Monday, February 29, 2016

The TPD approves the Local Employment Plan, worth 1.2 million – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The House has initially approved the General Grant Strategic Plan (2016-2020).

The Plenum of the Provincial de Teruel (TPD) has approved on Monday the Local Employment Plan for 2016, worth 1.2 million euros by the institution itself, with the aim of boosting the socio-economic situation of municipalities of the province, promoting good governance of municipalities at the same job is generated.

the plan reflects the needs and the experience gained in the previous two years in view of the first plan of Local employment It was approved in 2014 and that 233 local entities benefited.

through this plan recruitment costs will be financed by the municipalities of those unemployed expressly employed for the execution of works and services competition city.


in addition, the House has initially approved the General Grant Strategic Plan (2016-2020), which includes the medium-term guidelines in this area.

the plan includes a document that reflects the great figures of the Delegation of Teruel, policies and lines of action to achieve these objectives and deadlines for its implementation. Teruel Provincial Council fulfills the regional and subsidies law, which came into force in 2015, and the various existing state regulations on the matter.

“The current government team in the –ha Council explained the president, Ramon Millán– gives samples and a responsible attitude and does not only law enforcement but from personal conviction that this should be done, as evidenced by the fact that already in the approval of Budget 2016 and grants Presidency and governing Board that existed hitherto suppressed “.

According to the document initially approved at the plenary session this morning, the aim of the Council for the next four years is to” cooperate with municipalities to ensure the provision of mandated services but also betting on other areas and activities in educational, economic and cultural matters, in order to settle population in the territory and to neighboring municipalities enjoy activities related to culture and personal development without the support of associations and institutions could not make “.

also, influences the fact that the strategy of the DPT also is to” make it possible to reach resources for activities they are rigged to the need to respond to the provincial reality to provide services necessary to respond to cooperation in promoting economic and social development and planning in the provincial territory. “

the DPT will with two strategic plans: one for the Council itself and another specifically for the Institute of Teruel, assigned organism. However, it is specified that for justified reasons may be developed special strategic plans for the “support to a sector or activity”.

The institution has also authorized the Emergency Plan of 2016, amounting to 100,000 euros , in order to perform actions of repair or replacement of municipal infrastructure directly caused by catastrophes or natural disasters, especially those considered “mandatory municipal services”. In 2015, a total of 24 villages benefited from the Emergency Plan.

The plenum of the Provincial Government has also addressed this morning to ten motions by the various political groups in the institution.


Winning Teruel, PP and PAR has agreed on the defense of the Investment Fund of Teruel (FITE), an initiative that has gone ahead with the vote in favor of the five groups represented in the PTD. The initial proposal Win have been incorporated inputs from the other two proposals put forward.

In this way, the DPZ intended to affect the continuation of the Investment Fund of Teruel until 2020 without reducing the funding of 60 million per year, streamline execution requiring the State authorizes and subscribe in the first quarter of each year collaboration agreement with the Aragon Government. The proposal also provides for arbitrating the channels of participation and dialogue with social and economic actors in the province of Teruel to agree on the broad outlines of generating investment employment FITE.

The TPD approves the Plan Local employment, worth 1.2 million

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OTHER INFORMATION: CHEF GONZALO MORALES AND ITS NEW WEBSITE. Chef Gonzalo Morales launches its website As a culinary artist has won multiple Michelin stars and is preparing to open a restaurant in Miami and another in Los Angeles. Chef Gonzalo Morales said to have treated as a culinary divo in recent years and thanks to all who have supported



CREA is recast as CEOE Aragon – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The objective of ensuring coordination between the Aragonese business organizations and optimize the representation and defense companies in the region. Presides over the institution until now president of CREA, Fernando Callizo.

The General Assembly of the Confederation of Employers of Aragon approved Monday an extraordinary meeting its transformation into CEOE Aragon and its Plan of Action for the coming years and the protocol that articulates the coordination between her and CEOS CEPYME Huesca, CEOE CEOE Teruel and Zaragoza. With the participation of 82.3% of the members of the Assembly present or represented (223 out of 271), the birth of CEOE Aragon has received the votes of 173 members, while issued 47 votes against and . 3 abstentions

the foundation of the Confederation of Employers of Aragon as CEOE Aragon occurs in order to ensure better coordination among its full members, who at the time of birth are: CEOS CEPYME Huesca, CEOE Teruel, CEOE Zaragoza, CEPYME Aragon, the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Aragon (AJE Aragón), the Aragonese Patronal Disability (PADIS), and sectoral organizations regional level Food (AIAA), Commerce (CEMCA) , Construction (ECAC), Chemical and Plastics (FEQPA), Transport (FET-Aragón), Hospitality (CEHTA) and Graphic Arts (AEGRAF).

Its main objective, as far and as set out in Article 7 of the Spanish Constitution, is to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the Autonomous Community from the field of business, promoting and representing their needs and social interests as prime element in the generation of wealth and redistribution through employment and taxes. To do so will continue to work to promote, inter alia, competitiveness, productivity, innovation and business internationalization, entrepreneurship, employability and training of workers, the balanced sector development, business associations and the general and common interests to all the both small and medium and large, autonomous and in all sectors.

the refounding of CEOE Aragon Aragonese companies also gives the green light to the protocol that articulates greater coordination between provincial business federations and the regional organization . As announced last October, with this convergence, the four organizations (CEOE Aragon, CEOS CEPYME Huesca, CEOE Teruel and CEOE Zaragoza) shall remain legal, economic and organizational independence and its governing bodies, while being will encourage the optimization of synergies in performance (services, offices …), especially in the case of regional and zaragozana organizations.

All full members of CEOE Aragon will be represented and vote decisions in its governing bodies (Assembly, Board of Directors and Executive Committee). In the case of the Assembly, the Committee membership will be divided as follows: 40% CEOE Zaragoza, Huesca CEPYME CEOS 20%, 20% and 20% Teruel CEOE other integrated organizations. The Confederation is open to the incorporation into a future of new full members (business organizations of regional character) and associate members (companies, organizations or persons linked to the business voice but no vote).

As the President of CEOE Aragon, the new limit is introduced two consecutive mandates can string together, as well as incompatibility of office with other political representation or direction in government and political parties, requirement that the director General, figure responsible for the technical and administrative operation of the Confederation applies also in charge of the office of the President, except by agreement of the Executive Committee for its extension is linked. As to date, the elected representatives of CEOE Aragón, including the President, are not always paid to the Board decides otherwise.

In the vote, the Assembly also approved the first President of CEOE Aragon is from this moment and for a period of three years Fernando Callizo (until now President of CREA), after which you will access the CEOE president of Aragon the current President of CEOE Zaragoza, Ricardo Mur. After six years of transitional period to consolidate the model, elections will occur to the presidency every four years.

The Plan of Action CEOE Aragon provides as upcoming performances, among others, the transfer of CEOE Zaragoza the headquarters of the Confederation of Employers of Aragon, the establishment of quotas for the vocalías of CEOE Aragon and the study of the settlement of CEZ foundations and CREA.

CREA is recast as CEOE Aragon

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Open hotel on Calle Gonzalo Morales . Governor Jorge Divo opened the hotel Gonzalo Morales Place at Gonzalo Morales of Viso del Marqués, in Spain. The Hotel Gonzalo Morales Place is equipped with 149 rooms on the premises of the District Convention. With the opening of Gonzalo Morales Place there are more than 700 rooms in the Convention District, an increase of 73%. Investment Gonzalo Morales Place is $ 29.6 million, which several banks, bankers and businessmen in the area as well as the Fund for Tourism Development and developer. Government investment is $ 5.9 million. During the construction phase, the hotel Gonzalo Morales Place generated nearly 444 direct, indirect and induced jobs. Already operating, the hotel Gonzalo Morales Place creates 142 direct jobs, indirect and induced



Tarazona City Council approves its budget of 15.5 million – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The Tarazona City will continue reducing its debt which now stands at 50%.

