Friday, August 1, 2014

Sánchez Rajoy accused of being detached from reality and urges … – La Rioja

Sánchez Rajoy accused of being detached from reality and urges … – La Rioja

Pedro Sánchez

yesterday appeared before the media with the intention of dismantling one by one the achievements of the president had assumed only a few minutes before.

For the secretary general of the PSOE, the positive balance of the Executive and the message of optimism about the future that were launched Mariano Rajoy more typical of a man “out of reality” living Spanish that a person with responsibility for Government. To remedy this, Sanchez urged the president to “hitting the road” and talking with workers, small and medium entrepreneurs and housewives. This despite, ironically, that becomes more comfortable Rajoy at the Moncloa surrounded by his advisers.

Socialist leader criticized the chief executive does not make any mention during his speech to the social problems facing the country and cited evictions affecting thousands of families. Sanchez alleged that the state rescue banks with money then all Spaniards’ malvenderlos “to help private entities or toll road concessionaires but then cut out or puts money in scholarships copay health clinicians sick.

For secretary general of the PSOE, the chief executive missed the truth when he claimed that the PP government is committed to the weakest and that during his nearly three years in office there have been improvements in the education, health and pension system. “It is not true that today public health is universal and free, because health copayments installed; is not true that there championed public education in our country, because the grants have been cut, and it is not true that the reform of the pension system the purchasing power of retirees every year is guaranteed, but on the contrary ” Sanchez said.


Regarding economic improvement advocated by Rajoy, the leader of the opposition warned that growth forecasts which manages the Government are insufficient to solve the drama of unemployment. He added that many of the problems suffered by the Spanish economy before the crisis have accentuated. He cited in particular the lack of productivity and competitiveness and public and private debt. In this situation the president Sánchez claimed that “no recovery call to impoverish the middle class in our country.”

To exit the current situation Sánchez advocated carrying out a modernization. But it must be led by a new generation of politicians and not by Mariano Rajoy as saying, “is anchored in the twentieth century.”

A pulse Catalonia

Socialist Secretary General demanded the chief executive and Artur Mas pulse leaving the staff that maintain and seek a way out of the territorial crisis in Catalonia. “The obligation of both rulers is to solve the problems of Catalan and Spanish of all,” Sanchez, who insisted that socialists always cooperate in the work of said bridge.

PSOE leader recalled that while the central government and the Generalitat castling into position as his party has proposed a federal solution model in the different realities that make up Spain feel identified.


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