Gorka Castle. A correspondent in Madrid
The exeurodiputado of the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE) and a member of the current Socialist Left in the dissolved Federal Committee, Andrés Perelló (Valencia, 1957) was one of the 107 who supported Pedro Sánchez in front of the position of the critics.
Defeated after 12 hours of tension, hidden not to TELEGRAPH his concern about the future that awaits his party, "undone, and without the capacity of opposition if Mariano Rajoy decides to convene a third election."
What happens in the socialist party?
Is experiencing trauma due to the situation of Spain, but also to the disorientation that is in the midst of the entire european social democracy. The PSOE is a victim of the lack you shown this ideological current to form a political narrative for the next 50 years.
the leader of The british Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, also suffered an attempt of Impeachment similar to that which has finished with Pedro Sanchez but the difference is that in the Uk, the debate of ideas has begun, what fear is there in Spain?
In Spain, some leaders of the PSOE are still thinking that we’re to happen to the governments of the right, while others, such as Corbyn, consider that it must be replaced by the right-wing politicians. And I agree with him. Replace means to change policies and, if necessary, to reform the system. It’s not really part of the establishment in which everything works and make small corrections that will not disturb the financial institutions. That is not the work of a socialist party.
There is one who claims that the crisis of the PSOE begins with Felipe González.
The decline begins in 1991, when we lost the elections in some important capital of the country and five autonomous governments. So you now have order responsibilities to Peter Sanchez for their bad results they lost elections before. The reality is that Sanchez got the same share of the vote they now have other parties, european socialists, plagued by the emergence of new political forces to his left and right that have been fragmented parliaments. Accustomed to govern with a majority, the PSOE has been disoriented and is a victim of vertigo is that it gives you do not know dialogue or form governments comprehensive. Lack of practice and interest to learn.
the decline of The PSOE prior to the birth of we Can. Are you not worried?
The answer was to close the eyes, as does a child before the fear. Today, they are still thinking that to your left is only the political gulf. This situation has pushed not to recognise the diversity that exists within the party, even though the circumstances they have been forced to accept the external pluralism because but not gobernaríamos in several regions of the country. The reality is that we have lost 5 million votes for the left, because no one is able to show how many votes have gone to the right. We are offering a spectacle of pettiness policy for the century that we live in.
isn’t there a resistance to accepting that the Spain of the 1980s, Felipe Gonzalez, is very different to the current one?
of course. Is that two-thirds of the current population were children at the time of Gonzalez and did not vote the Constitution. To pretend that such people
what A disorientation that affects the entire european social democracy?
Is that has not constructed responses. The drama is that democracy does not know how to sustain the welfare state in these times of crisis, how to distribute the tax burden, how to ensure a system of public services to do not end up being a merchandise.
The rival of the PSOE it seems that it is not the PP, a party plagued by corruption, but we Can and the nationalists. Why?
it Is the nonsense that causes the division between constitutionalists and those that are not. The question that I have done in the PSOE and that no one has answered me yet is that if we continue to support a strategy of confrontation with Catalonia, which defends the PP, do we have political prisoners in December, to Albert Rivera can save the passage to Caracas? Wouldn’t it be better to sit to open a dialog that you try to find the best solution, including the referendum?
To what extent is the tune that the PSOE has built with the economic elite has forced his decision to prefer the PP that we Can?
I don’t know, but I can assure you that during the celebration of the federal Committee that forced the departure of Pedro Sanchez I had the feeling that the decisions were taken very far from there. I want to say that someone, I don’t know who, does not seem to be willing to allow the countries of southern Europe such as Greece, Portugal and Spain, that could join Italy and France, again to become a force of pressure to change the path marked by the European Union (EU). A left Government here was a risk that they could not accept the financial powers. And fracturing, to Spain, and also break up a possible alliance in the iberian peninsula and in the rest of the left side of the continent.
The new leaders of the PSOE to appeal to the opening of a debate that repair the damage caused in the PSOE, can you believe it’s possible?
those that have caused a tear in the party come now, innocent seamstresses and I find it ridiculous. Such nonsense I cause nausea.
Then, the PSOE is at serious risk of rupture
Yes. It would not be the first socialist party that disappears in Europe. There is the Italian and the PASOK Greek that is about to disappear. They just have to act like you are doing so that we sink definitely. (I)
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