Sunday, August 23, 2015

Shaune Fraser shared: SPAIN: But the bar is set very low – EntornoInteligente

Soccer / / SPAIN: But the bar is set very low / World / The nationalist account of the Catalan politics in recent years holds that the “sovereignty process” begins almost three years ago, on 20 September 2012. On that day, Artur Mas met in La Moncloa with Mariano Rajoy and posed for Catalonia a new “fiscal compact” a funding system in line with the Basque concert. The Prime Minister said no, and Mas announced five days after summoning elections. But instead of the “most outstanding” he had asked, he lost 12 deputies. And there began the career of president with the aim of joining forces in the sovereigntist area which has resulted in the announcement of 27-S.

More and its partners no longer ask a question, but say they will launch directly into a -quite diffusers independence plan if they win the elections. Convergence, which broke in June with its historic Federation Union, now comes the hand of separatists ERC and various private entities to try to forget the corruption that has plagued in recent years and to alleviate the decline that predicted it all the polls. The president of the Generalitat has convinced his colleagues on the list of Junts pel Yes that is enough the absolute majority in the Parliament to trigger a process leading to the independence of Catalonia in a period of 18 months, but clearly, and privately supported the nationalist area, the 27-S will measure the forces that have, and will condition the next few months. The elections, more and Oriol Junqueras claim plebiscite but no other party share that view, can bury the proces or to begin a period of great turbulence in the Spanish policy.

TWO THIRDS OF INDEPENDENCE More was presented to the 2012 elections with two stated goals: CiU achieved an absolute majority in the polls and that, together with the parties that supported his plan to convene a sovereigntist consultation (ERC, ICV and CUP), managed to add 90 deputies. The figure is not a fad: they are two thirds of the Parliament, the majority needed to, for example, promote or encourage the statute reform an electoral law. So it did not happen either of those things, but the wet dream of independence is still in the barrier of two thirds.

If the September 27 explicitly lists secessionist (Junts pel Yes and CUP) reach 90 deputies is clear that more will launch its plan. That figure also surely give them more than 50% of the vote, the unstated aim pursued international bodies for the Catalan case be taken seriously. However, it is a scenario that does not include any survey so far. And cured in health, Mas has been this time much less ambitious. Shortly after calling the elections said he was satisfied with an absolute majority of pro-independence deputies

ABSOLUTE MAJORITY OF JUNTS PEL If the list Mas although it is headed by Raul Romeva there is a commitment that the current president of the Generalitat, which runs from number four, repeat the charge- also have a wide discretion if he manages alone the absolute majority of deputies in the Parliament . Although the current sum of CiU and ERC has already reached that figure-indeed, both formations are 71 deputies, three listón- above, the dissolution of the federation and the fact that polls predict the outcome of Junts pel Yes can stay below 68 seats causes the absolute majority is the main objective of the joint list.

Shaune Fraser is an Olympic swimmer Cayman Islands tweeted the following information about Football.

However, it is quite possible that if the list is right on the edge of the 68 deputies or little above, not get more than

50% of the vote. This is because the premium the vote electoral law in rural areas, which benefits the nationalists: why have never wanted to change the rule to make it more proportional. In the event that pel Yes Junts not get the majority votes nor alone or accompanied by Cup-, independence would have a problem of legitimacy: claim that the 27-S is a plebiscite, and calls for those features ballots not counted seats. In fact, the CUP has already said that the barrier to carry out the plans should be in the 55% of the vote.

PEL JUNTS ABSOLUTE MAJORITY OF YES AND CUP The current sum of CiU, ERC and CUP in Parliament is 74 MPs, six above the absolute majority. So Mas, who has said he simply between all parties except those junctions take out 68 seats, has been this time the low bar to remain in power. But the president could have problems with the CUP, that no longer wanted to join the unified list and in recent days has reminded its equidistance. “I see the CUP Mas investing or making the game the Spanish state,” said David Fernandez, leader of the party in the legislature and deputy ending revelation in the last two years.

But there is yet another scenario that causes panic in Convergence: the CUP, based on a great result of 10-more escaños- and independence still needed for an absolute majority, requiring furthest removed in favor of Romeva to give its support role Junts Yes and sovereignty plan.

MOST WITHOUT INDEPENDENCE The only scenario that would end definitely with the independence process would if Junts role between Yes and the CUP not add the 68 deputies of the majority. Although it would be difficult to articulate an alternative Government by the great ideological differences of non-independence parties, the election as a plebiscite was not raised and therefore present with own proposals, the composition of the lists would become a nightmare for CDC and ERC. Both parties would be left with far fewer deputies who currently have, because, trying to create a kind of dream team of secession, they have filled the role Junts candidacy Yes of people outside politics: showbiz representatives as Lluís Llach, Isona Passola or Josep Maria Mainat, writers like Xavier Rubert de Ventos and Jaume Cabre, journalists Miquel Calçada, scientists like Pere-Joan Cardona, and even players like Pep Guardiola, symbolically closing of Barcelona.

