Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Turull go unheard Rajoy says that the query is illegal – La Vanguardia

Turull go unheard Rajoy says that the query is illegal – La Vanguardia

Barcelona. (Reuters) -. Spokesman CiU in the Parliament, Jordi Turull , today considered “outrageous” that the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy , and other leaders of the PP “erected judges and jury, and say that the query is illegal,” calling into question “separation of powers” must be in a democracy.

As indicated by Jordi Turull told RNE, he was surprised by the insistence by the Government, but also from the PP games, in rejecting the view of self-determination under Catalunya on 9 November under the pretext that it is illegal.

“Who says it’s illegal? Because, to my knowledge, the prime minister is neither judge nor is the president of the Constitutional Court (TC)” stressed CiU spokesman in Parliament before warn of “separation of powers must have” in any democratic system in Spain “is no one who stands as judge and jury, which is unheard of”

“What is outrageous too. – regretted Turull-is that from the PP says they will challenge and suspend the Act Consultations doing Parlament, without knowing the final content and without TC judges “as well forget the fact” that it is a law emanating from the Statute of Autonomy “, ie, which is provided in the statutory text.

has also referred to the self-determination referendum scheduled in Scotland, and noted that” we would like the Spanish Presidency of the Government had an attitude like British Prime Minister David Cameron, who claims to be against Scottish independence but sees no problem doing an exercise in democracy and are the Scots who decide. “


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