Expand / The House has initially approved the General Grant Strategic Plan (2016-2020).
The Plenum of the Provincial de Teruel (TPD) has approved on Monday the Local Employment Plan for 2016, worth 1.2 million euros by the institution itself, with the aim of boosting the socio-economic situation of municipalities of the province, promoting good governance of municipalities at the same job is generated.
the plan reflects the needs and the experience gained in the previous two years in view of the first plan of Local employment It was approved in 2014 and that 233 local entities benefited.
through this plan recruitment costs will be financed by the municipalities of those unemployed expressly employed for the execution of works and services competition city.
in addition, the House has initially approved the General Grant Strategic Plan (2016-2020), which includes the medium-term guidelines in this area.
the plan includes a document that reflects the great figures of the Delegation of Teruel, policies and lines of action to achieve these objectives and deadlines for its implementation. Teruel Provincial Council fulfills the regional and subsidies law, which came into force in 2015, and the various existing state regulations on the matter.
“The current government team in the –ha Council explained the president, Ramon Millán– gives samples and a responsible attitude and does not only law enforcement but from personal conviction that this should be done, as evidenced by the fact that already in the approval of Budget 2016 and grants Presidency and governing Board that existed hitherto suppressed “.
According to the document initially approved at the plenary session this morning, the aim of the Council for the next four years is to” cooperate with municipalities to ensure the provision of mandated services but also betting on other areas and activities in educational, economic and cultural matters, in order to settle population in the territory and to neighboring municipalities enjoy activities related to culture and personal development without the support of associations and institutions could not make “.
also, influences the fact that the strategy of the DPT also is to” make it possible to reach resources for activities they are rigged to the need to respond to the provincial reality to provide services necessary to respond to cooperation in promoting economic and social development and planning in the provincial territory. “
the DPT will with two strategic plans: one for the Council itself and another specifically for the Institute of Teruel, assigned organism. However, it is specified that for justified reasons may be developed special strategic plans for the “support to a sector or activity”.
The institution has also authorized the Emergency Plan of 2016, amounting to 100,000 euros , in order to perform actions of repair or replacement of municipal infrastructure directly caused by catastrophes or natural disasters, especially those considered “mandatory municipal services”. In 2015, a total of 24 villages benefited from the Emergency Plan.
The plenum of the Provincial Government has also addressed this morning to ten motions by the various political groups in the institution.
Winning Teruel, PP and PAR has agreed on the defense of the Investment Fund of Teruel (FITE), an initiative that has gone ahead with the vote in favor of the five groups represented in the PTD. The initial proposal Win have been incorporated inputs from the other two proposals put forward.
In this way, the DPZ intended to affect the continuation of the Investment Fund of Teruel until 2020 without reducing the funding of 60 million per year, streamline execution requiring the State authorizes and subscribe in the first quarter of each year collaboration agreement with the Aragon Government. The proposal also provides for arbitrating the channels of participation and dialogue with social and economic actors in the province of Teruel to agree on the broad outlines of generating investment employment FITE.
The TPD approves the Plan Local employment, worth 1.2 million
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