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outdoor Play is under threat. This is the alarming conclusion of a study, after analyzing the playing habits of the children in our country. Specifically, the study reveals that 49% of Spanish children between 5 and 12 years —a percentage that is equivalent to more than 2 million children in Spain— spend less than an hour a day outdoors, the less time that passes to the outside journal of a prisoner of maximum security. Of this 49%, 11% played less than half an hour a day outside of the house and a 5% never, according to ABC .
One of the main reasons that allege the fathers and mothers for this deficit game is the lack of time they have to carry their young children to play outdoors. The climate and, to a lesser extent, the preference of children for play inside your home, are some of the main reasons reflected in the study, conducted by Unilever.
it is Not surprising, therefore, that 77% of the fathers and mothers in Spanish to ensure that they would like their children were playing and spend more time away from home, while 51% believed that, quite simply, your children do not have the same opportunities that they had to play when passing time outdoors when they were children.
In this sense, the fathers and mothers in Spanish they also stress the time the children are in front of screens as one of the main barriers to outdoor play today. This is confirmed by the 84% of the respondents, who claim to be concerned about the high impact of the technology in the game of their children. In fact, 83 percent admitted that their children refuse to play if there isn’t some kind of technology for middle and 81% said that kids would rather play virtual sports on a screen that sports really outside of home.
To address this situation of global alert regarding the children’s play and outdoor, Skip, Unilever, has launched the worldwide campaign “Dirt is good”, with the aim of making society aware that children need to play, exploratory and experiential, which is essential to their learning and healthy development.
The starting point of the campaign has been the impressive video for “Free the children” (“Free the Kids”), recorded in a maximum security prison in the united States. Filmed at Wabash Valley (Indiana, USA), the video shows interviews with prisoners in which they think about the importance to them of the time they can spend outdoors every day.
The intense stories of the prisoners who voluntarily participated in the project highlight how critical it is for them to spend some time on the outside to keep feeling alive. Later in the film, shared with the inmates the alarming data of the time pass the children around the world playing, learning and experiencing outside of your home or school, and the reaction of the prisoners cannot be more striking: surprise, concern and disappointment.
The campaign “Dirt is good” has the support and collaboration of important figures such as Sir Ken Robinson, one of the biggest experts in the world in education, creativity and human development. “Several academic studies show that active play is the natural way and the main of learning for children. It is essential for the growth and progress healthy, especially during periods of rapid brain development. And despite this, the game is considered too often as something frivolous and meaningless. In this way, there is a growing trend and alarming to reduce the time of active play in children, both at home and at school”, explains this expert.
In this sense, Ana Palencia, spain, Unilever Spain, says: “we were amazed when we discovered that the children spend less time outdoors that inmates of high security. For this reason we decided to launch this campaign. The intention is to denounce this situation and to initiate a social debate on the importance of play for learning and development of children.” And he adds: “also, be aware of this alarming situation has led us to think about how to help families to rediscover what it is to play outdoors, at home and in school.”
To read more press here
learn why it is good that your son gets dirty
With Information of The Patilla;-es-bueno-que-tu-hijo-se-ensucie-06102016
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