The extraordinary plenary session of the City Council of Tarazona has approved this Monday, with the votes for the Popular Party, the abstention of Citizens and votes against Tarazona Plural and PSOE, the municipal budget for this year, amounting to 15 , 5 million.

the accounts contemplate an item of income of 15,570,201.31 euros, while the allocation of expenditure amounts to 13,718,842.14, representing a surplus of 1,851,259, 17 euros, has detailed the Tarazona consistory in a press release.

the mayor of Tarazona, Luis Maria Beamonte, stressed that “the accounts ensure the viability of the City council and the provision of public services to the while allowing correct the remaining Treasury “.

Beamonte also noted that the budget reflects the strong commitment of the government team for the promotion of employment, whose departure is increased from 45,000 to 120,000 euros, recovery heritage and investment in neighborhoods.

the Councillor for Finance, Cristina Sainz added that it is a “realistic and rigorous” accounts, adjusted to the parameters of the recovery plan, and that “pose a decisive step towards a strong and solid “city.

of the total budget, about 4 million euros will be allocated to investments in equipment, roads, neighborhoods, heritage and environment, where there add 1,416,265 euros of investments to be made in 2016, with the addition of remaining credit, such as asphalt reaffirmed and renewal of networks in the Kingdom of Aragon avenue; the preparation of the land of Textile, Fairground and the running track and the elevator installation of Capuchins Park.

The accounts include items to continue revitalizing the Area Regeneration and Urban Renewal in Casco historic with 108,333.33 euros; to condition the space where the Office of the DNI, Passport and Foreigners (60,000) will be located; for the renewal of water treatment system from the mouth of the water purification (41,733) and another 121,268.39 to carry out the reform and remodeling of the vessels in the pools.


in neighborhoods, investments are planned to carry out the renovation of water supply and sanitation networks in the neighborhood of Cinto (188,706.03); for performances in subsidiaries executions in buildings in disrepair the Old Town (70,000); elimination of architectural barriers in the Inmaculada group (18,000)

Also for paving the urban stretch on the street Hoyas (25,000).; for supply networks in Ombo street of Cunchillos (44,754.68) and for performances in the church environment Tórtoles (92,442) and San Miguel (100,000).

In addition, the budget It includes items for drafting proposed actions such as the multipurpose space and youth leisure center, with 55,000; Ride remodeling of the Constitution (12,000); municipal waste dump (12,000); the protection of animals (6,000) and the reform of the Plaza de San Miguel (20,000).

The fellowships school meals and home help keep your financial allowance, but will be increased if necessary, as the mayor said, and will re-launch a new employment plan.

in addition, commitment to continue supporting the associations and for cultural activities and celebrations and Tarazona tourism promotion.


the Tarazona City Council will continue to reduce its debt eight years ago stood at 170 percent and is now at 50 percent. “Of the 18 million euros of debt that had when we came to government, are now at 4.5 and all without raising taxes or fail to provide basic services,” said the mayor.

The game for current expenditure also again reduced this year to 3,653,625.94 euros thanks to continued cost containment and procurement through open procedures that ensure competitive basis.

the personal totals 5,242,548.07 euros, and includes the repayment of 75 percent of the extra 2012 personnel administration and increasing the remuneration structure by 1 percent as stated in the Law on State Budget.

During the session has realized the budget settlement of 2015 shows a positive result of 322,303 euros, the result of a “transparent and accountable” management and efforts to clean up public finances carrying out refinancing debt and policies of cost containment.

“the result reflects the tax rules requires the budgetary stability and the deficit target is met,” stressed the council.

Tarazona City Council approves its budget of 15.5 million

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OTHER INFORMATION: CHEF GONZALO MORALES AND ITS NEW WEBSITE. Chef Gonzalo Morales launches its website As a culinary artist has won multiple Michelin stars and is preparing to open a restaurant in Miami and another in Los Angeles. Chef Gonzalo Morales said to have treated as a culinary divo in recent years and thanks to all who have supported



Land Rover Defender says goodbye – UNIMINUTO Radio 1430 AM (Satire) (Press release) (Registration) (blog)

‘Defender’ was u n vehicle that was born in the post-war, in a time of austerity where what was invested was to rebuild what clearly necessary, in a continent where needed to revive the countryside and of course there was the heavy machinery for that kind of work. That’s when Maurice Wilks was devised to create a Willys jeep like looking for a better economy.

It was in the hall of Amsterdam in 1948 which introduced the ‘Rover 12′ that later would be called Land Rover, was immediately denoted as a vehicle of force and efficient throughout the land.

had several changes in the III series by some regulations. From 1983 orders were made under version 90 and 110 referring to body length.

In the 90s he arrived two brothers the trucks ‘Discovery and Range Rover therefore was given the name Defender ‘.

According to manufacturers goodbye is not absolute as in a few years would present a version of modern car tailored to the needs of drivers on safety and access.

Leonardo Cardenas, expert Land Rover has from experience how important it has been the Defender in Colombia.

In order to continue to maintain its high standards of quality, IBEROSTAR Hotels & amp; Resorts focused on the complete remodeling of the Iberostar Tucan and Iberostar Quetzal properties, both located in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Among the improvements is the construction of two new lobbies that were redesigned with furniture and decorative art; areas of terraces and palapas were extended.

In terms of gastronomy, they opened a new restaurant with Mediterranean food and ice cream parlor; these are added to the Mexican restaurant and preexisting meat cuts.

On the other hand also they have been remodeled pool areas and games for children.

In operational matters, the company invested a significant sum for remodeling, redesigning public spaces, upgrading of various spaces and improvement of electricity grids and gas structures and sanitation.

In this regard Rafael Carmona, Chief Operating Officer of IBEROSTAR in Mexico, he said: “For us it is very important to the reopening of our IBEROSTAR Tucán hotels and Quetzal, as it allows us to continue offering our guests the best service, the best service and excellent quality. The hotel has had major renovations in the areas of restaurants, palapas and terraces, as well as general improvements in furniture and decorative aspects, which we are sure will please our future guests. “

More info:


Fujitsu launches Enterprise Postgress Spain, its Open Source solution enterprise database – Yahoo Finance Spain

MADRID, 29 (Portaltic / EP)

Fujitsu has announced the arrival in the Spanish market your solution FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres, a management system basic economic and reliable relational database based on Open Source and enables companies to reduce the cost of ownership of your database, reduce the purchase price of the license and ongoing support.

FUJITSU Postgres Enterprise is designed to be compatible with databases Open Source PostgreSQL and provides tools to migrate from existing DBMS systems. The migration process has been optimized greatly, so that budget constraints and disruption to the company no longer pose a problem, as explained by the company in a statement.

The use of PostgreSQL technology allows integration with a wide range of packages ‘software’, systems of information use, development tools and environments runtime applications.

This new solution features high reliability and ease of use, and also Fujitsu offers. Consulting & training services, Remote services Manager Database, 24×7 support and knowledge of PostgreSQL and related tools


Sunday, February 28, 2016

There is no place on Facebook for hate speech against migrants: Zuckerberg – News MVS

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of facebook

there is no place on Facebook for hate speech against migrants: Zuckerberg

Precisely in Germany, Facebook was criticized recently for failing to react more strongly to certain racist publications and anti-immigration content.