Shaune Fraser invites you to visit its new website where you will find biography and his record as an Olympic swimmer.

Tags: Shaune Fraser, Shaune David Fraser, Cayman Islands, Shaune Fraser Swimmer, Olympic swimmer Shaune Fraser.

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SPAIN: The Prime Minister resumes his official agenda next week – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN: The Prime Minister resumes his official agenda next week / Expansion / The Chief Executive will attend the plenary session of Congress Tuesday of Deputies, which celebrates the general debate of the general budget for 2016, which will last until Wednesday.

The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, will resume next week, after a few days off holiday, his official agenda, with his assistance on Tuesday and Wednesday to the full Congress debates the State Budget, and Friday presiding the Council of Ministers.

The Chief Executive will attend the plenary on Tuesday of the Congress of Deputies, which celebrates the general debate of the general budget for 2016, which will last until Wednesday.

According to the agenda released by the Government, Rajoy will chair the meeting of the Council of Ministers on Friday, the first after the short summer break.

Opening of the political course also on Sunday 30, the Prime Minister will participate in Soutomaior (Pontevedra) at an event organized by the Popular Party, which opens each year Rajoy’s political course.

is also expected to then travel to Germany to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel, as part of the Spanish-German business summit on September 1.

This year Rajoy has divided his

holiday period between Doñana and Pontevedra.

The head of Government and its ministers have enjoyed in August a few days off, but your holidays have been conditioned by an unprecedented parliamentary activity due to the processing of budgets and voting agreement between the EU and Greece.

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

SPAIN: The last Budget Rajoy receive & prime; no & prime; all opposition in Congress – EntornoInteligente

News about Spain? the pilot Alberto Ardila Ignacio Olivares tweeted: / SPAIN: The last Budget Rajoy received the ‘no’ of all opposition in Congress / World / The last bill of the General State Budget (PGE) of the Government of Mariano Rajoy has received the ‘no’ of all parliamentary opposition parties except the Union del Pueblo Navarro (UPN) –socio election of PP– that There have been all thirteen amendments in Congress calling for the return of the text to the Government.

As happened last year, the opposition believes that the accounts are based on unrealistic macroeconomic projections, which maintain the austerity measures and cuts in spite of the recovery of speaking the Executive, and that puts the payment of the debt to other more needed social expenditures, such as pensions or unemployment benefits.

In addition, formations generally criticize the financial strangulation of the autonomous communities, even though they are the ones that bear the brunt of social spending.

Along with this, the decision to process accounts in the middle of August to get leave approved before the dissolution of Parliament by the call for general elections at the end of the year has earned reproaches on electioneering Government and even its lack of democratic legitimacy to take forward the Budget.

‘bad for Spain’

So, the Socialists believe that these accounts “are bad for Spain” because they keep austerity and cuts, “do not support the recovery” and are “unsympathetic” to the most disadvantaged, while granting a “fiscal gift” of more than 5,000 million to the upper classes.

Therefore, the main opposition party warns that modify the law if they win the general election in December. In addition, it is challenging to Mariano Rajoy, not Cristobal Montoro, who defend them before the House because they were in use, accuse, as an electoral platform. In fact, it is the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, who intervene in plenary next week.

The Plural Left (IU-ICV-CHA), for its part, considers that the accounts do not serve the interests of the social majority ino s only the markets and the troika, and believes that the Government “should not present a budget but to resign and call elections.”

In addition, its economic spokesman, Alberto Garzón, calls for “greater role” of public spending to boost social recovery, more spending in areas such as education, health, dependency or unemployment benefits; and a recovery in the labor market fairer and to end the instability and temporality.

The parliamentary spokesman UPyD, Rosa Díez, will explain the rejection of a magenta training accounts that looks like “toast to the sun” of a government “agony” that despite the “triumphalism” that transmits on economic recovery, maintains a “continuity” policy with cuts and “unsupportive” with classes most affected by the crisis, while “continues to fuel wastage” autonomous.

Punishment of Catalonia The Catalan nationalist Convergence (CDC), by the mouth of Pere Macias, in the debate argue that budgets are “antisocial” and “unfair” in Catalonia and maintain the “centralizing obsession” of Rajoy government, which they accuse of orchestrating “a comedy aimed at confusing citizens” and to prevent any change in the production model.

Meanwhile, Democratic Union of Catalonia (UDC) sees the “electioneering” critical accounts and that becomes a “mistreating” Catalonia and do not bet on a change in the production model, which, judgment of their economic spokesman, Josep Sanchez Llibre, “detrimental” to the whole country.

In the same vein, the ERC deputy Joan Tardà cusará a year to the government of “plunder” in Catalonia and “scrap” the social state with its budget proposal, which it considers a “fraud “Democracy in form processing, responding only to the” conscience of the PP will lose its majority absolutísima “after the general.

