trapped inside the housing affected by the fire had died.


Information The Information .com


New attempt of massive assault on the fence of Melilla – Blasting News

New attempt of massive assault on the fence of Melilla – Blasting News

As reported police sources, today December 30, about seven o’clock, a group of between one hundred fifty and two hundred SSA (pending official data of the Government Delegation) immigrants have tried jumping fence Melilla , near the border crossing area Chinatown . About a dozen of them have made it into the autonomous community and have already been transferred to CETI (Temporary Centre for Immigrants), but a few minutes later were presented in the center of fifty, with received by their peers under the chants of “ bosa, bosa ” meaning “ victoria, victoria “.

At this time still remained perched on the fence about thirty SSA. One of the first people who entered the CETI had a wound in the leg. Arriving at the center shoes fitted with screws removed in order to climb the fence six meters separating Morocco Comunidad Autónoma . They also gave the security guards hooks that make themselves to climb over the fence.

In 2014 immigrants have tried to enter our country in more than seventy times and have gotten over 2,000 people . On 25th December morning, a group of two hundred and fifty

Saharan staged a massive attempt to jump the fence, building festivities Christmas Eve and Christmas and believing in these special days would be less effective police in the area. However, both the Spanish and Moroccan units were the same who regularly monitor this area. This time none of the immigrants had access to the fence, as the Moroccan authorities deployed in the area prevented the approach to it.

These immigrants came from the mountain areas near the border, where they remain camped secretly waiting for the opportunity to reach Melilla . On December 18 there was another failed attempt to massive entry to our country during the early morning, the jump was attempted in the area of ​​next fence at the border of Tarajal , but this time the Moroccan authorities prevented access.


One dead after being hit by train in Caudete (Albacete) – Terra Peru

One dead after being hit by train in Caudete (Albacete) – Terra Peru


December 29, 2014 • 16:06

<- Subtitle -> <- // NAO & Eacute!; BBC - INI // -> <- // Author Home // -> <- Author fim // // -> <- // NAO & Eacute!!!; ! BBC - FIM // ->

One person died today in Caudete (Albacete) after being hit by a train at kilometer 382 of the railway line Madrid-Alicante.

As confirmed Efe sources 112 Emergency Service of Castilla-La Mancha, the accident occurred at 19:41 am today without that, for now, the details or the

circumstances in which the abuse occurred is known.

The same sources have reported that, following the accident, there are five unemployed trains, including covering the Madrid-Alicante, which is what has struck the pedestrian, and carrying 264 people.

Also, is retained a train station Caudete, two in Villena (Alicante) and fifth in Moixent (Valencia).

In place of outrage are working at this hour emergency services, among which is a mobile ICU, emergency medical, fire Almansa (Albacete), Local Police and Caudete members of the Civil Guard


Monday, December 29, 2014

SPAIN: Education opens the door to teach Braille or language … – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN: Education opens the door to teach Braille or language … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; policy | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
SPAIN <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> Education opens the door to teach Braille or sign language as a subject in secondary and high schools

This article has been read 25 times

ABC of Spain / The Royal Decree establishing the curricula of secondary and high schools approved last Friday by the Council of Ministers opens the door to the education authorities of the Autonomous Communities or the centers develop courses to teach students communication techniques as Braille, sign language, personal autonomy or typhlotechnology, a discipline dedicated to leverage technology to help people with visual impairment or blindness.

The ability to deliver these materials depend on the development that the regions do the Royal Decree that regulates the curricula of secondary and high schools to be published in the Official Gazette in the coming days.

If offered, these subjects were additionally impart to materials defined as “core” and would not be included in the evaluations provided by the LOMCE.

In addition, the Decree establishes the requirement that the education authorities carry out measures to promote inclusion and quality education for persons with disabilities, allowing for it to take easing measures, curricular adaptations or alternative methodologies in teaching, among other possibilities.

Extending a course Indeed, development curricula lengthens the educational itinerary of pupils with

special educational needs another course, without this accounted for as a repeated course.

Still, the requirement to pass the final evaluations for obtaining title Graduate in ESO and Bachillerato remains the same for all students depending on the route they choose, regardless of the means necessary to reach that level of demand matching, as recorded by the government-approved standard.

In the case of learning and assessment of foreign language adaptation measures for students with disabilities and in particular for those who have difficulty speaking, will not influence these qualifications obtained in these tests .

Moreover, the standard provides for collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and regional administrations to carry out specific actions of awareness and information of students, in order to promote equality and non-discrimination among both men and women and between people with and without disabilities and to prevent gender violence.