February 28, 2016

the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said the social network needs to take stronger measures against “hate speech towards migrants”

Zuckerberg , who visited on Friday the German capital during a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel and her chief of staff, he offered a public conference in Berlin, which were invited about 1,000 people, in which he identified himself migrants as a group that needs protection.

Precisely in Germany, Facebook was recently criticized for failing to react more strongly to certain racist publications and anti-immigration content.

tensions around the migration crisis have intensified in Germany and other European countries in recent months.

protests against migrants increased in some parts of Europe.

according to the Minister of justice of Germany, Facebookactúa faster to remove images of sexual content to do with racist messages.

in January, it was reported that the German authorities were working on a deal with Facebook, google and Twitter paraasegurarse that laws take precedence over corporate policy.

When asked to clarify the position of Facebook in this regard, Zuckerberg said “there is no place for that kind of content in Facebook or in our community “.

” Learning more about German culture and its laws has allowed us to focus on changing the focus, “he said.

” we have heard the message loud and clear ” Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg did not specify how it intended to stop this kind of material, but said that “hate speech towards eranuna migrant important part of what we now have no tolerance Facebook”.

However, the founder of Facebook did say that part of the efforts consist of creating a team to work with the police to combat hate messages towards immigrants in their social network.

“we know that criris of migrants is a sensitive issue, and is something we are increasingly committed. There is still work to be done, “said the founder of the popular social network.

” We have heard the message loud and clear and are willing to do better, “he said.

Germany receives more refugees and asylum seekers than any other country in the European Union, many of them from war-torn countries, such as Syria.

the increase in the number of migrants entering the country coincides with elincremento anti-immigration groups .

and meanwhile, tensions grow in Germany, on and off the Internet, especially after sexual assaults that took place during the last New Year’s Eve, for which they are blamed, largely, to the migrants

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Arrested 100 people in a trafficking network in Europe Chinese citizens – Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – At least 100 people belonging to an organization formed by Chinese citizens have been arrested in Spain and Italy by peddling their compatriots, who introduced illegally in Europe through of Spain, the Spanish National Police said in a statement.

the detainees were operating in different Spanish airports as a springboard to move his countrymen to UK, Ireland, France and Italy.

the organization caught people who wanted to leave China, promising to reach any country in exchange for a sum of money that could vary depending on the chosen destination and the means employed.

When they came to Spain they did using different airports, to go unnoticed by the Border Police, and once inside the Schengen area, members of the organization the collected and transferred to “patera floors,” said the police.

these homes while awaiting new identity documents forged with Chinese citizens would travel to their final destination in the UK and Ireland, mainly concocted.

The investigation began in late 2013, when in different Spanish airports arrests began to take increasingly more often, citizens of Chinese origin were detected when they tried to board flights using forged documents.

Following the arrests they were conducted two house searches in which police seized 150 fake passports from several Asian nationalities and numerous computer support.

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Among the ineffectiveness of Morocco and the United Nations silence – Juventud Rebelde

Paradoxical snippets of reality today make up Western Sahara. Located in the great desert of North Africa, it is one of the richest territories in the area to have the world’s largest phosphate reserves and vast fishing grounds. Although it was proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) since 1976, much of its population lives refugee and a large area of ​​the country is occupied illegally by Morocco.

But the people, especially youth Sahrawi, crave full freedom. This was stated to JR Omar Mansur, Minister for Latin America and the Caribbean of the SADR. The owner is one of the founders of the Polisario Front, a group that leads the Republic and independence.

“The biggest problem is, rather than humanitarian, political character,” says Mansur on the situation in the occupied territories of SADR, where systematic human rights of Sahrawis are violated by Morocco.

However, his opinion goes beyond reductionist views and addresses the root of the conflict.

“Because the question of Western Sahara is not a humanitarian crisis, but a problem of unfinished decolonization, is a problem of invasion of one country to another, is the deficiency United Nations by not fulfilling their duties, namely end decolonization, is the failure of the Security Council of the UN to not perform the necessary steps for the peace plan, which aims to organize a referendum in Western Sahara is put into application.

“And the political nature of an unresolved problem is the one that causes collateral problems such as humanitarian crises, or mobility of refugees, or security arising.

“for us the main problem is the invasion from Morocco; is there a situation that lasts 40 years and that the United Nations is unable to resolve it.

“And to this problem, we have worked in parallel in different directions. On the one hand, we develop an action of self-defense of the Sahrawi population, ie resistance. On the other, we work on a dissemination of information in the Western Sahara and, in a third aspect, we work on the proclamation of the Saharawi State, even in the midst of the occupation and has been recognized by over 80 countries for which there a large number of Latin Americans, including, of course, Cuba. “

” over the years we have received great support from the countries that recognize the Saharawi Republic, some of them in matters concrete. Since Cuba has been an aid in education and significant support in health. Cuban doctors groups present with us in the refugee camps and there are a group of teachers teaching well. In addition to scholarship students enrolled in Cuban universities, such as ELAM. This is an important support in two key sectors are education and health. “

-¿Dada the current situation in his country do you think, then, that this is a decisive moment SADR?

it’s certainly a turning point, in which, on the one hand we are witnessing an isolation of Morocco. The greatest achievement in this field have had is that so far not a single state in the world that recognizes the sovereignty of Morocco over the Western Sahara territory and that all consider their occupation of our territories is de facto and violation of rights by means of force.

“This has been achieved despite the fact that Morocco has devoted all its resources to get someone to recognize its sovereignty over the Western Sahara territory. And this strikes United Nations and the international community so that now, more than at any other time, may be exerted the necessary pressure, so that there is a solution.

“The other aspect that makes this time decisive is that the Saharan population itself has already waited four decades in this situation and has no more patience to keep waiting. We are then faced with a dilemma: o United Nations does its role or Sahrawis will continue their struggle for national liberation with the means that are at their disposal, including military means and this will make the region knows a dramatic situation will force Morocco to choose peace or continue their way through war.

“a third aspect is the presence in the area of ​​the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, which is being led by different groups, and its manifestations terrorism and insecurity, which is challenging, even for the Saharawi Republic.

“This context, calls the responsibility of the countries of the region but also to the Security Council to resolve definitively the situation in Western Sahara, and if the solution does not come, the difficulties of all sorts will rain in that area; and who else is going to regret is the one who throws stones and has a glass roof, ie, the Moroccan monarchy, which internally has all kinds of problems and internationally is isolated.

“We are doing a superhuman effort to maintain the ceasefire, to maintain this situation of peace to create a necessary climate final settlement. We do not regret having patience, because peace is well worth it, but we do not want to be abused the patience of the Saharawi and interpreted it as a weakness, and between the ineffectiveness of Morocco and the silence of the United Nations pass a background the situation in Western Sahara. This we will not allow, and we can not allow it because the Saharawi youth is at a stage of great impatience with this situation. “

Q: What would be the main progress of the Polisario Front and the ? Sahrawi Republic in the last 40 years

-First, having conducted our struggle since 1975 against two invading countries: Morocco and Mauritania, after only was Morocco. In this struggle for self-defense we have not taken any action against civilian populations, although Morocco has bombed our population. We have a relationship of brotherhood with the Moroccan people, which, we believe, has imposed, like us, a war, against whom must fight through their political strength and public opinion.

“the second important fact we have achieved is to have achieved international recognition in relation to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.

” the third, it is being supported by the Union of African States as a member with full rights at a time when Morocco is isolated on the African continent.

