The French Defense Ministry, in a statement on its website, reported that on the 22nd day of September two bomber planes of Russian bordearon the coasts of four european countries without prior notice, unusual and thought-provoking move Moscow.
The operation began a few minutes after 9 in the morning, when Norway detected the presence of two jet airplanes in the north of the country. At that time sent two F16 fighter jets the escort up to the north of Scotland. The procedure was reproduced with two aircraft Typhoon british, who accompany them along the west coast of Ireland to the French Brittany. There, two planes French take over for the coast of French west, until the bombers russians arrive in the bay of Biscay. The waiting two F18 Spanish, resiguen the coast to the height of Bilbao and leave for the Atlantic.
The interactions and coordinations between escorts were made possible thanks to "close collaboration" between the two centers of operation of the NATO in the north and of the south, stresses the Department of Defense gaul.
The aircraft russians were two bombers Tu-160 Blackjack, as they are called, the NATO countries –in vocabulary Russian, would be white swans, to the newspaper breton Le Telegramme–. These planes were designed at the end of the 1970s with the purpose of the attacks on long-distance and carry nuclear weapons. The Russian armed forces started to use in Syria in November last year.
That same month, another Russian plane was downed by two fighter planes turks on the border between Turkey and Syria, after Moscow fly above the limit of the airspace without communicating it to Ankara. In 2015, president Vladimir Putin spent more than 20% of its national budget to Defense.
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