Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Portend troubled times for split-Party Socialist Spanish – Prensa Latina

In statements to journalists before taking part in an event in Madrid, also general secretary of the Party’s Regionalist of Cantabria (north) referred to the turbulent politics in this country, with the socialist party weakened and divided.

a Frequent participant in television programs as a political analyst, Revilla predicted the centuries-old organization social democratic a long journey in the wilderness and encouraged his deposed leader to continue fighting if it looks hard enough.

Sanchez resigned last Saturday, after the address of his group rejected his proposal to hold an internal election, and an extraordinary congress.

After nearly 12 hours of a tense meeting, the Federal Committee-the highest body of direction of the PSOE congress – voted against the project of Sánchez to call a primary on the 23rd of October.

Through this initiative, the until then secretary general of the main opposition party intended to be the militancy which you choose at the polls the hard open debate in the party about the political future of Spain.

the resignation of The leader, who in 2014 became the first socialist candidate to assume the reins of the organization through the direct vote of the bases, occurred in the midst of an institutional paralysis in this nation, with a functioning government since December 2015.

His untimely departure, forced by a critical sector of the PSOE favorable to allow another four years in power of prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, the right-wing Popular Party (PP), could pave the way for the formation of a new government and put an end to nine months of political blockade.

According to the president cantabrian, the same Saturday, Sanchez assured him after his resignation to be presented to the next primary to regain the reins of the party, now in the hands of a managing committee controlled by his detractors.

you Have enemies that just want to ‘loading it to it’s definitely’, he warned Revilla.

however, he said that, if I were in your place, he would be submitted to those primary elections.



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