Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The ruling PP maintains its offer according to the Spanish socialist – Terra Peru

The vice-president of the Spanish Government, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, reiterated today the socialists, the offer of settlement of her party, the conservative PP, to form a new Executive and to avoid that Spain repeat and new elections.

Sáenz de Santamaría, appealed today to the wisdom at the time “uncertain” living in Spain, waiting for the decisions taken by the socialist PSOE, the main opposition party, after the resignation of its leader, Pedro Sanchez, this weekend.

The crisis of the Spanish socialist has opened up the possibility that the party will change its stance and allow the formation of a new Executive, with the abstention after the departure of Sanchez, who was not a supporter of providing a conservative Government.

The PP was the winner of the last election, although it needs the support of other formations to govern, and have been proposed on numerous occasions to the socialists that facilitate the investiture of the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, before the expiration date for repeat elections.

“Our supply is there, it is the same that we have always done and we will be very attentive to what might arise in the next few days”, said Sáenz de Santamaría.

The proposal of the PP is “moderation” and “stability” in the line of the raised after the first elections of December 2015, when he began the political blockade, stressed the vice-president of spain.

After the crisis suffered by the socialists last week, the party has been in the hands of a manager who shall convene a meeting of the federal committee socialist, which is to decide the position of the party, before the formation of Government.


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