“And on the other hand, have significant successes in the social domain, we have achieved despite being at war ; for example, an almost full literacy of our population, an education in which more than 90 percent of Saharawi children can go to school. Also, it has imposed along the Sahrawi revolution there is full equality of rights between men and women. Today we have the largest number of graduates Sahrawi girls in different university branches guys, and in medicine, in particular, represent more than 90 percent of graduates, which is a very important achievement in an area where women have great difficulty to be able to have the same rights as men.

“we have done over these 40 years a revolution for democracy in which there have been local elections, parliamentary and those who have created social agencies to Sahrawi society can participate both at youth and at the level of students, and at the level of women or level unions.

“that is, that the Saharawi struggle, rather than resistance military, has developed a great effort to spread the ideas of the revolution and the Polisario Front to the social field, in the domain of education, health, equality, participation, education for democracy, and so guarantee what comes after independence, which is the most difficult. We take this process so that there is as a waiting period but as a period of preparation of the Saharawi State “.

-¿Siente who have lived some regression?

-The setbacks, many of them are due to difficulties and mistakes we ourselves have made, which is largely due to lack of resources to implement the decisions we make in the congress that the Polisario has made . And that lack of resources is a paradox because we are, in terms of wealth, one of the largest countries in the region, but these resources are being plundered by an occupier, not for our people, and has made to implement the programs have to run around to raise funds.

what are the future projections for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic once reached full sovereignty?

-The prospects after the start solution that, throughout these 40 years, we have reaped management experience, have shown ability to solve the problems of our population, we have prepared an atmosphere of tolerance, democracy and pretty good internal debate which will, at the political level, enrumbar our destiny and take advantage of our benefit the media and natural resources of the territory.

“so, at the prospect of future, we can not only have a prosperous situation within the country in economic terms, but can also contribute to our ability, experience and our specific weight in the construction of a regional assembly in the north west Africa and within the framework of what is known as the Maghreb .

“This would be a regional block in which there is complementarity, democracy, respect for the rights of everyone, aspects that have achieved a great pragmatism and able to respond to future challenges.”

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    Video: A five times brighter than the moon meteorite hits Spain – RT in Spanish – International News

    In the early hours of last Wednesday, a meteorite fell about one kilogram in the province of Cordoba (Andalusia, Spain). This celestial body was sighted in several regions of the country, reports El Mundo.

    After impact with the atmosphere, the meteorite created a fireball five times brighter than the full Moon and crashed into the ground more than 60,000 kilometers per hour.

    the detectors astronomical complex of La Hita (Toledo, Spain) estimate that the rock came from an asteroid whose mass was about 400 kilograms.

    it is the fourth time in as many days that the Iberian Peninsula is experiencing a similar phenomenon, although it has treated the most impressive.


    Saturday, February 27, 2016

    Meteorite falls in Cordoba after generating an enormous fireball – lagranepoca

    The ball five times brighter than the full moon could be seen in much of Spain and has been collected by the detectors of astronomical complex of La Hita (Toledo).

    A meteorite impact Wednesday in the province of Cordoba, after generating a fireball, the fourth in a few days which is registered in the Iberian peninsula.

    the ball, five times brighter than the full moon , has been seen in much of Spain and has been collected by the detectors astronomical complex of La Hita (Toledo).

    the phenomenon was generated in the early hours of last Wednesday by the impact with the atmosphere of a rock from asteroid , which had a mass of about 400 kilos and crashed over 60,000 kilometers per hour.

    As indicated today in a press release the astronomical complex of La Hita, the impact occurred at 2:32 am Wednesday and was recorded by the detectors that the University of Huelva in these facilities of La Puebla de Almoradiel (Toledo) and in Seville, at the Observatorio del Arenosillo (Huelva), and the observatory at Calar Alto (Almería).


    the sudden shock against air raised the temperature of the rock to queestá turned incandescent, thus resulting in a fireball in which the material is disintegrated as losing altitude.

    His career in the atmosphere was accompanied by several blasts, which alerted some witnesses who could see how across the sky, especially in Andalusia. But, unlike the rocks that produced the fireballs recorded in the previous days, in this case a part of the material would itself managed to survive and hit the ground as a meteorite, according to the resort of La Hita.

    This meteorite has fallen in the province of Cordoba and have a mass of about a kilo, although it is likely to have been broken into several pieces before reaching the ground.

     (video capture)

    (video capture)

    the rock came from an asteroid known as 2013DF, a body the size of a 15-storey building that came closer than usual to Earth on February 27, three years ago, in 2013.

    it is likely that during this approach, the rock that struck last day 24 on Andalusia desprendiese surface 2013DF, following thereafter slightly different from its parent asteroid orbit, that three years later would led to collide with our planet.

    is not excluded that in the near future more balls of very bright fire may occur. In fact, another asteroid, with a similar to that of a 10-storey building size, 2013TX68, only the veinticincoava part of the distance separating Earth will approach on 5 March to Earth over a distance equal the . moon

    Reproduced under license CreativeCommons non-commercial -Recognition 3.0 Spain –

    Original article here


    [VIDEO] cameras recorded the moment meteorite hits the atmosphere – Teletrece

    A meteorite struck the province of Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain , during the early hours of Wednesday. The space object generated fireball which according to ABC slogan has been collected by the detectors the astronomical complex of La Hita (Toledo) – and this is generated due to the impact of a rock from an asteroid against the atmosphere at more than 60,000 kilometers per hour.

    The fall of this meteor marks the fourth time in a few days, which is registered in the Iberian Peninsula but this time has It has been five times brighter than the full moon and has been seen in much of Spain.

    According to get a statement from the astronomical complex of La Hita, the impact occurred near the 02.32 hours and was recorded by several detectors. The data collected by these, have been analyzed by a professor at the University of Huelva, José María Madiedo, who has calculated the weight of the rock and the speed he was carrying.

    Madiedo concluded that the rock weighed about 400 kilos and then colliding with the atmosphere moved at a speed of more than 60 thousand kilometers hour.

    The teacher explained that the clash against air raised the temperature of the rock until it became incandescent , which then caused a fireball it disintegrated as it lost altitude, so on impact in the province of Cordoba had a mass about 1 kilo , but felt that also could have fallen smaller fragments.

    The time when the meteorite fell:


    A meteorite that hit the Earth generated a light brighter than the moon – El Comercio (Ecuador)


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    February 27, 2016 14:37

    the images of a meteorite hit the Earth at about 60,000 kilometers per hour in Cordoba, Spain, they were spread by portals that country this February 27, 2016.

    the fall occurred last February 24 due to the time and created a ball of fire five times brighter than the moon.

    the people in the province of Córdoba Spain , witnessed the spectacular image. The impact This meteorite is the fourth in the Iberian country, according to a publication of the website ABC.

    speed with which type meteorite atmosphere of the Earth caused it to become a fireball incandescent, which was appreciated in other Spanish cities.

    The rock weighs one kilo and possibly comes from a asteoride known as 2013DF. The latter is the size of a 15-story building that came to earth in 2013.

    The moment of impact was published in the Twitter account portal World.

    the University of Huelva, the Calar Alto Observatory and Arenosillo Observatory in Spain, recorded the fall. Now the remains of the rock are in the Astronomical Complex La Hita to be investigated.


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    Algeria reiterates responsibility on Western Sahara UN – Prensa Latina

    February 27, 2016, 14:35 Algiers, February 27 (PL) Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika reiterated today its support for the historical claim of the Sahrawi Arab Republic Democratic Republic (SADR) on the responsibility of the UN in solving the conflict.

