In 1975 originated in Belgrade, capital of the Republic of Serbia, when the International Seminar on Environmental Education, in which more than 70 countries was held. Through the Ministry of Environment, Countryside and Production San Luis adds to the festivities with awareness actions related to climate change, renewable energy and biodiversity, which will be disseminated throughout the week.
World Day of Environmental Education.
Surely all human beings want to live in a clean and healthy planet. But all we care? At the World Education Day Environmental, January 26, the Ministry of Environment, Field Production shares some tips and awareness, so that citizens with small actions contribute to the care of the Earth.
The climate of our planet is undergoing major changes for several decades. This change is too obvious, and although there are natural causes, most are due to human hand, with its activities increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, the main causes of global warming.
Among the causes related to the activities developed by man, are the use of fossil fuels in the generation energy and transport, agriculture, livestock, deforestation, some industrial processes and deposition of municipal waste.
Some tips on caring for the planet
Lights out: replaces a traditional bulb with low consumption. . Save more than 45 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year
Turn off the PC and the TV: only turn off the TV, DVD or computer when not in use, you avoid that thousands of kilos of CO2 out into the atmosphere
Recycle:. is possible to convert disused objects into new objects and reduce waste
Walk or bicycle use. saving fuel and the environment takes care to not cause emissions
Set the thermostat. not use air or heating if it is not really necessary
Plant a tree
Waste.. Solid Waste
The Solid Waste (MSW) are those that are generated in housework as a result of domestic activities. Domestic waste generated in industries and services
Also considered will be considered as household waste from those street cleaning.. Parks, recreational areas and abandoned vehicles etc.
It is composed of organic matter, which are the remains from cleaning or preparing food with leftovers. In addition to paper and cardboard, newspapers, magazines, boxes and packaging. Plastic bottles, bags, packaging, plates, glasses and cutlery. Glass: bottles, broken crockery. . And metals such as cans, etc.
also appear Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) batteries, clothes, furniture and fixtures, as well as debris and rubble from minor works construction and home repair.
Benefits of separate waste
A good solid waste management should promote recycling and the use of recovered materials as source of energy or raw materials, in order to contribute to the preservation and rational use of natural resources.
The separation of organic matter can develop fields, through the decomposition carried out by bacteria and worms to bury them, providing a natural fertilizer useful to improve soil and plantations.
By recycling saves energy, virgin raw material, water and fuel, which are used in the production processes of materials original raw therefore saves natural resources. Pollution from manufacturing processes
renewable energy, energy efficiency
The energy is decreased and the life of the landfill is prolonged. It is a property associated with the objects and substances and is defined as the ability of a body to do work. It is necessary to move objects, heat a home, setting in motion a auto.La energy is not created nor destroyed, only transformed. It can appear in nature in different ways, as energy of motion (kinetic) position (potential) and heat (thermal). In turn, these forms can be transformed into other types of energy such as mechanical energy, chemical, light and power.
Types of energy, by source
Renewables: this type of energy is generated from resources that are abundant in nature and are inexhaustible, that is, they are able to regenerate by natural means
Non-Renewable. This type of energy is generated from resources that are depleted when used and are not renewed in the short term, since they need millions of years to return to form. They may be abundant in nature or not.
Solar energy is obtained from the use of the Sun’s radiation. It can be photovoltaic or thermal. Along with wind, energy generated from wind are renewable most used in the world.
It is worth mentioning that if you could capture all the energy of the sun in one hour would be possible to meet the energy demand the entire planet for a year. Solar energy is the biggest energy source on Earth.
Many of the types of energy we know from the sun. It warms the planet’s surface, leading to huge transfers of heat and pressure, to through weather patterns and ocean currents.
The resulting air currents are those that move the turbines, generating wind energy. Solar also evaporates water which then falls as rain and collects in dams, which can be used to generate hydroelectric power.
Tips for Energy Efficiency
- Replace incandescent lights with low energy light bulbs
- Turn off the light when you leave the room .
- Do not leave electrical appliances connected without using so much of household electricity is saved.
- On the TV and the computer only when used. If you are always lit, in addition to wasting energy teams suffer more wear.
- Check that the refrigerator door closes properly. Failure to do so may cause consumption to three times higher.
- Iron as many clothes as possible at once, thus avoiding wasting energy every time the iron has to be heated.
- Take advantage of the maximum allowable amount of laundry, avoiding wasting electricity and water.
- Choose 24 ° C fixed temperature in the air conditioning. You’ll save money and generate less greenhouse gases.
- When buying an appliance, see the label for energy efficiency. The label A are the most efficient, and even a bit more expensive, use less energy to operate.
- Choose a stove with electric ignition or unmanned; saves gas and reduces the emission of pollutants from combustion
- Cover pots when cooking.; and better use heat, it uses less gas and save money.
- Avoid drafts when cooking, it increases the cooking time for food and gas consumption.
- Check periodically gas installations to prevent leaks.
The Biodiversity reflects the number, variety and variability of living organisms and how diversity changes from one place to another over time. It is including genetic, species and between ecosystems diversity
Biodiversity is important in all ecosystems, not only natural, as national parks or nature reserves, but also in which man are handled.: farms, plantations, and even urban parks. Are the basis for the multiple benefits that ecosystems provide to humans.
- Although it is difficult to determine the exact number, Earth It is facing unprecedented species extinction. Extinction is part of the natural course of the history of the planet, but this episode of extinction of species is the largest the world has experienced in the last 65 million years.
- This mass extinction is largely due to non-sustainable methods of production and consumption of man, including habitat destruction, urban sprawl, pollution, deforestation, global warming and the introduction of “invasive alien species”.
- Biodiversity contributes directly or indirectly to many aspects of human well manner. For example, by providing raw materials and promote health. Over 60% of people in the world depend on plants for medicine.
- In the last century, many people benefited both the transformation of natural ecosystems into agricultural land and the exploitation of biodiversity
What steps to take to conserve biodiversity
-.? Protected areas are a key part of conservation programs, especially for vulnerable habitats. However, not enough in themselves to ensure the preservation of all aspects of biodiversity. For protected areas to be successful, you need to carefully choose the location of protected areas, also ensuring that the different types of ecosystems in the area have adequate representation.
– Prevention and early intervention are emerged as the most effective and cost-effective methods to counter invasive species. Once an invasive species has been introduced, it is extremely difficult and expensive to control or eradication. The use of chemicals, sometimes combined with the manual removal (eg, cutting or pruning), does not seem too effective in eradicating.
– Biodiversity should be taken into account in the management of productive sectors such as agriculture , fisheries and forestry. Only thus their conservation and sustainable use will be achieved
-. The private sector can contribute significantly to the conservation of biodiversity, for example by adopting better agricultural practices.
– International cooperation requires increased commitments to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable use of biological resources.
– Education and information campaigns contribute to making scientific information available and of society as a whole conclusions. As a result, an informed citizenry better appreciate the conservation of biodiversity, which facilitates the implementation of conservation measures
Note:. Press Ministry of Environment, Countryside and Production
. Photo: Internet
Correction:.. Mariano Pennisi
content compiler. Marina Menseguez
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