Sunday, August 24, 2014

Increased extortion during the crisis by the need to charge … –

Increased extortion during the crisis by the need to charge … –

National Police

National Police in an image file. (Gtres)

The need to collect outstanding debts has led in recent years to many people to take the justice into their own hands and use extortion to get their money. This is demonstrated by the experts of the National Police engaged in combating such activities, they say, have experienced a rise since the start of Crisis economical.

“There is a rise especially extortion more hostage incidents or without them. Having a lot of debt, there are people trying to get money so no legal “. Who is expressed and is responsible for the National Negotiation Team National Police for seven years has had to deal with numerous cases of desperate people resort to drastic situations derived from economic problems.

In his service there are cases of people who have opted for end solutions as layoffs, long-term unemployed, unable to deal with the mortgage or people who will be denied an economic benefit.


“In today’s society, many of these problems are solved by putting the ear and able to listen. The we do is listen and send down the emotion , which again give reason and Alternative “he says. However, ensure that these cases have not increased during the crisis have done so as extortion.

The last case that faced the man who was after dig for 20 hours in a bar in Zaragoza ended suicide . According to this police officer recounts, this was a different case that is part of a “ passionate component “. “He asked nothing, little could negotiate, answering in monosyllables and his only ambition was to be face to face with her ex,” explains

Despite the fatal outcome in Zaragoza. Negotiation Team National Police shows a large success rate in their interventions. Only in so far this year have overseen 80 cases of which 79 ended successfully. Enter them are even resolution kidnapping abroad, some media as was the abduction in Mexico Basque band Delorean in October last year.

Cases without hostages , easier

For the resolution of this case, the National Negotiating Team had to travel to San Sebastian to home of the families of the hostages was where the hijackers communicated to ask the rescue. . “For days life becomes with families There is a personal involvement and emotional like it or not,” he admits while not hiding there bitterest cases “in Venezuela disappeared person and we have news of her and her kidnappers. “

A negotiator will never start a verbal confrontation with the person who is entrenched Difference between cases in which no hostages and which, he says, are “easier” unless the person concerned has any mental illness . Also, in cases where the hostages there there are nuances.

According to him are different cases in which “a man has come to rob a bank and want to get out and take a hostage but has nothing against him because his only goal is to get out “than others more passionate cases in which, for example,” a man has a woman and therefore already has what he wants. ” In the latter, negotiating skills is lower.

“A negotiator will never initiate a verbal confrontation with the person who is entrenched. By Generally what you can not confront him or give illegal things as a drug, for example, “he says.

National Network negotiators

National Negotiation Team consists of five inspectors of the police, but also there is a national network of negotiators that at least also have to be inspectors and passed a course lasting two weeks. “We look for a profile with torque capacity to talk and connect, worship, socially warm for near and emotionally cold to not be swayed by emotions.”

This network of negotiators is currently composed of 25 effective spread throughout the Spanish geography for greater responsiveness. “In the time jumping a matter call us. They go to the site but call us and we coordinated and a kind of brainstorming is done. Besides all templates have a phone that is of call 24 hours and know they have a duty to call when a case of these “occurs.

In this way the negotiator who is on the ground are never alone and also forms part of a Police device with other larger units like Citizen Security . “We tell them if the situation is entrenched, whether or not advance, but we do not decide on the operation.”


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