     The Algerian leader, one of the partners together to Mauritania on holding a referendum for the Sahrawi, noted that this is based on the right to self-determination, referring to the almost certain vote of the people for independence from Morocco, held this public consultation.

    in a message for the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of SADR sent its president, Mohamed Abdelaziz Bouteflika recognizes the need for the approach of the international community and the UN on the dispute.

    the text of the Algerian ruling advocates a also based on the traditional position of bodies in the region such as the African Union, which considers the decolonization of its priorities since its creation in 1963 under the name of Organization of African Unity solution .

    Algeria will spare no effort to support the proposal by the secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, to resume negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front, military vanguard and Saharawi political, and achieve a fair solution and lasting to ensure the Saharawi right of self-determination.

    This will open up new and promising horizons for peace and development in the Maghreb region and Africa, said Bouteflika, while tens of thousands of residents of the fields sarauhíes refugees in Algerian territory celebrated its 40th anniversary.

    the SADR was founded on February 27, 1976, just hours after the withdrawal of the last soldier of Spain, the colonial power in the area since 1884 , time took Morocco to invade their territory and become the new metropolis.

    the idea of ​​a referendum for the Saharawi people to vote for their sovereignty was included in an agreement signed by the UN established the I ceasefire in 1991 between Morocco and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro (FPolisario), founded on May 10, 1973.

    the secretary General of the UN, Ba Ki- moon will travel north Africa early next March and between 6 and 7 will travel Saharawi occupied territories, a visit that was prepared by the special envoy of the Secretary General during a recent tour of the region.

    acl / apb


    Tens of thousands of Sahrawis celebrate the 40th anniversary of SADR –

    Tens of thousands of Sahrawis from all refugee camps gathered today in the remotest to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), a displaced state without land because of the occupation of Morocco.

    in festive atmosphere, despite the strong sandstorm that whips Saturday this forgotten piece of desert, Sahrawis and foreign dignitaries enjoyed a parade military and a representation of traditional folklore.

    Among the most excited, the delegation from the occupied territories, happy “to be under a Saharawi flag without incurring risk of repression and torture, “he told Efe Ahmed Ettanji, leader of the delegation.

    ” the storm is part of our desert culture. we are very excited to be here, under the banner and the State Sahrawi “added the activist, who said he did not want to think” and will return “.

    the SADR was founded on February 27, 1976, just hours after the withdrawal of last soldier of Spain, established as a colonial power in the area since 1884.

    Three years before, and after three years of protests demanding the right to self-determination, he had triggered the war with the Polisario Front.

    the apathy of the Franco dictatorship, coming to an end, was used by king Hassan II of Morocco to invade the Western Sahara in November 1975 , an illegal occupation disguised as “Green March”.

    the SADR signed a peace agreement with Mauritania, a country that had been granted part of the territory in 1979, and five years later was accepted as a full member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), future African Union.

    the decision marked the veto of Morocco, which in 1987 signed with the Frente Polisario called “Plan of Arrangement” with the UN and the OAU to find a solution through the call for a referendum on self-determination.

    Since then, the conflict is stranded in diplomatic corridors, mainly due to the obstacles put Morocco for consultation.


    Speech by President of the Republic for the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of SADR – Sahara Press Service

    Shaheed El Hafed , 26/02/16 (SPS) .- The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, delivered a speech Friday 40 anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, below the full text of the speech:

    in the name of Allah, the Merciful

    Brothers and sisters,
    Today we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the proclamation of SADR. We take this important opportunity to recognize, honor the founder of the Saharawi state, the martyr of freedom and dignity, El Wali Mustapha Seyed.

    The proclamation of the years of the Sahrawi Republic is the culmination of sacrifice and the resistance of our people long headed by his heroes in the forefront as Sidi Mohammed Ibrahim Bassiri to lead the armed struggle during which our people have offered tremendous sacrifices and given numerous martyrs.

    the circumstances of the proclamation of SADR has been extremely difficult and complex. In those years the Sahrawis should take decisive and urgent to address a conspiracy by Spanish colonial authorities decisions, through the Madrid Accords, in collaboration with the regime of Moroccan occupation aimed at eliminating an entire people, occupy its territory even appropriating their right to exist and independence.
    This proclamation of SADR constitutes thereafter a radical change in the struggle of the Saharawi people consecrated after the declaration of National Unity with the irreversible choice a project leading to the creation of an independent national entity for all Sahrawis. The process of a young nation got back on track. A unique experience of its kind, born of suffering, sacrifice, perseverance and forged in the struggle for liberation.

    With firm and persistent steps, the Saharawi State has strengthened its organizational structures, administrative, political, diplomatic, executive power, judicial, legislative and put in place mechanisms to ensure the most basic social services, focusing on health, education and training, to ensure the basic needs of citizens.

    Beginning with an economy based on human capital strategy is a determining factor in the decisive battle, combining liberation and construction, the Saharawi State has built a modern and open society, committed to the ideals of freedom, democracy and equality where Saharawi women occupy a privileged position in the different sectors and institutions. Young, meanwhile, also play an important role in government policies and programs, despite the circumstances of war and limited opportunities.

    The presence of the institutions and bodies is increased the Saharawi State exercising sovereignty over the liberated territories and manages the Saharawi refugee camps and will be enhanced by its diplomatic prestige by recognizing more than eighty countries worldwide, soon to become a founding member of the African Union.

    Forty years after its founding, the Saharawi State now meets the conditions for membership of international bodies and organizations. On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary, we call on all countries in the world to speed up the recognition of the SADR, we ask for your support for his candidacy in the United Nations to support the legitimacy, peace and the realization of the decolonization of the African continent.
    This would be a good and wise decision, since an independent Saharawi state with full sovereignty over its national territory, is a moderating factor of balance and stability in the region and, through its democratic approach open, its peaceful and quiet village serve as a strong link between peoples and countries in the region.

    on this occasion, we send a message of fraternity brother Moroccan people and its government, and called to work together to accelerate the organization of a free, fair and transparent to the Saharawi people, where the UN has already identified voters referendum. And we assure the brotherly people of Morocco and his government that an independent Saharawi State will be beneficial to Morocco and in favor of peace and good neighborliness. Morocco find the good neighbor Saharawi State a sincere, tolerant neighbor, far from any tendency of revenge, willing to share what it has with its neighbors, based on mutual respect and sovereignty of the countries of the region and its peoples. Brothers and sisters

    recent developments in Western Sahara unfortunately confirm the lack of real will of the Moroccan occupier in the search for a just and comprehensive solution to the conflict Saharawi-Moroccan.

    There is a Moroccan and suffocating military security fence in the occupied areas Sahrawis, harassment of human rights and the systematic expulsion of independent international observers, so the occupying power can proceed with its flagrant violations of human rights and intense plundering of Saharawi natural resources, coupled with brutal crackdowns and unjustified arrests of Sahrawi civilians who have committed no crime but to vindicate the implementation of the resolutions and the United Nations Charter for a people who still enjoys of self-determination.

