Friday, August 1, 2014

Rajoy terminating the crisis: “Growth has come to … – La Vanguardia

Rajoy terminating the crisis: "Growth has come to … – La Vanguardia

Optimism before the holidays. The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy , wanted to move in this week’s press conference in order to balance the political course a message with a clear positive tone about the progress of the Spanish economy and announced that “after the holidays” the executive review “again upwards its forecasts for growth and employment “, but has not finalized the figures. “The growth is here to stay”, has held the Prime Minister about it.

“The recovery is strong and growing stronger. No this is a mirage, or a display of unwarranted optimism. We step solid ground and this is confirmed by the OECD, IMF and other international organizations, “said the Prime Minister, whose Executive persevere with structural reforms and tread the” accelerator “for more economic activity and more jobs. Rajoy, in his speech, pointed out that 2012 was the year of “setting”; 2013, of the “reforms”; and 2014, the “recovery.” “The first half of the year has confirmed this prediction without appeal,” he argued from La Moncloa.

The Chief Executive has gathered data to argue “the right direction” in which Spain is heading in the economic field. “The risk premium is 138 basis points, the bond at an interest rate of 2.55%, an unknown level in the recent history of Spain”, has detailed the Spanish president, who continued: “We have started to repay the loan we requested to Europe and earned reputation is now translated into money because we reduce the interest paid on the debt, which enables us to improve the liquidity of the regions through the Liquidity Fund Regional (FLA), “explained Rajoy .

The president stressed that “confidence has improved in Spain” and “Spanish begin to perceive clearly improved.” “Fatalism has become a rational sense of confidence in the future,” Rajoy has held.

Strong Growth

“We grow strongly,” has held the Prime Minister, recalling that the last quarter’s GDP has risen 0.6 %. “It’s a healthy and diversified growth.’ve Won competitive. Growth is here to stay. The Spanish economy is the fastest growing in the eurozone,” said Rajoy. “In less than two years we have gone from an economy on the brink of bankruptcy to become one of the fastest growing in Europe,” stressed the head of the Executive.

Rajoy said in his testimony that has emerged from the crisis “without leaving unguarded the weakest”, maintaining and improving public pensions, health, education or dependence.

A “180 degree” on job creation

As for job creation, Rajoy said that Spain “has undergone a 180 degree turn “. “When we came to government unemployment grew at a rate of 18%, now down to 7%. Can we talk about net job creation for the first time in six years and the biggest drop in unemployment across the time series,” he said the president, who has referred to the latest Labour Force Survey (LFS) for the second quarter and threw an unemployment rate of 24.47%, the second highest in eurozone behind Greece.

“It is true that the effects of this development yet to reach everyone because the damage of this crisis has been huge but the fact remains that the Spaniards are now entitled to hope,” he noted. “What happens is not the product of causality or good luck. Figures are very elaborate and extraordinary merit of all Spaniards, who balanced the budget.”


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