The House of Representatives unanimously adopted two opinions to reform the General Act on Equality between Women and Men and the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence, with the aim to have better life and of Justice.
In establishing its position, the eight benches spoke of the benefits of these changes and why they voted in favor of the draft prepared by the Commission on Gender Equality.
The first opinion was adopted by 434 votes and reform the General Act on Equality between Women and Men, to promote equal opportunities for women in the use and exploitation of properties to their advantage.
It also provides that the relevant authorities to ensure the principle of substantive equality between women and men in relation to real property rights, as well as use and enjoyment of land and the fundamental right to non-discrimination in land.
This reform represents a major advance in the vindication of the right of women to property and land tenure and equal participation in economic activities in rural areas.
The document stems from an initiative that the PRI Congresswoman Martha Lorena Covarrubias Anaya presented on March 30; a fraction V added to Article 33 and Article 34A of the Act and was referred to the Senate for analysis and eventual ratification.
Stresses the need to promote equal rights for women in their incorporation into national economic life and considers to be added explicitly the situation of working in agricultural activities such as agriculture and livestock, among others.
In addition, these rural women perform domestic chores that are largely unpaid.
The reform will contribute to their inclusion in national economic life, recognizing its productive potential in agricultural work and in the administration of their land for production, plus it does not contravene or duplicate any provision of the order legal force.
The second opinion adopted by the Chamber of Deputies reform the General Law of Access to Women to a Life Free of Violence, to create in the states the State Bank of Data and Information Cases and Crime violence against Women.
It also states that it is the responsibility of the Interior Ministry to coordinate, integrate and update the National Bank of Data and Information Cases and Crimes of Violence against Women (Banavim).
It is determined that the secretariats of Social Development, Health, Labour and Social Welfare, and Agricultural, Territorial and Urban Development, and the National Security Commission, the Attorney General of the Republic and the 32 states must periodically provide full and timely information to the agency.
By 410 votes in favor, fully
endorsed the amendments and additions to the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence, which were filed on March 3 by Angelica deputy Reyes Ávila , New Alliance, and turned over the document to the Senate for analysis and eventual ratification.
The paper recalls that this law came into force in February 2007 with the aim of guiding and coordinating actions between the Federation, states and municipalities to ensure access of women in Mexico to live free of violence.
Clarifies that legislation Banavim integration is stated, but to nine years’ operation thereof has not complied with the objective of its creation. ”
Erika Araceli Hernandez, secretary of the Commission for Gender Equality, set the position of the legislative body and noted that discrimination, apathy, lack of commitment and systematic violence of women and girls they represent the main obstacles to development.
He warned that inequality slows progress, access to justice and the full exercise of human rights in Mexico.
“Our commitment is to work every day to legislate equality for results, strengthening public policies and making legislative reforms necessary to prevent, respond to, punish and eradicate violence against women and girls,” he said .
It seeks to guarantee the right of property and the use and enjoyment of the Earth; especially to non-discrimination in agricultural matters.
said the Mexican countryside has been feminized, rural women represent one of the groups most affected by the food crisis. It requires investment to modernize the country and strengthen support programs, he added.
The General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence provides that the National Bank of Data and Information Cases of Violence Against Women, Banavim aims to create unique electronic records for every woman in situation of violence, safeguarding the personal information collected by the agencies involved, said the PRI.