Wednesday, August 20, 2014

UPyD leader urges EU Díez union with Citizens – The World

UPyD leader urges EU Díez union with Citizens – The World

The UPyD unexplained silence that swallowed the aftermath of the European elections, without a rigorous analysis of why their results beyond the math and reading data gloating passing from one to four seats, ended yesterday with public reflection of your head List, Francisco Sosa Wagner .

In a message sent to this newspaper article, unequivocally supports Sosa Wagner, against the advice of the management agreements Citizens brand outside-the Catalonia Party Albert Rivera – in the upcoming regional and municipal elections, and then in general. Rosa Díez pact that opposes frontally , despite the sympathy that produces part of its membership.

UPyD MEP defends this choice by relying on a reinterpretation of what happened in Europe, the organization has avoided so far. Sosa Wagner says that, despite the increase of seats in Strasbourg, elections UPyD supposed to have “a little setback” . Something no one had admitted so clearly. It maintains that it has not been able to collect votes of “the massive and a little humiliating loss they have suffered PP and PSOE.” And that also has sprouted a movement (We can) that “thanks to his skills, simple answers to complex problems [...] may end smashing them against the cliff .”

A can continues, joins the stage entrance of Citizens’ competitor ‘in the’ same space ‘UPyD with’ very close voting “ that after his birth in Catalonia “He has had the courage to be in the national arena reaping a estimable success,” with two MEPs. In this new context, given the pressing “afflictions” suffered by the Spanish people, UPyD strategy, should be, according to the MEP, “join forces (with Citizens) and reach agreement» . His proposal is writing a ‘common manifesto commitment “, based on 10 or 15 basis points, with a formula of coalition” respects the uniqueness “of the two forces.

An idea born in the last Congress

The idea of ​​an agreement with Ciutadans when he had not even finalized its national expansion, and came to the fore in UPyD the last congress in November. Philosopher Fernando Savater , ideologist and formation promoter originally, used his speech to encourage UPyD to “seek support in similar games» . “We must not shy away from union with groups who share our ideas,” he said. Despite its appeal, the amendments to all the members who supported this proposal were rejected.

At the conclave, approved UPyD submitted to the general election with the same program and the same acronym in Spain. The address leads Rosa Díez clings to this resolution to maintain that now, after Congress voted in, it’s impossible otherwise.

And it even against the opinion of many of their constituents. The poll by Sigma Dos for WORLD earlier this year revealed that the electorate UPyD favor of an agreement with Citizens. 46.2% support, compared with 37.5% who rejected . Then, the party of Albert Rivera also had a national dimension and had advanced to be presented to European. With the lawyer Javier Nart candidate, Citizens succeeded in May two seats in the European parliament; UPyD four . It is true that only had one, but his expectation was higher. He hoped to get up to six, depending on participation. Best known for her work in the Congress of Deputies and the idea that the real explosion would reach with regional and general, the results showed that UPyD May was not the only antidote against the Spaniards fed up the current policy. Nor the only way to get solutions.

Gaps in both formations

Sosa Wagner, a whole intellectual reference within UPyD assumes that both bands have right now lacks. Citizens cites “ does not have a proper answer, elaborated in their conference, social problems “. With his own party, the professor and writer is much more hard, “UPyD should free themselves from the authoritarian practices that nest within it, practices leading to the constant expulsion of members or burial alive, when they decide to stay in their rows covered by an ominous silence. ”

No so representative in training has never referred to her performance in these terms. “is imposed,” he insists, “free to act silly and obstinate sectarianism, extemporaneous in this grave hour” . Sosa Wagner, during a legislature was the only MEP UPyD, is not a member of the Board of the party, but its Political Council. Their analysis also criticism, stoke debate since the European elections has remained asleep consciously. Only had to read in detail the results. Sosa Wagner has.


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