Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mas says will not back down and if the query is forbidden … – La Rioja

Mas says will not back down and if the query is forbidden … – La Rioja

Artur Mas

used his balance of political course to reassure that after the meeting with Mariano Rajoy, a week ago, feared that they are beginning to waver in its commitment to conduct the Catalan secessionist challenge to a process of self-determination, with the stated goal of achieving statehood.

The President of the Government said yesterday, after the cabinet meeting that the sovereigntist route sheet, agreed with ERC, with Initiative and the CUP, still intact and in late September or early October, depending on when the legal framework for what is in effect, shall convene the secessionist inquiry to November 9, with two questions from last December agreed.

CiU leader also noted that while the State, through the Constitutional Court, achieves prevent the holding of this referendum, this setback is not the end of anything. He said he has no intention of backtracking on its commitment to Catalans exercising the right to self-determination, to decide whether to follow or not forming part of Spain, and hinted that if they can not do by consultation will do so in a snap regional elections, which would have a plebiscitary character.

Mas outlined his determination to carry forward these commitments, you are reminded that demands a political and social majority, with a sharp phrase repeated several times. “There is no plan B; the plan is to vote. ” ‘Here,’ he added in case anyone had not caught his decision, I have to put all eggs in one basket. ”

The President of the Generalitat, questions from reporters, said Rajoy not know why, two days after their meeting at the Moncloa Palace, said he felt “calm” despite pulse sovereignty in Catalonia, indicated that the Spain unit does not run any risk, and expressed his confidence that, not without some difficulty, “things will return to normal.” “If President Rajoy is quiet, I’m glad, but I have not said anything new,” materialized.


recalled that he has always been committed to all its actions via the sovereigntist be in addition to and dialogued democratic, legal and said it reaffirms on it. He explained that, in fact, call for the query will be completely legal, because it will be enabled for a few days before by law to approve the consultation 80% of the Catalan Parliament, and which will almost certainly support the PSC.

So, Artur Mas said that consultation on 9 November, to which he said have already prepared all the required infrastructure for its conclusion, “will be legal and will be done” unless the central government asked its cessation, first, annulment, then the Constitutional Court. “Our response is that it will not be illegal if they do not make it illegal,” he added.

The President of the Government resisted, as it did in his appearance last week in Madrid, which will advance if the state finally gets that the referendum should be prohibited, prohibition has never shown that he intends of violating-but it gave some clues, clues that point to a key electoral plebiscite advance.

Fortaleza before the

‘Pujol case’

said that although he always wanted to exhaust the term, which ends in November 2016, can not guarantee to do so, because “you can not confuse desires with reality.” “The stages will have to go running depending on what happens, and our plan is to vote,” he said.

Artur Mas is not so clear that the scandal unleashed by the founder of CiU, Jordi Pujol, will not affect the majority sovereigntist process so far. What it is clear is that to prevent this political bomb threatening the success of the secessionist path “Catalonia has to prove his mental strength” to overcome this and other “challenges and tests as mountains’ which is believed to live in the coming weeks as the clash of institutional approaching trains. He recalled that September will be one months ‘key’, by holding a National Day Waiting peaceful protest and massive, with the adoption of the law of consultation and the call for the 9-N, so predicted, “or have mental strength as a people, or end up bending the head. ”

But dissociated success in problems 23 investment, infrastructure, financing and improvement of public services in Catalonia, which called for a solution to Rajoy pulse on the query. He said he did not expect news before September and aims to reach agreements before the end of the year.


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