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Sanchez calls But Rajoy and stop “look askance” and solve and “institutional crisis”
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In September decisive. Around the course, new faces, new measures and everything to prove or to persevere in the effort. But what’s so special?
Neruda says that for those who live in the north hemisphere September is the prelude to the fall. Resume the final gold summer and anticipates with its rain-laden clouds, with its soft sunsets, autumn which will last until the winter solstice. But for those living in the southern hemisphere the opposite is true: September marks the beginning of spring
For Pedro Sanchez to September comes the cold prelude to solve the ballot. primary, intercepts the clouds of nominating candidates for the elections of May 2015 and thus recover the starry nights of regional and local power; to build a political project that cale and blow illusion in an electorate depressed and on the run since May with good weather. are some of the challenges Sanchez leading the PSOE, but not all.
The acid test will be the election 2015 municipal and regional, which will to test the ‘Sánchez effect’ and if the PSOE arrives homework done, especially by building a social and economic regeneration and democratic project to convince the public.
One of the first challenges facing socialists is to justify why open primaries for elect the candidate Moncloa are not going to be held in November, as scheduled, but will be delayed to next summer, unless last minute surprises.
Despite ago few months had an internal clamor to make them as soon as possible, there is now a widespread consensus virtually postponement.
What has changed in this time? Well, first, the leader. Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba spent two and a half years watching his leadership was questioned, especially by the sectors that lost the congress in Seville.
“There was an equation whose main variable was changed, an extraordinary congress”, as described at the time the secretary of now, César Luena , to explain probably made little sense to continue insisting on the primary after overtaking the conclave and elect a new general secretary in an open consultation with the bases.
With that scenario materializes the idea that the primary be in summer. And that Sanchez will be presented, if the Socialists have an acceptable result in regional and local elections. It already ahead in an interview to El Pais, Madrid is not afraid and would like to show, but its official announcement will be in September.
Sanchez himself stated that advocates convene after regional and municipal elections (in May) to avoid saturating the people and not think that we looking at ourselves. The other barons say what Sanchez except of Asturias, Javier Fernéndez that initially held firm to later change your mind, like President Micaela Navarro.
There will also be primary, this fall, to elect candidates for the May elections, although in these cases it is safer to be in a traditional style, only for the militants.
Some communities like Valencia or the Balearic and have nominated their candidates, it is expected that no other primary because they have an established leader and doubt if there will be some duels like Castile and Leon or Madrid
Among the PSOE candidates to the city council, which is the more sounds you have not yet submitted an application, but it receives numerous supporters: Miguel Antonio Carmona. The socialist does not rest in August and you can see participating in the ‘White Tide’ which focused this Sunday against the Ministry of Health to require the cessation of the cuts in this area, as listening to the needs of the residents of Cerceda or getting together with representatives of the world of culture to assess the resources of the Matadero cultural center. A political ‘terrain’ that when asked if he will responds “all in good time.” The PSOE and know it’s safe value for Madrid.
In addition, the current spokesman, Jaime Lissavetzky does not give up easily, even if he lost his main supporter (Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba). Nearby sources say that after the change in input Ferraz and Sánchez, Lissavetzky it going to be difficult to be the favorite candidate for ‘use’ and I doubt if it will get the sufficient sureties to attend the process. If the PP lost the absolute majority, IU remains and can continue to grow, the PSM has the open door of Madrid.
While in the Community, the Socialists are not sure that Thomas Gomez is the candidate for the Community, even if you know you want, and the possibility of the emergence of an alternative, perhaps led by José Cepeda that addresses Gomez deck.
In an almost orphan regional power and a very small local power PSOE are aware that to the polls May is critical for them and there will be a before and an after: o is the beginning of the recovery of their electoral credit or confirmation that the voters have turned their backs and run the risk of being condemned to irrelevance policy <. / strong>
To stop the bleeding from the left and the dreaded can advance, but without removing the eye to the huge barn of votes, according to sociologists, is in the political center. Beyond ideology, the Socialists want to pamper the middle classes.
And one of the strategies that shuffles the closest team to start Sanchez is make a difference in the field in which party political scientist Pablo Iglesias moves like a fish in water. radio and television talk shows
Another issue to be solved Sanchez more immediately, to early next political course, are changes in the addresses of the groups in the Congress, the Senate and the European Parliament.
