Monday, April 27, 2015

Rajoy confirmed that candidate will seek reelection –

    Monday April 27, 2015


Elections in Spain

 Mariano Rajoy became president in 2011.

Madrid The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, rose yesterday forecast 2.9% growth in 2015 and confirmed to be submitted for re-election in the elections, end of year.

The leader of the Popular Party (PP), which agreed to La Moncloa in December 2011 after winning elections with an absolute majority, confirmed that for reelection.

“Yes, I want to be the candidate, and trust me, will do well “, responded to questions from journalists during an informative breakfast.

So, cleared the doubts about his intentions to occur, which, he said, made regardless of the results of the local elections on May 24, for which surveys give a kick to the PP.

The polls predict a tight result for legislative elections between the PP, we (the group emerged from the movement of the indignant ), the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the new training center-right Citizens (see sidebar).

This scenario implies that PP lost half of their intention to vote in the last four years, although this did not undermine Rajoy’s decision to compete again at the polls, as verified yesterday .

The economic growth of 2.9% means five tenths more than the last official estimate, and also exceeds the revised forecast to rise 2.5% from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Rajoy also anticipated that the growth forecast for 2016 will be “of the same tenor”.


The conservative prime minister said that this year will create half a million jobs, but analysts discounted that Spain still coexist several years with a high unemployment rate, which currently stands at 23% of the active population, ie 5.4 million direct victims.

To make it meet expectations “and even improve,” he said, his government will maintain the “reformist impulse.” The IMF made clear recently that the path of reducing unemployment will be difficult for Spain, which encouraged its authorities to continue easing the market.

In this regard, he said that for the next term “the great national goal “is to reach 20 million people employed.

The unions considered that the growth forecast of 2.9% does not guarantee that translates into more and better jobs. Instead, according to Rajoy, the crisis is behind us and now there is “real opportunity to enter a long period of growth and prosperity for the Spaniards.”


In an attempt to meet the goals of reducing the fiscal deficit demanded by the European Union, the Popular Party government in recent years cut spending on health and education, raised taxes and cut wages in the State, which depressed the economy, coupled with several corruption scandals in the ruling, the government collapsed image.

However, Rajoy said yesterday that the welfare state was maintained over the years in Spain , which “does not exist anywhere else in the world.”

According to Rajoy, uncertainty about the situation in Greece and “political instability” in Spain today are “enemies” of economic recovery their country.

“I see at this time as enemies of recovery in Spain political instability, that is a potential enemy of recovery, then Greece” .

The head of the Spanish Government recalled that Greece, in exchange for European funding, must keep its commitments (reduction of deficit and debt, structural reforms).

“In the last year, things went wrong, then changed the Government; the new government decided to say that they do not accept anything that could tell the (European) Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, “he said. But” those three were paid him, then if no will accept anything as they are at serious risk of not fund them, “added



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