Over the past 11 to 12 August, the coast of Cadiz received nearly 1,100 immigrants from 78 boats intercepted by the Civil Guard and Marine Rescue in the Strait. With them are immigrants and about 1,400 registered so far this year.
own weather conditions of the summer period, with the strengthening of the Melilla fence, the absence of Moroccan and increased surveillance control border crossings, are some of the causes of this new migration flows by sea.
Immigration has become one of the most important phenomena of recent years in Spain, placing it as one of the 10 countries with the highest rates of immigrants in 2013
Under the Control of migration conference. boats, Melilla fence mafias and organized by the International University of Pau, José María Perceval, Historian and Doctor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, delves into the causes of immigration and analyzes the situation from an optimistic perspective.
Spain has an immigration problem?
Whenever I raise the issue of immigration, I wonder what is a problem. A problem is an issue that a solution is expected, but what is the problem, the people or the fences in front of those people there?
The problem is not migration or migrants, the problem is posed issuers, ie, expelling people, and the host societies. The problem, of course, the migrants face, but they have a problem, but they face a problem when moving. A problem that does not exist for certain migrants.
So what’s the problem?
The migration originates from the Industrial Revolution. In the past 200 years, 85% of the world population has been migrant. We are, therefore, facing a general phenomenon that has occurred steadily over recent decades.
However, the problem of migration, as such, is determined from globalization and neoliberalism . These movements They establish the widespread idea that everything must circulate for which there is no competition. Capital, of course, must flow for profitability, but people do not.
We are facing a contradiction proposed capital mobility and prevents the same time, the mobility of people affected by the flow capital. That is when the problem arises.
A problem for those people, workers who are tied to ground, and must bear the consequences of capital mobility. Consequences as Spain is living either unemployment, reduced wages or insecurity.
At this point another problem arises, a confrontation. A problem fostered by politicians, and even unions, announcing its people, its workers, also tied to ground, the arrival of other people, immigrants, who come to take away the job.
Throughout recent years, Spain has been one of the countries that has received more immigrants.
The general situation in 2010, positioned the United States as the country with more migrants, with 42 million. Below is Russia, possibly caused by the division of the former Soviet Union, followed by Germany and Saudi Arabia.
These data show once again, that the problem of migration is not only in Europe. Moreover, within Europe, the recorded data migration, compared with previous, are minimal.
With regard to the population of the receiving country, migrants registered in Europe around 10% on average, an amount almost negligible.
In Spain, immigration is a minority phenomenon, it would not be important if the rulers did not want you to give a huge importance.
Although that is a minor figure compared to other countries, it is true that Spain has become a destination for immigrants, what this influx is due?
The migrants arriving in Spain come from different places, so that everyone can move one reason or another. Generally, people who migrate to Spain make searching better economic conditions, although a large number of immigrants fleeing military conflicts is also recorded.
The search for better economic conditions is not a higher salary , let alone Social Security, mainly because they have no idea what Social Security is, what it does or how to use it. In most cases it is the quest for survival.
And this search has some causative factors, which are never exposed because we only hear the consequences, not the causes.
What are the main causes of immigration?
We are currently very different realities. In part due to immigration fleeing military conflicts such as those taking place right now in the European Union, in Syria, in Palestine or in the Sahel. These conflicts, in turn, also have causes and triggers, because France has not been without wars and selling arms in the Sahel, and intervention Sarkozy shattered left Libya for example.
economy, or survival, as I said before, is another cause. Nigeria and Senegal are among the countries that more people are driving now. In such cases it is common to hear of people piracy and sets out to sea in small boats, canoes or boats toy, as now, but the absolute theft of fish does not explain that China and other countries carried out on the coast African.
Where do immigrants arriving to the Spanish coast?
The people who come to do the Spanish coast of the Mediterranean by different routes. According to the latest data from Frontex, for the year 2013, the Western Route of the Mediterranean, where the Melilla fence, home to 6,838 immigrants from Mali, Nigeria and Algeria, mainly, besides the South Sahara.
The Central Mediterranean route has a higher rate, 40,304 people from Syria, Somalia and South Sudan, which has an important role Eritrean war.
What role mafias?
The action of the mafias in immigration is relatively recent, 90s, and very relevant in its infancy. An official survey published between 2006 and 2008 showed that the mafia had little to do with the flow of people arriving on the Spanish coast in canoes.
Now the situation has changed, and its role in Immigration has become almost essential.
The clientelist mafias could be defined as organizations that are created on marginal and degraded areas in which migrant groups proliferate, and organize or manage the transfer of such persons by different routes, such as the Mediterranean.
By definition, a mob is a group that was created to organize communities in the areas where the state does not manage basic needs. This means that a mafia is inevitable wherever the state does not act.
Europe can welcome more migrants?
Sure you can. It is true that Europe can not accommodate more people, mainly because we have a significant population decline.
The problem is that there is a course of action to ensure the integration of those people. Ideally create a migration and education policy to be applied to those people coming, and to ensure the formation of these people so they can find a job and be profitable for the country, like the rest.
Is immigration a threat?
is not a threat, not a worrying phenomenon. I am rooting for a positive, optimistic view. Migration is a social and political phenomenon that can contribute much to society, and can take advantage
Why then there is rejection and fear of immigrants?
Because fear has a great return policy. Marine Le Pen and many others generate ‘malistas’ and populist speeches that foster these feelings, but the only way to combat that fear is the fear of losing his speeches analyzed to compare the numbers and verify real seriousness of the matter.
Our social services are in danger, they say. They are not threatened by immigrants, social services are in danger because the neoliberals want us to remove. But if you link this discourse with immigrants, you find a great result that hides the subject and looks away to another focus.
Decreased vigilance from Morocco noted as one of the causes of the latest arrivals of immigrants through the Strait.
Morocco uses and has always used migration as a means of pressure on Spain. Ceuta and Melilla are not to be of great pleasure for the country, among other things, and possibly if these areas belonged to Morocco, the situation would be different.
However, Morocco has great political action on to migration, and is becoming a strong country that is receiving many migrants also developing a work containing filter or regulates the passage to Spain.
You may now Morocco take control again and reduced the numbers again, but this will have to develop a good foreign policy with them.
Is there an immigration policy to manage the flow of people?
That’s the problem, that Europe has no immigration policy, but each country does and says something. Europe has Barroso Commission, dealing in five police stations on skills migration. Those powers are deposited in the Commissariat of Justice, Citizenship, International Cooperation, Customs Union and Interior.
This division and lack of unity makes each country put in place certain measures and standards for the same subject, which are unintentional, independent and sometimes conflicting with the policy pursued by the other countries of the European Union.
This situation highlights the absolute necessity of establishing a European Migration Advisor to unify migration policies that should be governed by other countries.
As long as we no Commissioner, as we continue without dismantling the arguments posed by those who speak of immigrants as a threat and magnify the numbers to win the popular vote, Marine Le Pen as it will be impossible to avoid what happened in the fences and fix these people are increasing.
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