Thursday, October 6, 2016

The PAH Santander announces that he will plant to Mazon in his meeting with the platforms – The Farad

The Platform of Affected by Mortgage (PAH) Santander has announced that it will not attend the meeting with platforms and partnerships for housing which had been convened by the director of housing for this Thursday.

The reason that has claimed the PAH is that the call for the same has been very precipitate, and that he has not been sent any documentation of the proposals or issues to address.

Meeting of different groups antidesahucios  with the team of Mazon at the beginning of the  legislature.

Meeting of different groups antidesahucios with the team of Mazon at the beginning of the legislature.

The platform ensures that you have not spoken to the media’s treatment of that is going to make the meeting, so that there is fear that the case of a meeting of face to the gallery in which it is not dealing with issues of background and that "only serves to the Concierge to make a press conference and sell their shares in the matter of housing."

"PAH Santander do not want to participate in 'paripés'", reported the platform, which has demanded that the Government suspend this meeting until you submit the requested documentation and to report to them if you are going to allow this platform to participate in the press conference later.

This is because in the previous meeting of the observatory of the housing, the PAH allegation that the Government had made the statements "silencing the voice of those affected".

The director of Public Works and Housing, Jose Maria Mazon, met last Thursday with representatives of the main financial institutions operating in Cantabria, with the purpose of analysing, in a joint manner, and gather views on the situation of housing in Cantabria.

In the meeting participated the director general of Housing, Francisco Gómez Blanco, the manager of the public company Gesvican and representatives of financial institutions, Bankia, BBVA, Caixabank, Kutxabank, Liberbank and Santander.

There, according to the Government, the financial institutions reported their commitment to analyze, one by one, all the cases of families in situation of vulnerability in order to reach agreements that avoid the eviction, including the dation in payment with a rental social.

however, the PAH Santander has warned that the next 20th of October, is scheduled to be evicted in Santander on the part of Liberbank.

This institution, which formerly was social when he was called Caja Cantabria and is currently a private after merger in Liberbank with Caja Astur, Caja Extremadura and Caja Castilla La Mancha, is one of the banks that more impediments put to the platforms affected to negotiate their cases.

The PAH has put in place all their device to call a #StopDesahucios and to prevent the eviction of this family.

Liberbank is one of the entities that most evictions carried out in the region, and their clashes with PAH, are the public face of its refusal to bargain cases the affected. In addition, it is one of the banks that issued the famous preferred.

Currently, the bank is immersed in a dispute with its workers, after that they applied in 2013 hard job cuts by citing the poor economic situation of the entity. However, as has been proven in the first sentence of the National court, the company had a turnover that same year, 33 million euros of profit that went to the unions to negotiate cuts.

even Though the judgment is under appeal, the entity has already been condemned to reverse the situation and return to the working conditions that you had prior to 2013. Take place, this reversal will cost the bank € 65 million, as has been estimated by the trade union of workers of Liberbank CSICA.


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