    Given statements and other typical escalation of colonialism own provocation, threats and his visit to the occupied territories of SADR, the King of Morocco seeks to impose logic today expansion, aggression, arrogance, contempt and the fait accompli of the entire international community.

    there is no other explanation for the ongoing attempts to prevent the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the UN Christopher Ross, will continue to play its role and access to Western Sahara, the main area of ​​their work, but also the obstruction of the visit of the Secretary-General himself to the area, trying to determine its time, its program and its objective, far from tasks and responsibilities of the United Nations and its Secretary General including to impose the current impasse and negativity in the reports and resolutions of the security Council of the UN.

    it’s unfortunate that countries that blatantly encourage the state of the Moroccan occupation to persist in intransigence and obstruction. If we condemn once again the efforts of the Crans Montana Forum to convene a new edition in the occupied city of Dakhla, in flagrant violation of international law, we hope that the position of brave and decisive France, the land of freedom, democracy and human rights, to refrain from protecting the aggression and the Moroccan occupation and encourage Morocco to a real commitment to the UN efforts aimed at holding a referendum on self-determination, and thus create a favorable environment for

    close cooperation between the peoples and countries of the region, able to achieve the common interests between Europe and North Africa. the world can not remain indifferent to colonial practices in the XXI century an illegitimate Moroccan military occupation, whose essence is the expansion, aggression neighbors and flood the area drug, the largest producer and exporter of cannabis in the world, which encourages and fosters organized crime gangs and terrorist groups that threaten security and stability in the region and the world.

    it would be a shame for the United Nations and the international community, not hastily adopt concrete measures and sanctions needed against Moroccan state to accelerate the implementation of international legitimacy, in particular, enable MINURSO, in the shortest possible time, to carry out its mission, namely the organization of a referendum of self-determination of the Saharawi people and a mechanism to protect , monitor and report on human rights in Western Sahara.

    Brothers and sisters,
    celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Saharawi State in light of the huge success of the fourteenth Congress the Frente POLISARIO, which generated a dynamic atmosphere of enthusiasm and willingness to continue the struggle and sacrifices firmly. The main challenges are concretized in the next phase of our struggle and covering important aspects such as organizational structure, the Army Saharawi Liberation fronts of peaceful resistance: diplomatic work, information, culture, human rights, mechanisms management and control and the role of women and youth.

    the massive participation of a wide representation of the components of our people, of different ages and levels of the occupied areas, southern Morocco , Camps pride and dignity, of Freed, rural communities Territories and abroad in large quantities, the national Day, reflects the strong will and categorical determination to preserve national unity, consensus on the sole legitimate representative of Saharawi people, the Frente POLISARIO to complete the victory, liberation and independence.

    This is an opportunity to greet the masses of our people who rebelled against the Moroccan occupation, to all militants Independence Intifada in El Aaiun, Smara, Dakhla, Boujdour, Guleimim Assa, Tantan, Legsabi, Zag, M’Hamid El Ghizlane, Ifni and others, and also on university sites in Morocco. These heroic masses of our people continue to register every day a new and firm epic of peaceful resistance, armed only with the national flag and its motto liberation, self-determination referendum, independence and the expulsion of the occupation. At a time when we demand to Morocco shed light on the fate of more than 651 missing Sahrawis, the dismantling of the military wall of the Moroccan occupation, a crime against humanity, we salute the political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, Mbarek Daudi and all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons, demanding an end to his imprisonment.

    brothers and sisters,
    in this memorable day, we remember with satisfaction and pride the positions of our brothers, friends and allies worldwide, supporting the struggle of our people in their legitimate choice. First we greet with respect and gratitude to Sister Algeria under the leadership of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, his people and his government. Today we make a great tribute to this great country that has not hesitated to take an honorable position, in harmony with the principles of the Glorious Revolution of the First of November and with the resolutions and the United Nations Charter and the adoption of the cause Saharawi with all transparency and clarity, as adopted the Palestinian cause and all causes of liberation of the world. We welcome the hospitable Algerian people, who have continued to demonstrate their solidarity and support after admitting in its territory to thousands of Sahrawi refugees fleeing a real attempt at collective and brutal extermination, in which Morocco has used napalm and phosphorus white, prohibited internationally against these defenseless people.

    warmly welcome the sister Republic of Mauritania and appreciate the bonds of brotherhood, friendship, good neighborliness and common destiny that unite our two countries and our two brotherly peoples, and we note the important role of Mauritania in the fight against threats to the region in general and our constant readiness to cooperate closely with it and with all neighbors to achieve security, peace and stability.

    Our fraternal greetings to the African continent, its great revolutions and liberation movements, which did not hesitate to accept the SADR within the continental organization, expressing an explicit rejection of aggression Moroccan African country against a brother. We welcome the commitment of the African Union in defense of the Saharawi cause, and take note of its rejection and condemnation of the colonial practices of Morocco, asked for a greater commitment, as a partner of the UN in finalizing the UN plan – OAU 1991.

    we salute the solidarity movement in all continents of the world, and we call on the European Union to take measures in accordance with its principles and put pressure on Morocco to organize a referendum on self-determination Saharawi people, and desist immediately from participating in an immoral and illegal plundering of Saharawi natural resources and cancel all agreements with the Kingdom of Morocco including the Western Sahara territory or territorial waters.
    We are proud of the relationships friendship, good neighborliness, history and culture that unite us with all Spaniards, reflecting a fascinating and comprehensive picture of solidarity and hope that the Spanish State to assume full political and moral responsibility towards the Saharawi people to exercise its right to self-determination and independence, knowing that Spain remains under international law, the colonial power, being legally responsible for the decolonization of Western Sahara.

    Brothers and sisters
    to renew our loyalty to the martyrs, salute the heroic fighters of the People’s Liberation Army Sahrawis, prepared to face all eventualities and challenges, remember that the list of sacrifice, glory and martyrdom remains open while we have not achieved our goal is freedom and independence, especially if the Kingdom of Morocco compels us as it did in 1975, we will resume the armed struggle.

    the Saharawi people, wherever he is, he took his irreversible decision. Sahrawis adhere to their choice and their status, it is now a source of pride and a feeling of deep and sincere national belonging, consolidated over time into an independent entity, a distinct culture. There is no future for the Sahrawi existence or outside their territory free and independent. The Saharawi state with full sovereignty over the entire national territory.

    Strength, determination and will to impose the independence, sovereignty and peace.
    Thank you.


    Syria dawns without shelling and clashes there only in areas with jihadists –

                     Photo: EFE

    A soldier see smoke on the Syrian side of the border with Israel from the town of Samadaneih (Israel). EFE / File


                 Syria dawns without shelling and clashes there only in areas with jihadists


    27/02/2016 02:40 (-6 GTM )

                    Beirut, 27 February (EFE) .- Syria today without shelling dawned on the first day of the ceasefire between the regime and the opposition, and fighting only in areas where the Al-Nusra Front, an affiliate of Al Qaeda are present in the register country and the Islamic State (EI).
    the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that there is fighting between government forces and EI in Janaser area, where it is cut the road linking this town with Aleppo, in the north of the country.
    there are also clashes between troops loyal to the government and various organizations, which include the Al-Nusra Front, in the regions of Jabal al Jabal Akrad and Turcoman, in the northern coastal province Latakia.
    in that area, they also act other groups like the Islamic Movement of Free Sham and the Islamic Army of Turkestan.
    also called Free Sham part of the Supreme Commission for Negotiations (CSN), the main Syrian opposition alliance, which has accepted the truce.
    However, it was not known whether the armed organization would comply with the cessation of hostilities by its close links with the Al-Nusra Front, with which usually acts on the ground.
    on the other hand, in the central province of Hama a car bomb exploded EI against a regime checkpoint at the entrance of the population of Salmiya, where there were two government troops dead.
    in the same region, the National Defence Forces, prorrégimen militias face from last night EI fighters in the villages of Mafkar and Al Tiba.
    Meanwhile, in Tel Abiad, on the border between Turkey and the Syrian province of Al Raqa, there is also fighting between the EI and People’s Protection Units, kurdosirias militias.
    the high fire agreed by Russia and the US, it entered into force in Syrian territory past midnight , after both the government of Damascus and the CSN give their approval.
    both the EI and the Al-Nusra Front they have been excluded from the agreement for the cessation of hostilities.


