In a document sent yesterday to the chief justice of the supreme court, Gabriel Humberto Sepúlveda Reyes, and signed by 14 other judges of the Court of Control, Prosecution and Specialized in Justice for Adolescent Offenders of Ciudad Juárez and the other 15 in the City of Chihuahua, requesting the cancellation of the call on the grounds that it is violative of the Organic Law of the Judicial Power, because it was issued without the existence of the status of judicial career.
"we respectfully request that you convene as soon as possible to the Full, extraordinary and that in such act to issue a new agreement in which leave without effects or declare deserted, as the case may be, the calls 1/2016, 2/2016, and 3/2016 relating to the competition of judges of first instance, civil, family and criminal intended to carry out in the coming months through the Commission for the Administration of the supreme court", says the writing that is the first position that you secure the judges from members of various bars, lawyers have been demanding the supreme court that the vacancies occupied by interim concursen through examinations of opposition.
The main disagreement point is that the call violates articles 127 and 128 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary, basically that the call was issued without prior generated a set of regulations for the judicial career, without a merit system for the selection, promotion, stability and permanence of the judicial officers.
the signatories to The document also ask you to ratify at the expense of the resolvers that take more than a three-year stint in the position since they argue that by not ruling on the ratification tacitly to be understood that they are confirmed in the position.
In Ciudad Juarez, Maria Isela Vazquez Granados, Aida Vázquez Arreola, Myrna Luz Rocha Pineda and Adalberto Contreras Payán carry six years in office; Ephraim Baca Gutierrez, five years; Felix Aurelio Guerra Salazar and Samuel Uriel Mendoza Rodriguez, three years and Elizabeth Villalobos Loya has spent eight years as a judge, interim, in different judicial districts.
they All sign the document as well as Andres Barrera Rubio, Luis Alfredo Calderon Cordova, Luz María Camargo Pearl, Ramón Porras Cordova, Jorge Omar Derat Acosta, Breeze Yadira Meraz Mendoza. Who does not signa the petition is the judge a provisional, Jorge González Rodríguez son of the now exfiscal the State’s General, Jorge González Nicolás.
The resolvers with jurisdiction in the city of Chihuahua or the Judicial District Morelos Blanca Leticia Rojas Vargas, Mireya Perea Quintana, Abigail Sosa, Claudia Marcela Carrillo, Omar Meléndez Renova, Roberto Diaz, Rodolfo Roman Hernandez, Ana Berceli Holguin, Jesus Medina Arellano, Cesar Miguel Rodríguez Méndez, Javier Rodolfo Acosta Mendez, Luis Simental Ortega and Maria del Carmen Leticia Mora Ortiz also signed the petition.
Another of the requests of the provisional is that you preserve the knowledge reviews that are intended to apply to candidates for judges, to prevent anyone from accessing that information; to incorporate more judges to the Administration Commission that is in charge of the selection; the establishment of methods to the evaluators are not familiar to the examinees; the removal of the cups evaluation, specifically in terms of academic degrees, because that will give more points in relationship to this, in favor of the applicants external of the Judiciary.
"A doctorate for example does not guarantee in the abstract that the person who holds it is worthy of up to 30 percent of the grade. In any case it is reasonable to ponder that question in light of the experience, performance, audience, age, etc., and by requiring a motivation exclusively proper to the jury", it is indicated in the document of which The Journal has a copy.
The judges also call for the removal of the tests of confidence because they are considered as equivocal
in this regard, the spokesman of the supreme court, Nicholas Juarez Caraveo,
[email protected]
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