Choosing Pedro Sanchez as Secretary General is the solution to the problems of the PSOE, or is merely a cosmetic operation
So far, the new secretary general is a political unknown, perhaps more negative than positive symptoms. Choosing Pedro Sanchez has been endorsed, undoubtedly, by the territorial barons, with special preponderance of Andalusia, which defines the characteristics of the change in the party. So far, the new secretary general will know few political definitions. Note that the Extraordinary Congress where he was hailed an advertising enthronement was more a congress “stricto sensu”. A conference where policy was not discussed and new guidelines were established for the match. The PSOE will continue with the same program approved at the last Ordinary Congress chose Rubalcaba. The PSOE new look but does not change policy.
Many, at this point, we think the PSOE had long abandoned its social democratic approaches to become a social-liberal party does, and one of the two legs of the prevailing bipartisanship in a historical period that has now entered similar to the time of the Restoration crisis.
There are two moments that definitely mark the evolution of the PSOE and its separation policies transformative. The first was the liquidation of its Marxist roots, when Felipe González was imposed on the people led by Gómez Llorente . The second and final episode in which a return to social democratic roots was attempted when Josep Borrell defeated Secretary General Joaquín Almunia as a candidate for Prime Minister. This attempt was a dark maneuver that pushed Borrell’s political career.
No doubt Borrell was the last internal attempt to restore the PSOE in the field of social democratic left, and his fall meant the end of Real social democratic PSOE soul. Everything that has happened since, Almunia, false and inconsistent renewal Zapatero , and the epilogue of Rubalcaba have been steps towards social liberalism “Blairite” center- left.
Now change with the direct election of the young Pedro Sanchez , an advertising seems more telegenic change and a change in party policy. The political history of the new secretary general is a mystery, but their companies reveal their links to more centrist soul of the party. The support apparatus, lack of definition in an electoral process devoid of debate and new ideas, and political references, Gonzalez and Renzi , make us think that nothing changes in the depths of the PSOE. Even the “mirage” Zapatero input meant hope for real change is more difficult to find in Sanchez.
As for measure “star”, so far, the voting against Juncker President of the European Commission, gives a sense of levity and trap. Whim because the PSOE is part of European Socialists who established an agreement with the PPE and liberals and Democrats now have acted outside its European benchmark. Trap because despite voting against Juncker, assumes the remainder of the agreement including the appointment of two MEPs from the PSOE, including Elena Valenciano , as chairmen of committees of the European Parliament, and we have not heard think that giving up these appointments. It was certainly more legal Zapatero to withdraw troops from Iraq.
On the other hand, there are statements Sanchez that keep ambivalence. Talk to repeal the Labor Reform, does the PP or the PSOE also the last? Talk of changing European policies, but what will like Hollande and Renzi so far have done nothing but raise the policy prevailing austerity setting and includes a complement, which is just that, talk to relaunch? How and with whom it is proposed to effect change in Europe ?, with European socialist comrades who have agreed future with PPE and liberal Demo-
The first test of the sincerity of the new secretary general of the PSOE-criticism should be taking the error of his party to adopt the “express” constitutional reform of Article 135 of the Constitution, which ranks as prevalent debt return on any other policy. But this, this constitutional attack even when not speaking poses a bit ethereal and Constitutional Reform materialized.
Sanchez only talk that is directed to recover the center-left and so it is little concrete to discuss how economic, social and fiscal and European politics will, apart from talking about “common places” such as combating inequality, the importance of education, the need for re-industrialization, etc. . And who does not say he wants to do. Just talk to recover 11 million votes. Does the new secretary general thinking that the PSOE is the only choice for progressive voters continue? Still considering the political struggle with a purely bipartisan logic? Is it a continuation of the policy of alternation which now appears as expired
We can bet that Pedro Sanchez represent the continuity of the PSOE and affirm us who believe that the PSOE is unable to regenerate itself, which can follow a path of decline towards the center, defending the continuity of bipartisanship based on the appeal to governance. Way which even can lead to follow in the footsteps of the Greek PASOK towards future irrelevance.
You can not see the new leader of the PSOE no call to collaboration with other left forces, or the configuration an alternative to change the country through a disruptive constitutional change to the current situation.
No one asks the PSOE a shift to the left, your space is pretty clear that is the center-left should simply be to put to for your own self-regeneration that is open to collaborate with plural social and political forces that arise from the left alternative to the current political and ideological hegemony of rights both within the state such as Europe. But we fear than Pedro Sanchez the man to relocate the PSOE.
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