Sunday, August 3, 2014

Red Cross criticizes the ‘trivial response’ of the international community … – The World

Red Cross criticizes the 'trivial response' of the international community … – The World

The Red Cross has denounced a statement trivial and slow response of the international community to the epidemic of Ebola that shook West Africa.

“The announcement of a plan of action endowed with $ 100 million is a positive step to have the means to fight the deadly disease. Nevertheless, the International Federation of the Red Cross is very concerned about the slow response and the trivial of the international community, “the statement indicated.

” We asked immediately redouble efforts “ asks Red Cross, which believes that” only a concerted action international community allow containment of the virus. “

Also, the international organization believes that” fear “in both the affected communities and among the international community can impair control of the outbreak.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the presidents of the countries affected by the Ebola epidemic in West Africa (Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea) yesterday presented Response Plan endowed with 100 million dollars with which aim to combat the disease.

Response Plan is part of the increased international, regional and national campaign to control the outbreak and identifies “the need activating “hundreds” of people to help in the work of prevention and control, beyond the hundreds of humanitarian workers and 120 WHO employees who are already active on the ground.

The ultimate goal is stop transmission and prevent transmission to new countries . The disease-transited through direct contact with blood and body fluids of infected persons or animals, causing severe bleeding and can have a mortality rate of 90 percent.

It is the first time comes a outbreak in West Africa, and the scale of the epidemic is unprecedented with 1,323 reported cases and 729 deaths in North America from March 2014.


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