Friday, August 22, 2014

History controversial mayor of Valladolid – The World

History controversial mayor of Valladolid – The World

The Mayor of Valladolid Javier León de la Riva , not usually noted for its political correctness, so some of his most controversial statements have caused national uproar. He himself has acknowledged on occasion he has “a problem” with the verbal incontinence. “My family advised me to count to a thousand,” he expressed.

In October 2010, in one of his most criticized statements disqualified socialist politics Leire Pajin , for then Minister of Health, with reference to their physical appearance. “Every time I see your face and those Lips, think the same,” said the mayor. After the barrage of criticisms received, León de la Riva had to retract and apologize to Pajin, but again affect their physical, “recalls a cartoon character”

A year and a half earlier. in February 2009, the pucelano alderman, who ascended to office in 1995 and since then by absolute majority remains solid compared the performance of the former judge Baltasar Garzón on the Gürtel case ETA terrorism.

“Unfortunately, like the ETA bomb is commonplace, the actions of Judge Garzón also” snapped alluding to the first indictments and arrests ordered by the judge in this corruption case. The judge “always uncovers something before the elections, in the end, is left in the pan, but the damage is done,” he continued.

In the 2007 election campaign, resonated strongly their onslaught against the Socialist candidate, former PSOE spokesman in the Congress Soraya Rodriguez . “I have been accused of everything but rape Soraya, but it is understood …”, suggested the mayor.

When gay marriage were approved in 2005, Leon de la Riva said emphatically that he was “determined not to exercise this right no longer delegated to anyone unless the law compels me, in which case I will exercise the right to conscientious objection. ” A few days later, he corrected to indicate that he could not stand “outside the law, so if they force me to celebrate these weddings, in the City of Valladolid will make some counselor, if you are willing.”

Pearls of Valladolid Mayor have marked virtually his entire political career, since, for example, shortly after being sworn into office for the first time, in 1995, declared that wanted the streets of the city look free “three pes : fleas, lice and whores.”

One of the latest outbursts of alderman was on 29 May, when he said that “rugby is not appropriate for the girls.” “I can not see the girls playing rugby. Nobody tick me sexist. Costs just aesthetically understand me, but I respect him,” explained Leon de la Riva.


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