In a report published Thursday in its Geneva headquarters, the WHO —UN agency— indicates that about 83 thousand persons from 57 countries participated in the sample of this survey on the attitude towards old people.
it Is in the countries of higher income where older people are less respected, according to this survey.
The poll shows that “the discrimination against older people is something very widespread,” said John Beard, director of WHO’s in charge of the problems associated with the elderly.
“As for the sexism or the racism, it is possible to change the social norms, it is time to stop identifying people based on their age, as this will lead to societies that are more prosperous, more just and better health,” he added.
The negative attitudes towards older persons have significant consequences on your mental and physical health, adds the WHO.
older people who feel that they are a burden are at risk of depression and isolation, according to the report. People with a negative mood state live on average 7.5 years less than the positive people.
WHO is going to celebrate the 1 October the international Day of older persons, with the message this year to combat the discrimination that suffer the same.
The number of people aged 60 years and older is going to double by 2025, and will reach more than 2,000 million within 30 years. In 2050, one of every five people will be over 60 years, and 80 percent of them will have middle-income or low.
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