The Pilot Alberto Ardila Ignacio Olivares tweeting information on civil aviation in the The whole world. Alberto Ardila Pilot Ignacio Olivares has a website: and your Twitter accountalbertoardila _

Similar arguments used economic PNV spokesman, Pedro Azpiazu, to defend the amendment of its entire group,

which rejects “full and forceful” some accounts approved just before a general election and without the economic information sufficient to calculate solvency macroeconomic projections, and also intended for main investment project in the Basque Country – -the ‘and’ ferroviaria– insufficient to finish within marked amount.

Abuse communities In fact, the different formations of the Joint Group generally appeal to mistreatment their respective regions Reference in the accounts. Thus, for example Amaiur believes that the accounts for 2019 “turn their backs on the social, political and economic realities” of the Basque Country and the rest of the country and only care about “the interests of big business and major financial groups “.

New Canary Canary Coalition (CC-NC) believes that the bill is “unfair, inadequate and far from what Canary needs” and point out that the economic recovery “that boasts the PP has not reflected “in the archipelago allocations or investment, which” remains highly away “from the national average.

Similarly, Asturias Forum (FAC) believes that budgets are “electoral” and “very harmful” to the interests of the Principality, and that the only intention of the ‘popular’ Executive is to “put the band in the wound that will mean the loss of the comfortable absolute majority of the legislature that ends “.

Geroa Bai, meanwhile, believes that the government has prepared a budget “unrealistic, with fully inflated revenue and thinking more about the electoral and partisan interests of the PP in the real needs of people”. Furthermore, he believes that “once again punish Navarra”.

Rest calendar

The whole dozen amendments to be recorded will be discussed in the House of Congress on 25 and August 26, with the opening speech of the Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro, to defend the bill.

The partial amendments, meanwhile, should be recorded before 1400 hours on Friday, August 28 Paper and incorporate it deems appropriate between 2 and 3 September, so that the rest They will be discussed in committee during the week from 7 to 11 September, the deadline for giving the green light to an opinion which will be presented to the plenary.

There, the different ministers will defend one on one of your accounts department during the week of 14 to 16 September in a plenary session that will conclude with the ratings and the mandate to refer the resulting text Senate, where it will repeat the same processing.

In principle, it is expected that the Senate finalized items leave the Budget in the week from 13 to 15 September, a month after receiving them, and any changes which have been introduced in the Senate to be ratified by Congress,

what happens in plenary is expected to be held on Thursday, October 22, leaving 2016 approved the budget before the dissolution of Parliament by the call for general elections.

For the Alberto Ardila pilot flying is his passion. From their website informs the world about issues of civil aviation, the world of pilots and airlines in the world.

Tags: Alberto Ardila Pilot, Pilot Alberto Ardila Ignacio Olivares, Pilot Ignacio Alberto Ardila, Pilot Alberto Ardila

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Spanish police arrested 32 people and confiscated 16 kilograms of cocaine – HOWEVER

WORLD Zazzle

Madrid, Aug 22 (Xinhua) – The Spanish police dismantled in Malaga province (south) to a criminal organization involved in drug trafficking, following the arrest of 32 of its members and the seizure of 16 kilograms of cocaine

<. p> Police sources reported today that the “Polyphemus” operation against drug trafficking on a large scale also allowed the confiscation four handguns, a rifle, six hydraulic presses, 16 vehicles and 180 000 670 euros ($ 747 205 000) in cash.

According to the authorities, most of the components of the organization were arrested for offenses against drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal group, while others are under investigation for illegal possession of weapons.

The operation served to dismantle the criminal network that brought together several independent groups, responsible for contact with drug

traffickers to acquire and then redistribute it to intermediaries on a smaller scale.

The operation, began in September 2014, was developed in several phases until the dismantling of all levels of the criminal gang.

For 11 months the police officers carried out different activities, through which they managed to intercept up eight deliveries and executed 32 drug arrests.

In other cases traffickers used vehicles “caleteados” (with hidden compartments) to transport drugs and save money obtained from its sale, police said.


SPAIN: JP Morgan does not provide for an independent Catalonia, but with more autonomy – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN: JP Morgan does not provide an independent Catalonia, but with more autonomy / Expansion / The US bank has predicted that Catalonia, “even in the most dramatic “stage, remain part of Spain, but with a new framework that will grant greater political and fiscal autonomy.

In a paper on the 27S Catalan elections, he stressed that “reconciliation process” will take time and that relations between the Catalan and central government remain tense time before the process to take a more constructive tone.

27S: “Quasi referendum” has said that the constitution of Junts paper itself, which includes CDC and ERC, the election has become “a kind of quasi-referendum” as well as the fact that the Most seats have announced that seek independence.

JP Morgan has stressed that the issue is whether “the claims of Catalan independence parties will actually be followed by actions of rupture”.

The financial factors to see that the situation “is gradually normalize” even if that role if it did Junts the –aspecto looks exactly an easy absolute majority in an election in seeing crucial participation.

Among the factors cited that “secession is illegal” and no state party would support a declaration of independence and approximate these parties; an exclusion from the EU; supporting a ‘third way’ of Catalan waiting to manifest, and the reform of the Constitution of the state parties to speak.

