Friday, August 8, 2014

The PP calls for Sanchez to force Diaz to face – La Voz de Galicia

The PP calls for Sanchez to force Diaz to face – La Voz de Galicia

PP spokesman in Congress, Alfonso Alonso, Pedro Sanchez challenged yesterday to compel the Andalusian president, Susana Díaz, to show his face and explain in the Andalusian Parliament in fraud training and ERE scandal because it also imposes its favor to establish a commission of inquiry into the case Pujol Catalan Socialists criterion. Was responding to statements by the socialist leader, who the day before had said it will be belligerent with corruption, especially in cases involving members of his party, answering a question on the arrest of the former Minister of Finance of the Board Andalusia between 1987 and 1990, Angel Ojeda. This is released with charges and the judge removed the passport as a precautionary measure to avoid leaving the country. Alonso said that if Sanchez wants to be ruthless with corruption must exercise “leadership of truth” about his party, starting with forcing Diaz to explain what happened to the money for training to the unemployed so that they can to find work in the future.

The popular leader said that “the democratic health and strength of institutions is the second problem that worries the Spaniards” and wants “a firm attitude by the PSOE ‘and’ there is a clear dialogue and the possibility of a dialogue ‘on the’ package of measures against corruption and in favor of democratic regeneration “that his group has introduced in Congress. He stressed that the PP seeks “an agreement with the PSOE and other political formations, a pact of truth to corruption more difficult in Spain and harder punishment and more quickly.”

IU spokesman in Parliament of Andalusia, José Antonio Castro said his training, member of the socialist government in the Board not support the PP request to hold a special city in the autonomous camera for the president, Susana Díaz, give explanations.

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