“I’m going to rethink everything and when I say all, I am referring to all directions, “ Sanchez said on 28 July, in his first press conference after the federal congress that exalted the General Secretariat.
names being considered are those of Antonio Hernando to the House and Oscar Lopez for high Two people maximum confidence Sánchez, without ruling on a woman to the Congress, while in Brussels could continue Elena Valenciano, or yield Iratxe Garcia or Sergio Gutierrez, two young MEPs bregados in YS.
Fifteen laws through Congress
The Congress closed its doors until September pending leaving fifteen pending bills and period of amendments, some of them deep draft like Public Safety Act , while awaiting the arrival of controversial reforms, such as the Abortion Act.
Among the bills that will pick up momentum after the holidays include both democratic regeneration initiatives raised by the government to the parliamentary groups, in order to regain the trust of citizens in politicians and institutions.
This is the bill control the economic and financial activity of political parties, and the law regulating the exercise of the high office of State Administration , which will complement the already approved Transparency Act.
This past March, government and opposition agreed to be given until the end of this year to agree to try these new measures democratic regeneration and fight against corruption.
However, the dialogue was on hold for the European elections in May and, above all, the renewal process open in the PSOE after the departure of Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, which has culminated in the election of Pedro Sanchez as the new leader of the Socialists.
It will no doubt September when the dialogue on these two projects, among other innovations, require by law the parties to publish their accounts and grants recovers, as its treasurer appear in Congress.
Another pending project is the “macrodecreto” of urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency, the PSOE, and the Plural Left UPyD appealed last week to the Constitutional Court.
The opposition believes that this decree is a “fudge” and “legal aberration” because it modifies one stroke one thirty different areas and laws, “of course that will appeal,” they said before holiday.
Although the rule is in force, the PP agreed in floor debate that the decree treated as bill, so the parliamentary groups may submit partial amendments.
Another fundamental reforms which trading could begin after the summer is the modification of the electoral law to allow direct election of mayors and who also opposed the PSOE.
In his interview last July 28 at the Palacio de la Moncloa, the new secretary general of the PSOE said the prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, his refusal now and in the future of this initiative.
For the proposal of the PP Sanchez is “a mistake” and is not the way needed to advance the democratic regeneration or to ensure the stability and governance of many municipalities.
The constitutional reform, the ‘hot potato’
On Monday the newspaper ‘ABC’ on its front page entitled “the PSOE waiver of constitutional reform Rubalcaba” to clarify inside pages that Sanchez has decided not order the creation in September in a speech to Congress amend the Constitution.
Among the reasons for postponing the daily stresses promise is that the Madrid Rubalcaba wants the new PSOE focus on exposing their “socioeconomic” alternative report “inequality” generated by the PP.
“Pedro Sanchez wants to get out of that dynamic and that the PSOE is only news for his trouble with the PSC or you want to convert Spain in a federal state, as included in the Declaration of Granada a year ago. Sanchez suggests that when you ask this constitutional talk, will serve to show off their social proposals, for example ‘shield’ education and health in the Constitution, “ daily stresses.
Given the information furnished by the newspaper and the stir of some members and supporters in social networks, the secretary general of the PSOE wanted to answer through ‘Twitter’ to indicate that: “I read some information without basis . As a socialist, advocate and work for constitutional reform and federal Spain. So of course “.
But the truth is that constitutional reform for the PSOE be true ‘hot potato’ Sanchez ahead of September. In his first and only meeting with Rajoy, popular and gave a ‘no’ resounding reform because for both parties might be muddy waters.
Deputy Secretary General Studies and Programs PP , Esteban González Pons, Monday termed the PSOE leader as “a cantaloupe without tasting” and warns that the socialists are wrong if they seek the lost votes in the last European elections on the far left.
For now, Sanchez has an advantage over Rubalcaba , and that has made all the “barons” close ranks with him, believing in the need for socialist offering an image of cohesion and unity message
remains to be seen whether it is more a wish than a real sense, already warns the proverb. “When you’re done pick grapes in September, once in October ponte sow” .
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