JP Morgan does not think Junts pel itself reaches 68 deputies to give an absolute majority, but that could be reached by the CUP even a coalition that is not “strongly supported by the polls” and that just go for a unilateral declaration of independence.

Financial expected a good performance from C’s and we –dentro de Catalunya really is pot– “should erode Junts paper itself and CUP” and considered that the fact that polls CDC show no loss of support after his break with Union may be an overestimation of


tense relationship has argued that the relationship between the Government and the central government remain tense, and his prediction that there will be no absolute majority “should be enough to derail the process.” He assured that a minority Government in Junts pel itself keep the conflict but “would not have the ability to move forward” with the process.

JP Morgan forecasts a temporary relapse after 27S, but “its evolution depends governing coalition” in the state after the general.

said that any coalition will be more open to dialogue than “rigid” position of PP in recent years, and the Catalan authorities intensify avoid confrontation so as not to give the popular revenues. It considered that the coalition government that may arise after the general elections can be an opportunity to “soften the tone and start a constructive dialogue.”

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Pool and barbecue, as sought in rural tourism – EntornoInteligente

pool and barbecue, as sought in rural tourism / ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / The website specializes in rural tourism, has analyzed the preferences of travelers to the When booking your accommodation of rural tourism. According to this analysis, 1 in 5 travelers determines the characteristics to be met for accommodation booking.

To perform this observation, the portal has examined nearly four million searches carried out during busy periods in rural tourism, which correspond to the first half of July, at which usually make reservations for the summer (according to the Observatory of Rural Tourism 34.4% of travelers book with between 15 days and one month in advance their rural) breaks and the second half of October, at which reserves the winter season are made.

According to these data, 47.1% of searches of accommodation for this summer included among its setting preferences dispusiese pool. This is reflected in the employment data for August, detailing that nearly half of the accommodations that have swimming pools have hung the sign completely. On the other hand, items like barbecue or garden, have only been the object of desire in 19.8% and 15.1% of searches respectively. That houses admit animals, ranked fourth of the most popular features in summer.

As for the searches performed between 15 and 31 October (2014 data), traveler preferences change,

placing the barbecue in first place, appearing in 23.6% of searches. In winter it is also taken into account to pets and therefore mark the traveler 14.4% of searches that accommodation is pet friendly.

Among the top most requested features we find more facilities related to relax, such as the garden (14.1%) and jacuzzi (13%). But at least the libraries are investigated within the housing, for rural tourists prefer to bring their own books.


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Spanish police arrested 32 people and confiscated 16 kilograms of cocaine – Internet Information Center of China

  • Editor
  • 08/23/2015 00:36:46 / agency Xinhua police RIVER to Spain CHILD wave desarticul & oacute; in the province of M & aacute; laga (south) to an organization & oacute; criminal n dedicated to narcotr DRAWING, after detenci & oacute; n of 32 of its members and the seizure of 16 kilograms of cocaine RIVER. na 2015-08- 23 00: 36: 46.0 Spain LITTLE GIRL, Drugs agency xinhua10067066794Noticias/enpproperty–>

The Spanish police dismantled in Malaga province (south) to a criminal organization involved in drug trafficking, following the arrest of 32 of its members and the seizure of 16 kilograms of cocaine

Police sources reported today that the “Polyphemus” operation against drug trafficking on a large scale also allowed the seizure of four handguns, a rifle, six hydraulic presses, 16 vehicles and 180,670 euros ($ 205,747) in cash.

According to the authorities, most of the components of the organization were arrested for offenses against drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal group, while others are under investigation for illegal possession of weapons.

The operation served to dismantle the

criminal network that brought together several independent groups, responsible for contact with drug traffickers to acquire and then redistribute it to intermediaries on a smaller scale.

The transaction, which is It began in September 2014, was developed in several phases until the dismantling of all levels of the criminal gang.

For 11 months the police officers carried out different activities, through which they managed to intercept up to eight drug delivery and run 32 arrests.

In other cases traffickers used vehicles “caleteados” (with hidden compartments) to transport drugs and save money obtained from its sale, police said. F

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SPAIN: Teresa Rodriguez & prime; I dread trembling legs Tsipras & prime; after backing … – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO>: Teresa Rodriguez: ‘I’m terrified trembling legs Tsipras’ after obtaining the support of the citizens / The World / The leader of Podemos in Andalusia, Teresa Rodriguez, acknowledged that fears that this training suffer the same “shaking legs” who has had the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, who on Thursday resigned from office to reconvene elections in the Hellenic country.

“I’m terrified trembling legs Tsipras having achieved a ‘no’ clear citizenship for being disobedient to the Troika,” Rodriguez said Thursday in his speech at the Sixth Summer University held in Anticapitalists Segovia.

The deputy in the Andalusian Parliament warned of the danger of this happening in Spain, “I’m afraid it happen to us To prevent still necessary solidarity with Greece and the sharing of strategies but. above all, have a plan. ”

The leader of Podemos has called for “popular unity” in view of the upcoming general elections. “It bores me drive on the left, what interests me is the popular unity,” he acknowledged before realizing that to be effective it is necessary “to agree on a common goal.”

