The pressure of opposition SODERCAN public company, responsible for enterprise policy in the Government of Cantabria, will not cease after the explanations of the Vice President Eva Díaz Tezanos in Parliament on the ‘offshoring’.
in the distribution areas of the pact between PSOE and PRC was broken off from the Ministry of Industry, which was to move to the macroconsejería holding the vice President Eva Díaz Tezanos, along with other powers such as universities, town planning and social services.
Salvador white
All opposition (PP, Citizens and Podemos, which facilitated the nomination of Revilla) has spoken out against this change, which was explained by Diaz Tezanos at the meeting Monday .
the explanations did not convince in the opposition parties, pointing not only to the location of the company, but its operation and its operators.
So, the two deputies Citizens in the Parliament of Cantabria, Ruben Gomez and Juan Ramón Carrancio, have asked the regional government dismiss from office the CEO of SODERCAN, Salvador Blanco, who already was CEO of this company in the previous stage of PSOE and PRC in government ..
for this reason, have been a non-legislative proposal in order for Parliament to urge the Government of Cantabria to the removal of Salvador Blanco, man linked to the University and came to SODERCAN hand Angel Agudo (president of the PSOE), who was senior when he was Minister of Economy, and under whose management audit pointed out irregularities in the awarding of staggered contracts.
in addition, citizens claim that Parliament be referred curricula of all appointed positions, not civil servants, in the current legislature in the company for further evaluation on the camera.
“We have doubts about the qualifications of any of the appointments, as responsible for internationalization, for example, “said Gomez.
for the orange party, the management Sodercan have been controversial over the years.
“Cases like GFB (fibroyeso company in which the government embarked partner and accumulated losses, defaults and you are without work) or failed wind model, which was announced for Cantabria, show mismanagement made in the past by the public company and has led to serious damage to the coffers of our region, “said Ruben Gomez.
Citizen,” although this mismanagement is not only attributable to the years the previous government PRC-PSOE as evidenced by the Ecomasa case, it is totally unacceptable that, for this new venture, the government replace the general direction of the company in the same hands than in the past proved unable to make good management “.
” what was demonstrated in the judgment of the case GFB in which the judge showed that although there was no evidence of a crime itself had been a disastrous management “, recalled from Citizens.
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