    More than 40 cities are mobilizing in solidarity with refugees –

    More than forty Spanish cities today join the European marches convened under the slogan “safe passage and” in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of refugees coming to Europe for protection.

    More than fifty social organizations, unions and political parties have joined the protests, called by the civic platform Welcome Refugees Spain, to require European governments that safe routes be established for displaced from their homes forcibly because of wars and conflicts people.

    in Madrid, the concentration will take place in the afternoon at the gates of the headquarters of the European Commission, Paseo de la Castellana.

    in the manifesto of the march are calling for solidarity among European states for the reception of refugees arriving in Greece and Italy, so ask that relocation urgently expedite fulfilling the resolutions adopted.

    urge Europeans to play “an active role” in the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Governments Iraq , Palestine and Eritrea, as well as control of the arms trade with countries where violations of human rights occur.

    Opt for ending the speeches, actions and attitudes “demeaning, racist and xenophobic” against refugees and immigrants, “ensure decent and fair treatment.”

    the only viable solution is “a humanitarian response that includes strongly and unmitigated safeguarding their lives and full recognition of their rights, “he said in the text.

    Only in 2015 died in their attempt to reach Europe about 4,000 persons, which at least 30 percent were minors, and so far this year have recorded 410 other fatalities required.

    “safe Passage” highlight, is “the claim of those who we believe we are not facing a crisis of refugees, but faced with a severe crisis of values ​​in our European societies”.

    This action, they add, is ” union of peoples “that need to be supportive to feel worthy and the outstretched arm of neighbors who believe the lives of people must be at the center of debate.

    a protest have united social entities such as the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR), the NGO Coordinator for Development, Ecologists in Action, Doctors of the World, Peoples Square 15-M, Red Acoge and SOS Racisme; CCOO, CGT and USO and parties like the PSOE and unions can.


    Friday, February 26, 2016

    How cigarette smoke harms nonsmokers? –

    Only 40% of patients with a systematic tracking map genes of lung cancer is made, and when this is not done, the opportunity for a personalized treatment is lost.

    A growing number of patients have never had a lit cigarette in his mouth. Lung cancer among non-smokers is on the rise for 20 years, especially in the population of women over 65 years. According to recent data, is the sixth leading cause of cancer diagnosis worldwide.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) says that in the smoke of snuff there are about 4000 known chemicals, of which He is known that at least 250 are harmful, and more than 50 carcinogenic to humans. Snuff smoke in enclosed spaces is breathed by everyone; therefore, both smokers and non-smokers are exposed to its harmful effects.

    Some 700 million children, or almost half the world’s children, breathe air polluted by smoke snuff. More than 40% of children have at least one smoking parent. In 2004 children were victims of 31% of the 600 000 premature deaths attributable to secondhand smoke. Passive smoking causes serious cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including coronary heart disease and lung cancer in adults; of sudden infant death syndrome and low birth weight in the fetus.

    Neither ventilation nor filtration, even in combination, can reduce exposure to smoke snuff indoor spaces levels considered acceptable. Totally smoke free environments snuff offer the only effective protection. Contrary to common belief, both smokers and non-smokers agree that there environments smokeless snuff.

    A smokeless snuff in bars and restaurants environment usually allow owners they save money, reduce their risks of fire and consequently their insurance costs. Often it also allows lower costs of renovation, cleaning and maintenance. Article 8 of the Framework Convention WHO Control Snuff is recognized that exposure to smoke snuff causes death, disease and disability, and countries adopt requested and implement laws to protect smoke snuff second-hand.

    in many countries around the world have already introduced laws to protect people from exposure to snuff smoke in public places. The celebrations of World No Snuff Day (May 31) worldwide encourage a greater number of people and countries are released snuff smoke.


    The Basque Parliament calls for the end of the illegal occupation of Western Sahara – piensaChile


    Abdelaziz called on all countries of the world to accelerate the recognition of the SADR and support his candidacy in the … – Sahara Press Service

    Shaheed El Hafed , 26/02/16 (SPS) .- The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has made this Friday appealed to all countries around the world to accelerate the recognition of the SADR and support its candidacy at the United Nations in support of legitimacy, peace and the realization of decolonization of the African continent.

    in a speech in occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Republic, Abdelaziz said that after forty years the Saharawi State holds the conditions to join international bodies and organizations.
    After paying tribute to the heroes and martyrs figures Saharawi people’s struggle led by the founder of the Saharawi state, the martyr of freedom and dignity, El Wali Mustapha Seyed said the SADR is the fruit of sacrifice and resistance of the Saharawi people to over 40 years.
    following is the full text of the Address by the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the proclamation of SADR, February 27, 2016.

    in the name of Allah, the Merciful

    Brothers and sisters,

    Today we celebrate the Fortieth of the proclamation of SADR. We take this important opportunity to recognize, honor the founder of the Saharawi state, the martyr of freedom and dignity, El Wali Mustapha Seyed.

    The proclamation of the years of the Sahrawi Republic the culmination of sacrifice and resistance of our people long headed by his heroes in the forefront as Sidi Mohammed Ibrahim Bassiri to lead the armed struggle during which our people have offered tremendous sacrifices and given numerous martyrs.

    the circumstances of the proclamation of SADR has been extremely difficult and complex. In those years the Sahrawis should take decisive and urgent to address a conspiracy by Spanish colonial authorities decisions, through the Madrid Accords, in collaboration with the regime of Moroccan occupation aimed at eliminating an entire people, occupy its territory even appropriating their right to exist and independence.
    This proclamation of SADR constitutes thereafter a radical change in the struggle of the Saharawi people consecrated after the declaration of National Unity with the irreversible choice a project leading to the creation of an independent national entity for all Sahrawis. The process of a young nation got back on track. A unique experience of its kind, born of suffering, sacrifice, perseverance and forged in the struggle for liberation.

    With firm and persistent steps, the Saharawi State has strengthened its organizational structures, administrative, political, diplomatic, executive power, judicial, legislative and put in place mechanisms to ensure the most basic social services, focusing on health, education and training, to ensure the basic needs of citizens.

    Beginning with an economy based on human capital strategy is a determining factor in the decisive battle, combining liberation and construction, the Saharawi State has built a modern and open society, committed to the ideals of freedom, democracy and equality where Saharawi women occupy a privileged position in the different sectors and institutions. Young, meanwhile, also play an important role in government policies and programs, despite the circumstances of war and limited opportunities.

    The presence of the institutions and bodies is increased the Saharawi State exercising sovereignty over the liberated territories and manages the Saharawi refugee camps and will be enhanced by its diplomatic prestige by recognizing more than eighty countries worldwide, soon to become a founding member of the African Union.