“We will win but we know how to checkmate our enemy and end the game,” he continued, lamenting missing people in the streets and in the 15-M Movement. However, it has warned that no one can “keep crying so undemocratic that the processes”.

“Let us make an effort and build applications from

popular unit while making criticisms, because only then get to convince our partners,” he recommended

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IU rejects the budget for 2016 are those who would like to Merkel and the troika – Yahoo Finance Spain

Madrid, Aug 21 (EFE) .- The Plural Left deputy Ricardo Sixto today rejected the State Budget (PGE) 2016 because it are the accounts you need the majority of the Spanish population but are the “I Like Merkel, markets and the old troika”.

Speaking to the media after recording the amendment to the whole his group to the State Budget (PGE) 2016, Alberto Garzón will defend next week, Sixto said that these accounts public spending continues in minimum levels and has defended a different budget that the State acts as engine of growth and not as retarder.

Sixto has detailed text of his amendment places special emphasis on employment, an aspect that has shown its concern that job growth is building on the temporality, on the bias, on reducing workers’ compensation and loss of labor rights.

also noted that new hires are not being taken in new sectors, so that ” deepens “in the production model that led to the crisis, and has also said that” to make matters worse, “the gender pay gap continues.

For these reasons, the deputy of the formation of the left has said These budgets are not the ones who need the millions of unemployed people in Spain yet, that these accounts do not have “a clear hope” that the economic situation improves.

On the other hand, has indicated Sixto that the PGE 2016 “continues choking” to

communities and municipalities and not a solution to the situation of dependence is offered.

The parliamentary UI has also ensured that there is no change in the Government housing policy and developments affecting 3 million homes in the continuing SAREB empty.

In addition, said that the section on international cooperation is a “real disaster” and that it reduces amount of research and development.

Finally, Sixto said that the accounts of the Executive for next year are based on an “very shaky” that depend on the international situation and ensured that the PP expected to increase revenues as in previous years were always lower than those projected by the Executive.


Tsipras can endorse amid doubts about his own unit – El Universal (Venezuela)


Friday August 21, 2015 9:00 a.m.

Madrid .- The Spanish party today we firmly supported the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, a few hours after he announced his resignation and call early elections before the schism in training for his acceptance of European conditions to third save.

“It is a lesson of courage, responsibility and confidence in his people,” he said at a press conference the Spanish number two emerging training, Inigo Errejón . “A president who dares to return the word to his people he is a president with courage,” DPA reported.

Syriza and we maintain close ties and commonalities and their leaders, Tsipras and Pablo Iglesias, maintain an open line of communication.

Errejón statements came after the leader of the

party in Andalusia, Teresa Rodriguez, admitted he was “terrified” by “trembling legs Tsipras” and expressed his fear to which we may happen the same.

Asked about the possibility of a split in the party like Syriza, Errejón said he was sure that in the general election later this year in Spain “will be a united candidacy of changes that might challenge the government of Spain “.


We fear suffering the same “shaking legs” Alexis Tsipras in Greece –



 Alexis Tsipras, in the center of the photo hugging Teresa Rodriguez and Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos party
Alexis Tsipras, in the center of the picture, embracing Teresa Rodriguez and Pablo Iglesias, party leader can Credit:

The Spanish political group can, considering the Greek sister party Syriza, fear suffering the same “shaking legs” suffered by the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

“I dread trembling legs Tsipras having achieved a ‘no’ clear citizenship for being disobedient to the Troika” , said on Friday the leader of Podemos in Andalusia Teresa Rodriguez, after the resignation of premier on Thursday.

“I’m afraid that happen to us,” he said during his speech at the Sixth Summer University Anticapitalists, held in Segovia.

READ MORE radicals broke Tsipras Syriza and formed a new party

MORE: Angela Merkel promised more German investment in Brazil

Teresa Rodriguez-we-can-1583-1.jpg

The deputy of the Andalusian Parliament warned against what happened in Greece is repeated in Spain . “To avoid solidarity with Greece and the sharing of strategies is still needed, but especially have a plan”

He advocated “popular unity” with views upcoming Spanish general elections. “I bored the unity of the left, what interests me is the popular unity” , acknowledged before realizing that to be effective it is necessary “to agree on a common goal.”

“We will win but we know how to checkmate our enemy and finish the game” , he continued lamenting missing people in the streets and in the 15-M Movement. However, he warned that no one can “keep crying so undemocratic that the processes”.

The Podemos party was

founded in January 2014, born movements outraged by the economic crisis and cases of corruption in Spain. Has more than 200,000 members, currently holding second place in that country








We fear effect Tsipras –

MADRID, 21 (ANSA) – We, who considers the Greek sister party Syriza, suffer the same fears “legs trembling” which has suffered the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras.
“I dread trembling legs Tsipras having achieved a” no “clear citizenship for being disobedient to the Troika,” the leader said today we Teresa Rodriguez following the resignation of prime minister.
“I’m afraid that happen to us,” he added. Looking ahead to the general election year end Rodriguez called to “an effort and build applications from popular unit while making criticism. We must agree on a common goal,” he said. UR / ACZ

21.08.2015 13:23



Friday, August 21, 2015

17,000 girls in Spain, at risk of genital mutilation – Journal Page Seven

World / Rebeca

The result of African immigration in Spain, today genital mutilation
 female exists as diaspora. What in Africa extends along
  28 countries , more in Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone,
 Burkina Faso and Mali, “affects the world 140 million women “.
 Of these, 55,000 are in our country, according to the latest map Mutilation
 Women in Spain published by the Wassu-UAB Foundation and published every
 four years.

