Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Decalogue of Pedro Sánchez is very close to the action … – I is interesting

The Decalogue of Pedro Sánchez is very close to the action … – I is interesting

The secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, has claimed Saturday rectification of European economic policy and has advocated alternatives leading to the recovery and stability.

Sanchez presented Saturday in Santiago de Compostela a Decalogue of economic measures at the meeting that the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, remain in the Galician capital Sunday and Monday.

A action, as they say socialists are a European social pact for competitiveness, employment and cohesion, as Europe “can not be built against the interests of citizens. “ Sanchez presents these measures as innovative and attacks Merkel and Rajoy ensuring that policies can represent the” weak recovery “there are now in Spain,” come and stay away from, “he said, “It quickly vanish in the coming months.”

Meanwhile, the popular compare the Decalogue with measures Sánchez “Zapatero bankrupted Spain” . Thus, the Undersecretary of Regional Policy and Local PP, Javier Arenas , has warned that the Decalogue contains “exactly the same economic prescriptions that led to the bankruptcy of Spain in the hand” of former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

“Sanchez wanted to sneak through the back door in the meeting of two great European leaders weighty” referring to Merkel and Rajoy, adding that the secretary-general “is proposing a radical change in economic policy and that Rajoy has already done in relation to Zapatero stages, “Arenas

said. Yet if we look closely, in the Decalogue presented Saturday by the Socialists there are similarities to the proposals outlined in the popular Party National Convention on February 2 in Valladolid

Under the title. ‘election manifesto: Spain Europe’, the Popular presented their main points of view to the European elections on 25 May, which is the guide that Rajoy is taking the popular European group in Brussels and some points deal with Merkel.

Both the PP manifesto as the Decalogue of socialist solve the problems exposed, but rarely mentioning how he would solve and just give figures or specific proposals. Mere empty words. Hence some point to both programs as identical in some points.

Among the similarities, both parties are committed to full employment, the banking union or strengthen European fiscal policy, and differ in the depreciation of the euro by socialists or get a free trade agreement between the EU and USA offering popular.

Among the similarities, both parties are committed to full employment, banking union or strengthen European fiscal policy , and differ in the depreciation of the euro by the socialists or get a free trade agreement between the EU and USA offering popular.

Similarities of both programs:

– Employment

The Decalogue Sánchez presented this Saturday titled the first two points: “Full employment ; and a genuine European labor market “, while the People’s Party calls: ” The growth and employment first “. Both stress the need to create quality jobs. Thus, the PP reflects the following sentence: “We will continue to respond to the evolution of employment, working together with Europe in promoting mobility, training and employability of workers. We will plan and support initiatives to enable the creation of quality employment net “

Meanwhile, the PSOE explains in his Decalogue.” Should be chosen to give a boost to social dialogue and collective bargaining European level, promoting the implementation of a genuine European labor market, that encourages labor mobility in Africa and promoting workers can be installed anywhere in Europe without losing labor rights. ”

The Socialists take a “real” job plan young including training of youth to age 30 (the PP which includes up to 25) increased funding Youth Guarantee Program.

This program launched by the popular said he had intended A total of 1.800 million in Europe to provide opportunities for young Spaniards. Sanchez in his Decalogue Merkel calls on a bigger budget and includes the novelty of creating a special fund for the development of active employment policies for those EU countries that exceed the 15% unemployment rate.

– The banking union

“The Union Banking will allow us to overcome the vicious circle between sovereign risk and the risk of the financial sector, and the fragmentation of financial markets. Only Banking Union in which the cost of funding for each bank and the safety of deposits of citizens and businesses dependent on the health of each bank, and not their nationality, can we restore credit to our SMEs, which are what make sustained growth and employment generator as possible, “is published by the People’s Party and defend their MEPs in Brussels.

Then PSOE reflects the consensus of the creation of the banking union as “credit recovery in the European economy, requires the completion of the financial restructuring and the elimination of barriers that have slowed the development of the banking union and the establishment of a single European supervisor with a unique mechanism of resolution financed by a European Guarantee Fund of Deposits. In addition, we must end the financial fragmentation in the euro zone, which requires putting an end to national standards that prevent or impede the provision of cross-border lending “

-. Strengthening European fiscal policy

both PSOE and PP agree a strengthening of European fiscal policy that considers the fight against tax havens.
“We will ensure the implementation and proper enforcement of new rules of economic governance regarding discipline and budgetary supervision by the Member States” reflect the popular program . While socialists added the establishment of a fiscal instrument for the euro acting as an economic stabilizer and provided with medium term with European Financial Transactions Tax.

– infrastructure investment

The Socialists choose a program mobilize 300,000 million euros in three years to infrastructure by the EIB and providing funds sovereign and private, not specified. While the popular claim that in seven years counted from the EU with 13,000 million.

Sanchez opt for an investment program that includes rail and sea freight corridors for its European networking and investment in maintenance of existing transport infrastructure. “The program can mobilize 300,000 million euros in three years, with contributions from the EIB, the EU budget and open to the contribution of other sovereign and private funds,” described in the Decalogue.

Mariano Rajoy meanwhile noted as successes of his government to the inclusion of the corridor of the Mediterranean and Atlantic corridor; airports of Malaga and Alicante; logistics nodes Zaragoza, Antequera, Murcia, Valladolid and Alcazar de San Juan and urban nodes of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Popular named, like the PSOE, the EIB and announce that “for the period 2014-2020, EU will allocate more than 13,000 million euros for support construction of transport infrastructure. ”

The big difference between a program and, among other measures, and lies in the announcement of the socialists ask the depreciation of the euro. Something to think that Rajoy is not necessary.

Sanchez asked this morning that the objective of the ECB, European Commission and all member states is the significant depreciation of the euro against the dollar and other currencies , to correct the overvaluation and boost exports in the euro zone.

to disqualify his opponent, both parties are agreeing ensuring that there is the necessary political leadership and insist that their actions really are new and regenerate the Spanish economy and politics. “Nobody can say that we have sinned lack of boldness” quoted Sanchez Paul henri Spaak.

“We will take the necessary steps to prevent recurrence in the future the situation we have experienced in recent years and with are getting beat so hard” , Rajoy promised.


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