Indeed, achieving effective equality between all people and critical appraisal of inequalities existing is one of the 14 general objectives defined Baccalaureate curriculum for all itineraries

Information ABC of Spain .


Some 400 passengers affected by the incident train … – EntornoInteligente

Some 400 passengers affected by the incident train … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
About 400 passengers are affected by the train incident in Caudete (Albacete)

The Information .com / ALBACETE, 29 (IRIN)

About 400 passengers on five trains have been affected by the incident in Caudete (Albacete), when a Talgo train, departing from Barcelona and destination Cartagena , passing through the town, has been mortally wound a person that had invaded the railway.

According to informed sources Renfe to Europa Press, the event has caused the movement to stop and five –the Talgo trains, three trains of Average Distance and Long Distancia– another have been affected.

The same sources said that at 21.30 were waiting for the judicial authority allowed circulation restart normally, it being possible for about 2230 hours, rail traffic is restored.

Otherwise, Renfe trasbordará to travelers affected trains between Villena and La Encina, in the Valencia, who have accumulated delays of 90 minutes on average.

The incident occurred about 19.41 hours when a Talgo train that traveled 264 passengers has hit a person, to Europa Press sources 112.

At 2100 hours five

trains had stopped covering the route as a result of what happened. One in the crash –in the 382 kilometer line férrea– another station Caudete and three in Valencia. Two Villena and another in Moixent


Until the scene firefighters have moved Almansa, a UVI of that city, Emergency vehicles, Civil Guard and local police Albacete Caudete.

Local police sources Albacete municipality have detailed that the driver of the train that has been involved in the accident, “heard a strange noise and stopped.”

The sources, who pointed out the possibility that the deceased is the municipality of Villena (Alicante), have stressed that the incident occurred in a remote area of ​​the station, where there was no crosswalk.

Sources Research consulted by Europa Press reported that all indications are that the person hit by the train would take his life.


Information Information. com


The Government reduced from four and a half years to three years the maximum … – EntornoInteligente

The Government reduced from four and a half years to three years the maximum … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
The Government reduced from four years and <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> half to three years maximum imprisonment for picketing

This article has been read 373 times

The Information .com / MADRID, 29 (EUROPA PRESS)

The government has decided to reduce prison sentences both to hinder or impede exercise to strike their workers, as pickets, which still are subject to harsher punishments, as reflected in one of the amendments that the PP has submitted the draft reform of the Penal Code which includes Europe Press .

The proposed amendment refers to the controversial Article 315 of the Penal Code, included in the chapter on offenses against the rights of workers and includes penalties for both those who celebrate prevent a strike and for those force others to second it.

Thus, the proposal of the ‘popular’, justified as “technical improvement” is to reduce prison sentences for those who “through deception or abuse situation or limitaren it impossible to exercise freedom of association and the right to strike “Cradle of six months to three and a half years now, a new section of between six months and two years need.

On the other hand, the amounts of fines for this behavior are maintained, but is incompatible apply both punishments, so the judge must choose between pecuniary sanction or sent to jail who prevents or hinders the exercise of strike.


However, the PP also introduces changes in relation

to severe penalties, no longer apply when the impediments to strike carried out with “force, violence or intimidation” but only when it is shown that there has been “coercion”.

In these cases, the punishment of imprisonment may be reduced from the current three and four and a half years in prison for between 21 months and three years, while fines are raised from twelve to 18 months 18 to 24 months. In this case you must choose one of the two modes of punishment, or a fine or imprisonment.

These same penalties shall be applicable to the picket lines, in groups or individually, to coerce others to initiate or continue a strike. However, despite the reduction, employees or members to look at this situation continue to be subject to higher penalties than those who may suffer prevent the exercise to strike.

In fact, this situation has led several formations of Congress –among including the PSOE, the Plural Left (IU-ICV-CHA) and the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) – to require several parliamentary initiatives abolishing the article that can be punished with imprisonment for informational picketing, proposals to date have failed to succeed because of the absolute majority of the PP.


Information The Information .com


GLOBAL: The Government aims to reduce prison sentences … – EntornoInteligente

GLOBAL: The Government aims to reduce prison sentences … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
<- AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO -> GLOBAL: The Government aims to reduce imprisonment of union pickets

The Information .com / The Justice Minister Rafael Catala has advanced on Monday that the government plans to amend the Penal Code reform, among other things, reduce prison sentences referred to the union pickets.