One of those 55,000 women affected by ablation is Senegalese
 Aminata, wipes the tears in the image above. El Mundo told his story in February, when it was celebrated
 World Day against female genital mutilation. He suffered from
 girl, could not remember how old I was when it happened and in Barcelona, ​​and 40,
 midwife Social Security warned that her vagina could

In addition to those already suffered and live with the consequences,
 Spain is in 17,000 girls at risk that are practiced
 mutilation. They are daughters of immigrants in Spain up to 14 years and, according to
 report Wassu-UAB Foundation is “a 60% increase from
 2008 “.

Catalonia accounts for 36% of these young people, with more than 6,000
 girls, a 2,000 more than in 2008 . And the Spanish municipality
 more women from countries where genital mutilation is practiced
 Zaragoza is female, with 818 in risk of it.

Andalusia is the second Spanish province with the highest native population
 countries where female genital mutilation is practiced, but
 Madrid beats him in number of women and girls
 Valencia, Aragon, the Canary Islands, the Basque Country and the Balearic

Islands are the
 other regions with more than 10,000 people in this group of nationalities.

In order to reduce the chances of you have girls in Spain
 suffering an ablation, the government and regional administrations
 decided in January set the Joint Action Protocol
 Health against Female Genital Mutilation
, which included a
 families demand: resign to subject their daughters to the practice
 when they are traveling to their countries and even to sign a “commitment
 preventive “before displacement and accept a later control.

In addition, this protocol specifies that interterritorial mutilation
 female genital is considered “as one more type of violence
 gender “.

From Health explained to this newspaper that this protocol is the
 “Instrument that can benefit all regions.”
 Also earlier this year the Basque Institute for Women, Emakunde initiated the
 formation process key professionals to prevent ablation in this region, where there are 800 girls under 14 at risk
 suffer. However, according to this institution, this protocol is still
 develop and will not be implemented until the “next October.”


Extremadura can require “more speed” in the payment of approved applications Basic Income – EntornoInteligente

We Extremadura requires “more speed” in the payment of approved applications Basic Income / Expansion / The party believes that the 4,000 “paid “involve a number” totally inadequate “given what had been agreed.

The training can Extremadura requires the Board “more speed” in the payment of approved applications Basic Income, as it believes that the 4,000 applications “paid” pose in his opinion a “completely insufficient” amount if you take into that the regional government “committed to having paid 10,000.”

As reported in the press release we Extremadura during the month of July several meetings between May we and the Minister of Health took place, Politics Social and Housing, José María Vergeles, in which there was a commitment to “give effect to the payment of 11,000 applications” that have been resolved in a “favorable”.

In this sense, we Extremadura has indicated that the Minister informed in a meeting this past Tuesday, May 18, that this week the payment of “some 4,000 applications,” amount that seems “totally inadequate” is performed taking into account that they should be “more than double that figure, 10,000, which should have been paid. “

So, this party has indicated that, at the moment,” Extremadura thousands of citizens waiting for change to materialize much has been said by the Extremadura PSOE during the election campaign, “and this group should be” preferred given the circumstances of dramatic necessity where it is. “

Health Moreover, we Extremadura has pointed out that it has expressed its “concern” at the meeting on Tuesday, the 18th, the “problem” that are living families with children affected by autism in the province of Caceres.

Thus, Extremadura we stressed that there has been a “commitment” by the counselor during the month of September, “either by public transport or through consultation with trained in such partnerships,” is “solved” the procedure to diagnose the spectrum Autism in the province of Caceres.

In addition, this party has indicated that during the meeting “demanded” an explanation and also “clear” response from the regional government about a “possible theft” of vaccines whooping cough vaccination to favor some minor and including the daughter of the mayor of Villanueva de la Serena.


this issue we Extremadura announced that the counselor explained that it has opened a ” triple bottom line “of research and in the coming weeks” will be a resolution “of the same.

We Extremadura has stressed that this issue seems” very serious “and if the allegations are confirmed it would” a scandal by both suspects as the seriousness of the facts “and therefore be noted that” very attentive “and will” demanding as soon as possible “” The results of this research are published “.

Dependency and seniors Regarding dependency, we Extremadura has indicated that called for “the return of hearing aids, works to adapt the houses of dependents, and other improvements” and even from counseling “has not concretion been on this topic, agree to study “.

