Without a doubt, one of the qualities that distinguishes the human being with regard to the rest of the animals is the intelligence because what is a human without the capacity to reason and behave in a civilized manner? The answer seems to be obvious, it would be a soul in grief, and an attempt of evolution clearly failed.
Although, at times, and the reader will have been aware of it, those traits that should stand out seem to not exist, because it is no longer only ordinary people and normal, but also in high personalities whose position should offer some guarantees to education, morality and respect have been reduced substantially.
Since it is not unusual to see television presenters with respect and using a foul language, because the boundaries that once had been set to have already disappeared completely. Nor is it surprising to see that a student’s disrespect to a teacher or a young person makes fun of an old man who has given in his life. Then, it is at this point that one must wonder if the truth of the human being has advanced enough to be considered superior intellectually to an animal.
Esperanza Aguirre, has returned to star in a new episode in his crusade, particularly against Manuela Carmena, and it seems that still does not assume the defeat suffered by his party for Now Madrid. On this occasion, the spokesman of the PP in the Madrid city council has criticized that Manuela Carmena establish a radio city. If you look back you will see that it is not the first attack that Esperanza Aguirre performed on Manuela Carmena, and is that from which the mayor came to power has not stopped performing all sorts of comments and actions that, for nothing, they were loaded with good intention.
This time, as has been explained previously, Esperanza Aguirre has criticized the current mayor of Madrid has created a radio city, something that, in the opinion of the spokesman for the #PP and former president of the Community of Madrid has not seen with very good eyes.
“I’ve Always been against the media in the hands of governments”. With those words, perhaps mrs. Aguirre has been a demonstration of lack of memory as to what it would be better to remind you of the case of Telemadrid. #Corruption #we Can
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