Catala, which He has chaired with the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alberto Fabra, the inuguración remodeling of the Audiencia Provincial de Alicante, said that in the case concerning Article 315, which refers to the constraints committed in the exercise of the right to strike, terms of ‘high’ imprisonment compared with the crime of “generic” constraints currently envisaged.

In this sense, has indicated that it has found that “are occurring sentences with sentences sometimes very high, custodial, maybe are a little disproportionate at this time. “

So, has advanced to one of the amendments that will be presented is in line with the reduction of the penalty provided Article 315, “to reduce significantly and as fine”.

Catala hopes that the reform of the Penal Code is approved in April. The terms on which his department are working in January amendments are voted,

that the Senate consider reform in February and returning in March to Congress of Deputies for its approval a month later.

UGT requires that Article 315.3 of the Criminal Code UGT Monday demanded the Government to repeal section 315.3 of the Criminal Code, considering that is “convoluted, incomprehensible and unnecessary” and “criminalize” the pickets deroge strikes.

In a statement, the union recalled that the former Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, and promised to repeal this section of the Criminal Code, so the Government’s intention to reduce the penalties in such cases, taking advantage of the reform of the Penal Code, as has advanced the current minister, Rafael Catala, is a “patch”.

The union insists sentencing to imprisonment of up to five years “workers and parents” for exercising picket under this article “is not only unconstitutional, but reveals an absolute ignorance . of which involves the right to strike and freedom of association “

Information The Information .com


Four CCAA Wert ask to postpone one year Lomce in ESO and … – EntornoInteligente

Four CCAA Wert ask to postpone one year Lomce in ESO and … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
Four CCAA Wert ask to postpone Lomce one year in ESO and Bachillerato

The Information .com / Madrid, 29 dic.- Andalusia, Catalonia, Asturias and the Canary Islands today demanded Education Minister José Ignacio Wert, one year to postpone the implementation of Lomce in ESO and Bachillerato planned for 2015-2016 year and have warned that may not be ready curriculum developments within the deadline.

In a joint press conference at the Congress of Deputies, responsible for education of these four CCAA, representing more than 50 percent of non-university students, have criticized the adoption last December 26 the Council of Ministers, the royal decree regulates the core curriculum of secondary and high schools and the contents assure ignore.

“Today, directors of the communities do not know the basis on which we must work document, “lamented the

Minister of Education and Culture of the Principality of Asturias, Ana González, who emphasized that it is the CCAA who have to enforce the law and prepare the curriculum development.

So, these four autonomous Wert have warned that they have enough to apply the law of that time señalado- -have not have sufficient guarantees that they will have the economic resources necessary for its implementation.

“We are facing a situation that should to be given a thought that this law will be repealed and fits what remains to PP in government,” warned the Minister . of Education, Government of the Canary Islands, José Miguel Pérez


Information The Information .com


Report a death after Italian ferry fire – Chicago Tribune

Report a death after Italian ferry fire – Chicago Tribune

December 28, 2014, 13:58 Rome, December 28 (PL) A man died and five people are missing today after a fire in the Italian ferry Norman Atlantic, aboard which traveled about 478 passengers.

 According to information released by the authorities of the Italian Navy, the incident occurred while the boat was moving from the Greek city of Patras to Ancona, town and port in Marche (Marche), a region located in the center of the territory Italian.

A member of the rescue team said the body was picked up by a patrol boat and taken to the town of Brindisi, he said the online edition of the newspaper La Repubblica.

According to the average quoted, the man tried to escape by jumping into the sea.

The Italian defense minister, Roberta Pinotti, said in a message broadcast by media that the transfer of passengers continue throughout the day and stressed that were already bailed at least 161 people, a total of 300 who are still in the boat.

It is presumed, according to published reports, the fire started in the early hours of Sunday on the deck cars but the reason is still no accurate determination.

Comments made by reporters noted that, following an inspection by the port authorities in Patras on 19 December, security problems

were detected in Norman Atlantic.

The information added that they had insufficient means of rescue, security doors with leaks, problems with emergency lighting and lack of evacuation plans on the walls.

The company shipping company, firm ANEK, Greece, was given a period of two months to resolve these deficiencies, although it is now investigating whether they actually did or put the boat into the sea without the conditions required to navigate.

Of the estimated 234 crew are of Greek nationality and 22 Italians, while the rest are mostly Turks, Germans, Swedes and French.

The rescue and salvage became more complex in the early hours due to bad weather conditions such as heavy rain, hail and waves up to six meters high.

However, La Repubblica warned that climate situation improved Throughout the day

jf / RRJ.