    Forty years after its founding, the Saharawi State now meets the conditions for membership of international bodies and organizations. On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary, we call on all countries in the world to speed up the recognition of the SADR, we ask for your support for his candidacy in the United Nations to support the legitimacy, peace and the realization of the decolonization of the African continent.
    This would be a good and wise decision, since an independent Saharawi state with full sovereignty over its national territory, is a moderating factor of balance and stability in the region and, through its democratic approach open, its peaceful and quiet village serve as a strong link between peoples and countries in the region.

    on this occasion, we send a message of fraternity brother Moroccan people and its government, and called to work together to accelerate the organization of a free, fair and transparent to the Saharawi people, where the UN has already identified voters referendum. And we assure the brotherly people of Morocco and his government that an independent Saharawi State will be beneficial to Morocco and in favor of peace and good neighborliness. Morocco find the good neighbor Saharawi State a sincere, tolerant neighbor, far from any tendency of revenge, willing to share what it has with its neighbors, based on mutual respect and sovereignty of the countries of the region and its peoples. Brothers and sisters

    recent developments in Western Sahara unfortunately confirm the lack of real will of the Moroccan occupier in the search for a just and comprehensive solution to the conflict Saharawi-Moroccan.

    There is a Moroccan and suffocating military security fence in the occupied areas Sahrawis, harassment of human rights and the systematic expulsion of independent international observers, so the occupying power can proceed with its flagrant violations of human rights and intense plundering of Saharawi natural resources, coupled with brutal crackdowns and unjustified arrests of Sahrawi civilians who have committed no crime but to vindicate the implementation of the resolutions and the United Nations Charter for a people who still enjoys of self-determination.

    Given statements and other typical escalation of colonialism own provocation, threats and his visit to the occupied territories of SADR, the King of Morocco seeks to impose logic today expansion, aggression, arrogance, contempt and the fait accompli of the entire international community.

    there is no other explanation for the ongoing attempts to prevent the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the UN Christopher Ross, will continue to play its role and access to Western Sahara, the main area of ​​their work, but also the obstruction of the visit of the Secretary-General himself to the area, trying to determine its time, its program and its objective, far from tasks and responsibilities of the United Nations and its Secretary General including to impose the current impasse and negativity in the reports and resolutions of the security Council of the UN.

    it’s unfortunate that countries that blatantly encourage the state of the Moroccan occupation to persist in intransigence and obstruction. If we condemn once again the efforts of the Crans Montana Forum to convene a new edition in the occupied city of Dakhla, in flagrant violation of international law, we hope that the position of brave and decisive France, the land of freedom, democracy and human rights, to refrain from protecting the aggression and the Moroccan occupation and encourage Morocco to a real commitment to the UN efforts aimed at holding a referendum on self-determination, and thus create a favorable environment for

    close cooperation between the peoples and countries of the region, able to achieve the common interests between Europe and North Africa. the world can not remain indifferent to colonial practices in the XXI century an illegitimate Moroccan military occupation, whose essence is the expansion, aggression neighbors and flood the area drug, the largest producer and exporter of cannabis in the world, which encourages and fosters organized crime gangs and terrorist groups that threaten security and stability in the region and the world.

    it would be a shame for the United Nations and the international community, not hastily adopt concrete measures and sanctions needed against Moroccan state to accelerate the implementation of international legitimacy, in particular, enable MINURSO, in the shortest possible time, to carry out its mission, namely the organization of a referendum of self-determination of the Saharawi people and a mechanism to protect , monitor and report on human rights in Western Sahara.

    Brothers and sisters,
    celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Saharawi State in light of the huge success of the fourteenth Congress the Frente POLISARIO, which generated a dynamic atmosphere of enthusiasm and willingness to continue the struggle and sacrifices firmly. The main challenges are concretized in the next phase of our struggle and covering important aspects such as organizational structure, the Army Saharawi Liberation fronts of peaceful resistance: diplomatic work, information, culture, human rights, mechanisms management and control and the role of women and youth.

    the massive participation of a wide representation of the components of our people, of different ages and levels of the occupied areas, southern Morocco , Camps pride and dignity, of Freed, rural communities Territories and abroad in large quantities, the national Day, reflects the strong will and categorical determination to preserve national unity, consensus on the sole legitimate representative of Saharawi people, the Frente POLISARIO to complete the victory, liberation and independence.

    This is an opportunity to greet the masses of our people who rebelled against the Moroccan occupation, to all militants Independence Intifada in El Aaiun, Smara, Dakhla, Boujdour, Guleimim Assa, Tantan, Legsabi, Zag, M’Hamid El Ghizlane, Ifni and others, and also on university sites in Morocco. These heroic masses of our people continue to register every day a new and firm epic of peaceful resistance, armed only with the national flag and its motto liberation, self-determination referendum, independence and the expulsion of the occupation. At a time when we demand to Morocco shed light on the fate of more than 651 missing Sahrawis, the dismantling of the military wall of the Moroccan occupation, a crime against humanity, we salute the political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, Mbarek Daudi and all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons, demanding an end to his imprisonment.

    brothers and sisters,
    in this memorable day, we remember with satisfaction and pride the positions of our brothers, friends and allies worldwide, supporting the struggle of our people in their legitimate choice. First we greet with respect and gratitude to Sister Algeria under the leadership of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, his people and his government. Today we make a great tribute to this great country that has not hesitated to take an honorable position, in harmony with the principles of the Glorious Revolution of the First of November and with the resolutions and the United Nations Charter and the adoption of the cause Saharawi with all transparency and clarity, as adopted the Palestinian cause and all causes of liberation of the world. We welcome the hospitable Algerian people, who have continued to demonstrate their solidarity and support after admitting in its territory to thousands of Sahrawi refugees fleeing a real attempt at collective and brutal extermination, in which Morocco has used napalm and phosphorus white, prohibited internationally against these defenseless people.

    warmly welcome the sister Republic of Mauritania and appreciate the bonds of brotherhood, friendship, good neighborliness and common destiny that unite our two countries and our two brotherly peoples, and we note the important role of Mauritania in the fight against threats to the region in general and our constant readiness to cooperate closely with it and with all neighbors to achieve security, peace and stability.

    Our fraternal greetings to the African continent, its great revolutions and liberation movements, which did not hesitate to accept the SADR within the continental organization, expressing an explicit rejection of aggression Moroccan African country against a brother. We welcome the commitment of the African Union in defense of the Saharawi cause, and take note of its rejection and condemnation of the colonial practices of Morocco, asked for a greater commitment, as a partner of the UN in finalizing the UN plan – OAU 1991.

    we salute the solidarity movement in all continents of the world, and we call on the European Union to take measures in accordance with its principles and put pressure on Morocco to organize a referendum on self-determination Saharawi people, and desist immediately from participating in an immoral and illegal plundering of Saharawi natural resources and cancel all agreements with the Kingdom of Morocco including the Western Sahara territory or territorial waters.
    We are proud of the relationships friendship, good neighborliness, history and culture that unite us with all Spaniards, reflecting a fascinating and comprehensive picture of solidarity and hope that the Spanish State to assume full political and moral responsibility towards the Saharawi people to exercise its right to self-determination and independence, knowing that Spain remains under international law, the colonial power, being legally responsible for the decolonization of Western Sahara.

    Brothers and sisters
    to renew our loyalty to the martyrs, salute the heroic fighters of the People’s Liberation Army Sahrawis, prepared to face all eventualities and challenges, remember that the list of sacrifice, glory and martyrdom remains open while we have not achieved our goal is freedom and independence, especially if the Kingdom of Morocco compels us as it did in 1975, we will resume the armed struggle.

    the Saharawi people, wherever he is, he took his irreversible decision. Sahrawis adhere to their choice and their status, it is now a source of pride and a feeling of deep and sincere national belonging, consolidated over time into an independent entity, a distinct culture. There is no future for the Sahrawi existence or outside their territory free and independent. The Saharawi state with full sovereignty over the entire national territory.

    Strength, determination and will to impose the independence, sovereignty and peace.