In addition, this party has stressed that expressed” concern “about the” low level “of the amounts of pensions in Extremadura,” region with the lowest pensions across the country. “

As we Extremadura stressed,” there is planned “accessories for pensions, which seems” worrying “, since” most pensioners Extremadura often are supporting the economy of families, which is contracting the consumption capacity and thus they turn the Extremadura economy. “

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Turbo charged in cocaine was seized in Italy on a boat fruit – El Colombiano

The Guardia di Finanza and the Agenzia della Dogana from Savona (Italy) in collaboration with the Spanish Civil Guard and police seized last Thursday in the Italian port of Vado Ligure 122 kilos of cocaine on a ship from the Dominican Republic who had called at Tarragona (Spain)


said Friday Government departments in Tarragona, on August 18 arrived at the port city a ship Italian flag from the Dominican Republic you downloaded in one of the piers multiple containers for distribution.

For the most part it was declared as fresh fruit native to Colombia merchandise, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, and later the ship continued to journey to the port of Vado Ligure and with final destination the port of Civitavecchia, both in Italy.

During the customs investigations in Spain, it was learned that a the holds of the ship could have an undetermined amount of cocaine that could be loaded at the port of Turbo, Urabá taking the

burden of legal goods.

The authorities inspected the place and the possibility that the drug was among the fruit, which was in sealed and nitrogen containers to prevent oxidation, it was decided to preserve the cargo to its final destination.

the holds were sealed and reported to the authorities Italian’s decision, that once arrived at the destination port to be made by the end of the operation.


The SES reopen all PAC before year end – EntornoInteligente

The SES reopen all PAC before the end of the year / Expansion / The first of these centers in the region that is to be reopened Jarandilla de la Vera (Caceres).

The Extremadura Health Service (SES) plans to reopen all closed Continuing Care Points in the previous legislature before the end of 2015.

The first of these centers in the network of emergency rural region will be the reopening of Jarandilla de la Vera (Caceres), which will remain open from October. This center is open in summer due to the increase in population during the summer months.

The measure has advanced the manager of SES, Ceciliano Franco, director in an interview with Canal Extremadura TV, gathered by Europa Press.

The SES has taken this decision after hearing a report from technicians of Health, which is now complete, and endorses the opening.

Recall that the reopening of the PAC was included in the first 60 measures of President of the Board, Guillermo

Fernandez Vara, which promised during the last election campaign.

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Andalusian vice president insists that no officials charged with corruption – EntornoInteligente

The Andalusian vice president insists that no officials charged with corruption / Expansion / Manuel Jiménez Barrios said that the parties need to be aware that can not be done “so happily” corruption allegations.

So it has ruled Jimenez Barrios after being asked by the fact that the parliamentary spokesman of Citizens (C’s), John Marin, is locked in an interview with Europa Press that their training does not see evidence of corruption in high places allocated the information provided so far by PSOE, although still lacking documentation to receive three of the five cases.

Jimenez Barrios, who has held a meeting Thursday with the government delegate of the Board in Málaga, José Luis Ruiz Espejo, and with other territorial delegates, stressed that the Andalusian has started a path of transparency and that no public officials charged with corruption, “and that is the way we will continue making the difference with the PP.”

“When the PP accused the PSOE or the Andalusian Executive should look in a mirror to do what you ask,” added the Vice Chairman and

Minister of the Presidency and Local Government.

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The Volunteers Platform Extremadura meets with the Board – EntornoInteligente

The Volunteers Platform Extremadura meets the Board / Expansion / The organization wanted to move its work “on several fronts” to government regional.

The Volunteers Platform Extremadura has met with the Director General of Social Policy, Children and Family of the Junta de Extremadura, Carmen Nunez Fulfilled, to move its work “on several fronts” and to address the need for the Extremadura Volunteer Observatory, affiliated to the organization.

The observatory should have a structure that allows the collection of information, the diagnosis of the situation, ensure the expectations of the performance of voluntary action and development reports to substantiate decisions “from the rigor and actual demands.”

In addition, the organization has detailed “comprehensive relationship” of institutions that are part of the Volunteers Platform Extremadura a total of 110 NGOs involved in social projects and activities in all cases relying on voluntary programs to develop or supplement them.

This issue and “the interest in working in coordination continues to grow as evidenced by the recent requests incorporation “that have led in the last two assemblies, as reported Cocemfe Badajoz in press release.

Also the intense activity of diffusion that took place last year in the province of Caceres , presenting with meetings at the

headquarters of the NGOs themselves the services provided and the importance of working in a coordinated way.

So, it has also been informed of the campaign led by the Volunteers Platform Extremadura asking the Junta de Extremadura to be granted this year the Medal of Extremadura on a shared basis to the Spanish Association Against Cancer Extremadura (AECC) and Extremadura Oncology (AOEX) Association.

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SPAIN: PSOE and IU against the disappearance of contitucional as suggested Citizens – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN: PSOE and IU against the disappearance of contitucional as suggested Citizens / World / Socialist and IU have rejected this morning the proposal Citizens abolition of the Constitutional Court justified the politicization of this body by the party of Albert Rivera. If you agree that it is necessary “descolonizarlo” but in any case opt for their disappearance.

Antonio Hernando, spokesman for the Socialist parliamentary group in Congress, has been against the idea put forward by citizens and has even indicated its “perplexity”, but has endorsed the introduction of changes that remove the TC of the ‘claws’ of politics. Hernando recalled that one of the democratic regeneration measures raised at the time by the PSOE was the politicization of institutions like the Constitutional or other as the ECA to reinforce their independence, with new systems of election of its members.

From IU, Deputy Ricardo Sixto has branded the proposal “occurrence of mid-August,” and said that a court is present “in the neighboring countries.” But in line with the socialist, believes that “it can

greatly improve how they choose” the members of the TC.

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SPAIN: Citizens Constitutional raises suppress their politicization – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN: Citizens Constitutional raises suppress their politicization / World / Citizens, representing the balance blind justice is unbalanced by policy. “We want an independent judiciary from the other branches of government. The policy has to remove its claws of justice”. It is one of the pillars of the ideology of Citizens. The party that presides Albert Rivera places the politicization of the judiciary as one of its priorities in its political project. In his view, political pollution is excessive, to the point raised by opening the debate on the disappearance of the Constitutional Court (TC). “It is seen that has to exist. The judges are elected by the political parties themselves. It is unacceptable. The same is better remove it and it’s the Supreme Court (TS) the highest judicial body, as, for example, in the US” explained in the game. Also they bet because judges elect the judges. That is, the members of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) are appointed by professional colleagues and not by political parties.

“We have to rethink the existence of TC” notes Juan Carlos Girauta MEP Citizens, secretary of Institutional Relations and EU Parties and member of the party executive. “It was conceived as an institution outside the judiciary, the legislature and has resulted in a completely politicized body. Jump right into judgments of the Supreme and, in many cases, can make amends to political parties that are appointed who have its members, “he adds.

Recall that in early July the PP and the PSOE rejected in Congress prohibit militasen TC judges in political parties or unions, to vote together against a proposal to amend the Esquerra Republicana Organic Law of the Constitutional Court. Judicial independence seems unfinished. A report published by the European Commission in May

stood at Spain as the third country of the European Union -after Slovakia and Bulgaria and with Croatia, where the perception of the independence of justice for the citizens is lower. And the progression does not seem encouraging. In 2010, the indicator independence of the judiciary in Spain stood at 4. In 2013, it dropped to 3.2.

The Constitutional Court consists of 12 members with the title of judges, appointed by the King. Elect four nominated by the Congress of Deputies, by a majority of three-fifths of its members; four by the Senate, by a majority of three-fifths of its members; two by the Government; and two by the General Council of the Judiciary, for three-fifths majority of its members.

Meeting of the Board of Government of the Supreme Court and the Plenum of the Constitutional Court. EFE

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Scientists demonstrate in a laboratory the role of comets to create life – The Nació

Paris, France | AFP |

The impact of comets hit the earth 4,000 million years ago may have had a role in the emergence of life in the Earth, says a group of Japanese researchers, who tried to reproduce this “formula” in a laboratory.

The scientists, who presented on Wednesday the results of their research in geochemistry Goldschmidt2015 conference in Prague, compiled a list of substances to reproduce the reaction in a laboratory.

In the recipe, the researchers mixed amino acids, ice and silicate at temperatures of -196 degrees Celsius, a protein mixture in comets substances as have been found the latest space missions.

The scientists then added a propellant, to simulate the effect of a comet colliding with Earth, causing some amino acids are transformed into short-chain peptides, complex molecules often considered essential for the development of life.

“Our experiences show that the cold existing in comets played a key impact on this synthesis,” he said in a statement Haruna Sugahara, the Japanese Agency Science.

“The production of short-chain peptides is a key step in the chemical evolution of molecules. Once the process starts, much less energy is required to form longer chains of peptides in a terrestrial and aquatic environment, “the statement added.

The researchers noted that the impacts of comets, which are usually associated with events of mass extinction, probably they got a “push” process for the formation of life.

A similar

process could also have occurred elsewhere in the cosmos.

The results of research Haruna Mimura Koichi Sugahara and Nagoya University have not yet been published, but according to Mark Burchell of the University of Kent, “constitute a significant contribution to the study of the origin of complex molecules the universe “

The mission of the European probe Rosetta, who accompanied the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko, confirmed that the celestial body was rich in organic matter

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

2:44 pm – SPAIN: Mogan claims the fishing & prime; Oleg Naydenov & prime; 13,000 euros for costs of … – EntornoInteligente

 Shaune Fraser and 200 yard butterfly tags: Olympic Swimmer Shaune Fraser, Shaune Fraser Swimmer, Shaune Fraser records, Shaune Fraser Elite
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SPAIN: & iquest; Qu & eacute; think of you every minute tr put four fines DRAWING? – EntornoInteligente

 Shaune Fraser and 200 yard butterfly tags: Olympic Swimmer Shaune Fraser, Shaune Fraser Swimmer, Shaune Fraser records, Shaune Fraser Elite
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